Workout setup question. Feedback Needed!

Hi Guys

Can anyone tell me whether they have had any success with the set up:
Day 1- Speed
Day 2- Weights
Day 3- Tempo
Day 4- Speed
Day 5- Weights
Day 6- Tempo
Day 7- Rest

I ask because although it does spread the load, it does increase the high intensity sessions to 4 instead of 3 and allows for you to possibly ‘put-out’ more than you should. For example in Charlie’s weights for speed download he discusses that although an athlete may have 5x5 scheduled for the weights after the track if they can only put out 2x5 then that is enough because that is all that is left in the pool. The extra recovery period between speed and weights may possibly have a more detrimental long term effect on recovery (i.e. one day to recover from two high intensity sessions in a row before being faced with two more, than in the more traditional set up of one hi then one low alternating). Possibly the only way around this to continue making progress is to have a 2-1 set-up of two hard weeks then one maintenance instead of the recommended 3-1. Or maybe I’m just over thinking the whole thing! :slight_smile:

That setup works very very well.

I think this set up may work. Im just afraid that you may be fried from the speed session not know it kill yourself some more in the weight room ie p cleans. will you be doing any plyos and med ball. Just me but I hate working out everyday. Mentally I just need a day or 2 away from working out.

Yes I would do plyo’s on the speed days.

I suppose it is important not to succumb to the temptation to do more in volume for either speed, plyos, explosive med ball or weights just because they are done over two days instead of one.

Thanks for that Faivala. Can you provide any examples?

Now I think about it. I dont like two back to back high intensity days. I think you are gonna kill your cns.

[[[I used this as a jumper.]]]

nothing fancy, template:

day 1: short app work (8 step) + speed 4 x 60
day 2: weights (cleans 6 singles, squat 4x4, rdls) and bounding (5 x rlrl)
day 3: tempo 12x100
day 4: app work (12 step) [= accel work] + 2 x 140
day 5 weights (snatches 6x2, partial squats, step ups) and plyos (6x4 low height depth jumps)
day 6: 18x100 tempo or what ever similar

I sometimes ended up dropping one extensive tempo day, usually the shortest one.

my real case:


javelin + short app lj + 3x120
snatch 2x3 2x2 quarter squats 5x4 row 4x4
tempo 10x100, 5x110, 2x100 knee lead hops + i bench
short app lj (8 step ) + 4 x 50m
javelin + clean 8 singles + full squat 4x4 + bench 4x5 + glute ham raises 2x10
short apps LJ (6 step) + 5x60m
3x6 cmj + 10 x LRLR + quarter squat 5x4 + 4x2 snatches
short app jumps + 16 x 100 tempo
1 progression90% + very short app jumps x 30 +/- [bad weather]
cmj 4x4 + 5 x LRLRL + full squat 2x6 2x4 [strength peaked] + step ups 3 x 4+4 + ghr 3x10
4 x 30 2x60 1 x100
off [no facilites av.]
off [no facilites av.]
4x30 3x130 [no facilites av.]

I’m an avid believer in lifting after you sprint. I’m also not sure that you’re increasing the amount of high intensity sessions by splitting sprinting and weight sessions to different days. Furthermore, if you were to increase the amount of high intensity days it would prove detrimental in the long run. I wouldn’t try to deviate from Charlie’s system. Your CNS system has a greater capacity for work and it would be far more beneficial to get it done in one day. Sprinting, weights, and plyos in moderation could be performed without overloading your CNS. You will recover in about 2 days even though you will still feel soreness. Remember the goal of a successful workout session would be to work just under your CNS threshold to achieve the benefits of supercompensation.

I’m an avid believer in lifting after you sprint. I’m also not sure that you’re increasing the amount of high intensity sessions by splitting sprinting and weight sessions to different days. Furthermore, if you were to increase the amount of high intensity days it would prove detrimental in the long run. I wouldn’t try to deviate from Charlie’s system. Your CNS system has a greater capacity for work and it would be far more beneficial to get it done in one day. Sprinting, weights, and plyos in moderation could be performed without overloading your CNS. You will recover in about 2 days even though you will still feel soreness. Remember the goal of a successful workout session would be to work just under your CNS threshold to achieve the benefits of supercompensation.

I’m an avid believer in lifting after you sprint. I’m also not sure that you’re increasing the amount of high intensity sessions by splitting sprinting and weight sessions to different days. Furthermore, if you were to increase the amount of high intensity days it would prove detrimental in the long run. I wouldn’t try to deviate from Charlie’s system. Your CNS system has a greater capacity for work and it would be far more beneficial to get it done in one day. Sprinting, weights, and plyos in moderation could be performed without overloading your CNS. You will recover in about 2 days even though you will still feel soreness. Remember the goal of a successful workout session would be to work just under your CNS threshold to achieve the benefits of supercompensation.

So far this plans seems to be working well. We had a workout yesterday that was tough but we made it through. We had some season best lifts in the squat after the workout also.

Hay Chris, I have much to learn, but so far what has helped me is taking every 3rd week off from sprinting on the track completely. During that 3rd week I keep the tempo and the weights the same.

I found that when I sprinted week, to week, to week, to week, my CNS felt as thought it was getting dimmer and dimmer.

Yea that is another idea also. I used to do that also. after every 3-4 week block. Gives the body a chance to recharge and mentally makes you really want to get back at it

Hi Chris, I think that 2 week rotation should help, I still think that the speed volume in the GPP and SPP S-L is too much for 10.5 + athletes. I cut down the volume 2 winters back and it still wasn’t enough, my guys were trashed by mid december and raced badly in January. It was a bad experience so switched to L-S last winter but have set up the S-L with further reduced volume on both the hills and track work. I reckon it will work.

SPP1 Looks like this

Sunday Plio (vertical) + Weights
Monday Rest
Tues Speed + Weights
Wed Tempo 1500m
Thu Speed Endurance e.g. 2x4x60m + Weights
Friday Tempo 1800m
Sat Rest

Good luck with it all, keep us informed.

Abit off topic but anyone got any personal recommendations on weekly speed volume, in their experience?

I’m 22, 3 years proper training before injury year 2008/2009. I ran 10.70 off only one 4-week CF cycle, post-ankle operation. I aiming 6.7 indoors.

But this year i’ll also be jumping, short approach long and triple 1x per week SPP. And I’ll take run-ups directly out of the speed volume.

What volumes have worked for you personally?


Yea that plan looks good. My partner wants to switch to a sun , tues, friday plan with speed on those days and tempo on others. But your plan looks interesting. He seems to think we are taking too much rest.

During gpp our volumes have been high but Iplan to drop them during spp. 2-300 m of speed work per session and spec end will be 2x300 for a few weeks.

Yea, I’m also trying to keep the hill volumes high and then drop it in SPP… around 1200m per week I think… dropping away over the last few weeks.

Why the major drop in volume??

[QUOTE=UKcheetah;225134]Abit off topic but anyone got any personal recommendations on weekly speed volume, in their experience?

I’m 22, 3 years proper training before injury year 2008/2009. I ran 10.70 off only one 4-week CF cycle, post-ankle operation. I aiming 6.7 indoors.

But this year i’ll also be jumping, short approach long and triple 1x per week SPP. And I’ll take run-ups directly out of the speed volume.

What volumes have worked for you personally?


I have tried up to 900m of speed/alactic endurance per week, but found that too much (see previous post) I will peak them around 680m per week this time around when the intensity is high. We are still finishing off our hill work at the moment (2x3x70m) so the volume is slightly higher over the week but not as intense overall.