Tights on Ice

Yes, poorly. Why do you ask?

You have good strength to bodyweight ratio and can jump. I thought you might be good at it.

Gotcha. Yeah, I’m a bit too heavy for TJ. Since my bodyweight isn’t going up though, I might end up sprinting this summer anyways. I’ve got a lot more strength and power than ever before, but we’ll see how it goes.

And you haven’t ran in almost a year.

That’s no different than usual.

April 7th, 2010
Total Body Focus

It’s been 9 days since I last trained. I haven’t taken a break this long in my entire training career. I feel good, but I’m not expecting much.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Box Jumps
20 total reps

SL ADA Reverse Landings
20 total reps

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
4 x 3 @ 185 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
4 x 10 @ (25+25 lbs), 180 sec. rest


Cool Down:
Shoulder Dislocates

Dammit. School, women, personal projects, and life in general have kept me away for too long. Feels good to be back again. I don’t think I’ve lost much strength, but my groove feels a bit off on everything. Oh well, it’ll come back quickly.

I don’t want to take any more break likes this. Hopefully I won’t have to.

Well, training hasn’t been amazing recently, but it will be soon. I just finished with my latest book “Engineering an Athlete,” and let me tell you guys, it blows everything I’ve ever written out of the water, especially as far as application is concerned. Kelly Baggett and I will be selling it on his site soon, so keep your eyes open.

This has been a large source of stress over the last couple months, and now that I’m done with it I’ll be able to get back on track. The weather’s finally starting to turn to. Maybe I will literally be able to get “back on track” in a little while. :smiley:

April 25th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’m feeling good. A few joints are a little achy, but that’s to be expected with the medication I’m on.

Warm Up:
Strides (gradually increasing speed)
5 x 100M, walk back rest

2-Point Sprints (in waffles)
1 x 100M @ 13.1 seconds HT (relaxed and easy), 240 sec. rest

3-Point Sprints (in spikes)
5 x 20M @ 95-99%, 120 sec. rest

2-Point Sprints (in spikes)
1 x 200M @ 25.3 seconds HT (relaxed), N/A rest

Cool Down:

I’m pretty sure this was my first time on the track in around 10 months. I can’t believe it’s been that long. Still, despite the layoff, things went surprisingly well.

The temperature was somewhere in the 30s and there was a wicked cross wind, but I like the way my sprints turned out. The 100M in waffles was fast and easy. The starts were powerful. I can definitely feel all of the new strength I’ve built up over the last few months. Technique was good too. I got some video and my leg and hip mechanics look fine. Shoulders and arms might be a little wonky, but everything down below was good. On the 200M, I took it out easy and tried to hold pace the whole way through. I still started to lag at the end though. With the conditions the way they were, I’m not disappointed with a 25.3.

I want to lift weights, but it’s getting late. I’ll probably do something tomorrow.

April 27th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

After my first track session in a long time my feet and calves were crushed. Still are, as a matter of fact. My upper hamstrings are feeling a little rundown too. I need to keep training and get back into a groove though.

Warm Up:
Strides (gradually increasing speed)
4 x 100M, walk back rest

2-Point Sprints (in waffles)
2 x 100M @ high 13s and low 13s HT (relaxed and easy), 180 sec. rest

2-Point Sprints (in spikes)
3 x 100M @ (low 12s, high 11s, low 12s), 180 sec. rest

Cool Down:

My feet and calves were killing me coming into the session, but the pain went away as I warmed up. They’re killing me now, but only my feet were a problem during the session.

My first couple 100s in waffles were fine, but I was breathing hard by the time I switched into my spikes. In spikes, I kept about the same level of effort but the shoes helped me pick up the pace. Low 12 and even high 11s (while tired) were not that bad. I need to keep this type of training up. It’ll bring about my conditioning and sprinting skill at the same time. As soon as my body starts to acclimate this I’ll throw BB-type weights back in.

I’m actually really happy with how things are going right now. I have it in me to go low 11s HT right now, and I’m far from in sprinting shape. This year could be fun. I just need to keep up the longer sprints and higher volumes.

So your warm-up is mainly 100m strides? Are you going to progress the 100m runs to 150 etc??

I’m envious, I could probably get away with that when I was a bit younger but if I tried that now I’d be in a world of hurt! Back when I was a freshman I didn’t even have to warmup, just went out and started running.

RB34, yep, just a few sets of strides, going a little faster each time. If anything is feeling tight I will do some leg swings or something else to fix it, but not much else. And yeah, I intend to bump the distance up as conditioning allows. I want to be running repeat 200s before the season starts. If I can manage that, I’ll be in good shape for the first time in my life.

Thomas, you sound like an old man. Haha. :smiley:

and there is something wrong with that? :mad: …:stuck_out_tongue:

Good to see you back into it.

Why are you starting with 100’s and not accelerations and moving out? :confused: I would have thought that would be a better option for you.

Thanks John, it’s good to be back. And I’m starting with intensive tempo 100s because I really need to focus on my general fitness this year. I’m just going to shoot for a lot of volume at fairly high speeds and see where it leaves me. I’m not sure there’s going to be much rhyme or reason behind my progressions. I’m just going to go by feel.

Any plans to work towards 300’s?

His accel should be fairly strong from the weights, I have friends who run fairly decent 100’s off of zero accel/speed work. Everything is full speed in spikes but more speed endurance, 3x300, 3x150, 3x200, flying 100’s etc then moving towards block 60’s late session etc.

RB34, yeah, if I can ever convince myself I like the pain, I’ll work up to 300s.

And about the starting with 100s, I’m similar to your friend. My accel is always good, but I just need to get in more upright running and SE-type stuff.

Are those 300s etc full speed right off the bat?

that was my point, why not use that strength and build distance on to it rather than going into 100’s. And why no tempo for general fitness rather than SE? :confused:

RJ, I’m confused at the start of this log you were training for Bobsled but now you are talking about working up to 300’s. What are you planning?

No clue what I’m planning at this point. My ability to strength train is being killed off by a medication I’m on, but I’m cutting back my dosage. I want to sprint and do bobsled, but I’m not quite sure how I’m going to go about it all. Oh well, I’ll figure it out.

My own training has much less structure than anyone else I work with. :stuck_out_tongue: