Tights on Ice

February 15th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

Still haven’t been able to bring my weight up from yesterday morning. Sleep was slim too. I guess I feel fine.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

SL RFI work

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings)
Worked up to 221 lbs, just missed at 232 (19 lb PR), ~120-180 sec. rest

Depth Jumps
2 x 5 @ 18", 180 sec. rest
1 x 5 @ 24", 180 sec. rest

Glute Ham Raises
1 x 5 @ BW, 90 sec. rest
1 x 5 @ BW + 20 lbs


Bodybuilding work for the upper body

Cool Down:
light plyos

Even though I’m still down all 7 lbs from yesterday (and looking quite ripped too), my strength doesn’t appear to have been affected too greatly. 221 was pretty easy, and I just missed 232.

After that, I didn’t really have the energy to squat or do much else in the way of heavy lifting. I half-assed the rest of the session but I’m happy with it.

Good work on the PR :cool: whats up with being down 7lbs :confused: what caused that?

Thanks John. And I explained the situation on the site my original log is kept on, I guess I need to here as well if I want my entry to make sense. Basically, I spent 12-5 am Sunday morning dancing/partying without proper hydration. I had a little bit of alcohol too. It was only two drinks, but they probably didn’t help.

OMG* you mean you have a life outside of school and training :eek:…like a real person? :stuck_out_tongue: :wink:

*I’m a cool dad, that’s my thang. I’m hip, I surf the web, I text. LOL: laugh out loud, OMG: oh my god, WTF: why the face

I’m not feeling up to training my legs today, my glutes and hamstrings are still a little sore. I made time for upper body work though. Even though it’s not much of a focus, my upper body is getting stronger. I managed to use 75s x 7 reps on DB military press. When I can get that weight for 10, I imagine my bench press will be over 300 lbs. Other than that, I just did a lot of back work and some arm stuff.

Haha, I just saw this. My parents like to pretend to be “hip” too. If it makes you feel any better, I’m not much cooler. :smiley:

And yeah, I’ve got a life outside of training. It’s a recent development though, so don’t feel bad about not having known. :wink:

February 19th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’m not dehydrated anymore, but I think I’m getting sick. I swear, it has nothing to do with going out 3 times this week. :smiley:

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings)
3 x 3 @ (135, 155, 175 lbs), 150 sec. rest
1 x 2 @ 210 lbs (pulled third rep, but didn’t dip under it, 18 lb PR), 150 sec. rest
2 x 3 @ 175 lbs, 150 sec. rest

Depth Jumps
3 x 5 @ 19", 300 sec. rest


Cool Down:
light plyos

Well, I’m getting sick, but I felt plenty strong today. 210 lbs was just over body weight and I just missed getting it for 3 reps. I could’ve done a third, but I wouldn’t have been able to call it a power snatch in good conscience. I went back and checked, and my next best was 3 x 2 @ 192 lbs, so this was an 18 lb PR.

I didn’t feel like squatting afterward. I think I’m going to try and get healthy before piling the squats back on. Depth jumps were easy enough though.

I’ll hit bodybuilding work later. Probably some overhead presses and general vanity stuff.

February 24th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’ve been practically bed-ridden for the past couple of days. I’m still sick, but I was feeling well enough to train.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings)
Worked up to 100 kg, missed 105 kg out in front


Cool Down:

Ugh. Like I said, I’ve been very sick and am still sick yet my first response upon going into the gym was to max out on power snatches. I don’t know what I was expecting, but I pulled 100 kg much higher than last time, despite the fact my weight is down 2-3 lbs from then. It’s a good sign, but it had me frustrated.

I hit some ab work and called the session there. I’m going to start up on a new routine soon. I’ll outline it later tonight or sometime tomorrow.

Okay, the plan for the next couple of months is that I’m just going to hit power snatches hard. I’m going to keep the intensity between 70-90% and do lots of sets of 1-3. Besides that, I’ll throw in squats, ab work, and occasionally plyos. I really want to push my power snatch up to over 115 kg, or maybe even 120 kg. I think it’s doable before I turn 22 (May 16th).

why no cleans? :confused: How are the hands?

and BTW it is the duty of every parent to actively embarrass their children at home :stuck_out_tongue:

I actually did some fast power clean triples with 100 kg in my warm ups today. I’ve got a perfect bar scrape across the front of my neck. Looks like I tried to slit my throat and chickened out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides that, I don’t want to focus on cleans for a few reasons:

  1. My snatch form is far better
  2. My bent bars at home affect cleans more than snatches
  3. I like the faster speeds inherent in the snatch
  4. I feel the greater ROM of the snatch is better for the glutes

Oh, and my hands are doing fine. I heal up fast. I’ve been keeping athletic tape on the sensitive parts and it seems to be working.

