analyse this

And years later, her third Olympic silver medal

I know, I know, he’s got nothing (much) to do with track and field (although he did sponsor his own track club), but Muhammed Ali: what an athlete, poetry and power in motion. Seen here finishing off the Rumble in the Jungle.

Thanks for these, kitkat! They are very nice! :cool:

These are awsome pics KK.

Triple Extension: Bolt 200m SF Olympics 2008

can anyone fault this???

Black socks white shoes. Massive fashion faux pas.

I was somewhere last week and there were comments about not keeping arms at 90 deg. Suggestion was at top can / should come in closer to around 40 deg and on way down open to (I think) 120-140. If you look at Bolt, Asafa and a few others that seems to be what they are doing.

Nope - he’s got robotic form like Obikwelu.

We’ve covered this before but I’ll say it again. You set your arms at 90d. When you pump aggressively, it’s impossible to keep the angle and it becomes tighter to the front and more open to the back, however the elastic return response created by trying to hold the 90 does much of the work initiating the return.
If you deliberately open out, that elastic response is lost and you end up doing more work more slowly.
That’s the difference between what you see and what’s really going on at the top level.

Is that what they called it back then? Looks more like an old man putting his hand on a young girl’s ass :smiley:

I’m aware of that and was simply sharing what was said. It was a comment from someone who had recently spent some time with a well known Coach who has coached at least 1 x 100m Olympic Champion and WR holder.

Glad to hear you weren’t asleep when I did the demonstration in Sydney!

You need to get a life.

Quick question. Would this apply to the acceleration phase out of the blocks as well?

nobody speaking to the subject of T/E as a factor (huge in my view) in Bolt’s success. He certainly diverges from the “sitting” posture of his predecessor as 100m world recordholder. Bolt really leverages his height and limb length to assert superiority in the sprints.

No. The arm action is more pronounced at the front to compensate for the fact that the front knee is virtually touching the chest at the point of max extention of the rear leg and the aggressive backward arm drive, which, due to torso position here is mostly upward, not only helps generate the initial force, by action/reaction the upward arm action keeps the torso down lower.
That said, there is still an attempt to maintain some bend in the arm on the backswing to help initiate the return.

Are you suggesting Usain Bolt has less anterior pelvic tilt than Asafa Powell?

Can anyone coment on my question?

One of my HS kids. Workout was fall GPP. Yes it was “warm”, about 45-50 degrees!