analyse this

Nice triple extension.

Hard to say with certainty due to the hoody he’s wearing and the bagging trackpants, but the best thing I can make out is his good range between the quad of the supporting leg and the hammy of the leading leg. If I was to be in any way critical it would be that he appears to be hunching his shoulder slightly and his head appears to be pushed forward, which would be related to tension in the shoulders and across the traps.

But, as I said, with all the bulky clothing on, it’s hard to be sure one way or the other.

Anyway, basically he looks really good.

Linfords hip range of motion!

WTF, I can’t even figure it out!!! :eek:

If I tried to do something similar my hip would be destroyed instantly.

i tought too much flexibility was bad for speed:)

I posted this on my training log but will post it here again since it’s the analyse thread:


Do I have too much hip extension?

I can’t tell for sure from the pictures, but it looks to me like you might be over-striding.

I know my free leg is behind my planted leg at foot contact, while it should be forward past it, isn’t it?

Complete sequence:

Looks like excellent form to me!

Is there a better endorsement than that?!:cool:

i thought the arm action looks to be opening up too much at bottom just at the hips, then continues back behind the body too far, perhaps causing the rear leg to stay Behind you just that little bit too much in time?
As the arm swings down, just as the hand hits the hip area, thats when you want to start re-swinging it back up to the front.
You appear to swinging the arm Back, and not Down.
This should allow a faster leg turn over.

Nice Tripling on the legs and top photo looks like decent Hip height
Good photo sequence, nicely set up

Thank you! That’s really a confidence booster.

I sometimes lack turnover as stated, here are two vids from yesterday, the snaps were taken from the second vid, where I find to have a bad turnover rate. I was running near or at 10 m/s in both vids. I hadn’t thought about moving my arms down, just back. I was worried because I had never seen someone with such hip extension, the angle with my back is weird.



The fact of not being able to recover my free leg in time gives me trouble while long jumpin, I am unable to lower in front of my penultimate.

Its amazing how much a differece better arm action makes. Get them arms right, and i would imagine that Angle in the Lower Back will pretty much be gone, as will that Hang time, as will getting ready to Jump to get the foot in the correct position in time.

Will be good to see your form after a few wks of good arm action, and compare to now. Im sure that your excellent form will be even better with faster speed. NICE

As soon as I make some improvements I’ll get it on tape. Let’s see if I run faster that way, if not I’ll switch back.

Thanks a lot.

[anyway i don’t wanna fix something that ain’t broke]