And I know it’s the parents’ job to embarrass their kids. My parents do a fine job, and it sounds like you do too. :slight_smile:

February 27th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

Still sick, and a little emotionally drained, but I need to get back to serious training. I felt a little better today after a nap. Weight is still a bit down, 206 this morning.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, no dip to catch)
8 x 3 @ 155 lbs, 120 sec. rest

2 x 10 & 155 lbs, 120 sec. rest


Cool Down:

Well, this session was harder than I thought it was going to be. The snatches are light enough to be easily manageable, but they put a lot of overall stress on the system. I don’t know how to describe it other than I just felt dull afterward. The minimal rest periods might have had something to do with it.

The RDLs were done extremely light with a focus on spinal position and driving with my glutes. Ab work was like it usually was, sucky, but beneficial.

To preserve my hands and shoulders, I won’t be able to snatch for high reps every session. At least not initially. Next session will probably be a mix of squats and DB jump squats. More plyos too.

I’m all for training to gibe the system a boost when unwell but be careful and make sure you don’t get run down. You posted on the 19th you thought you were getting sick and were bed ridden a couple of days.

Haha, I did get very sick. I’m still there honestly. I’m typing this from the bathroom because I’m afraid to stray too far from the toilet. My dinner’s trying to come back up on me. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks for your concern, John. Your advice is good too, but I don’t think I’ll be able to listen to it. I’ll be fine though. I’m getting much better.

March 1st, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’m finally getting better, but my traps, shoulders, mid back, and glutes are fatigued from snatches two days ago. I feel strong though.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
5 x 3 @ (135, 155, 165, 175, 185 lbs), 120 sec. rest

Back Squats (Hip-width stance, feet straight ahead, full depth)
1 x 5 & 275 lbs


Military Presses (to clavicles)
1 x 5 @ 155 lbs

Cool Down:
Light plyos

I could definitely feel the entire backside of my body while doing power snatches today. I’m fatigued from my neck down to my calves. Still, the weights flew up like I was screwing with an empty bar, though the short rests made it tiring.

On squats, I have no desire to go heavy for a while. Instead I plan on using squats as a mobility/activation exercise. 275 was a good weight.

And finally, on military press, my shoulders, traps, and lower back were shot. As such, I could only manage 155 for 5. I know that were I fresh, I could hit it for 9-10. I’ve already been able to do 75s for 7-8 on DB overhead press, so it shouldn’t be too hard with a barbell.

March 3rd, 2010
Lower Body Focus

I’m feeling good. Back, shoulders, traps, and glutes are still a bit fatigued, but I feel great. I have been studying hard for midterms, so I am a little mentally tired though. Weight is sitting at 208 and I’m fairly lean.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, no dip to catch)
4 x 3 @ 160 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Back Squats (full depth)
Worked up to 1 x 1 & 365 lbs, missed rep 2 (WTF?)

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
4 x 8 @ 45+45 lbs, 120 sec. rest


Military Presses (to clavicles)
1 x 3 @ 170 lbs

Cool Down:
Light plyos

Soooo, I can power snatch around 230 lbs with a close grip, but apparently I can only back squat 365 lbs. What the hell!? Granted, I haven’t really squatted in a couple weeks, but just a little while ago I was doing 385 for fast sets of 3. My ability to strain against a heavy weight has really gone downhill. My explosiveness is better than ever though. As a speed athlete, I can’t really complain too much.

After squats, I was a little demoralized, but the DB jump squats were fast and high (relatively speaking). Abs were good too, though I still hate training them.

I had two tests today and I have two more tomorrow. School is not fun right now.

you’ve been bloody sick, and 2 days ago posted

Haha, I did get very sick. I’m still there honestly. I’m typing this from the bathroom because I’m afraid to stray too far from the toilet. My dinner’s trying to come back up on me.

PLUS studying flat out for mid terms and you can’t figure out why your squat may have dropped… :rolleyes:

Haha, I’ve got an awful short term memory. I had already forgotten about being sick. :stuck_out_tongue:

Now that you put it that way though, I have been studying hard, I’ve been sick and sleep deprived, I’ve been under some emotional strain, I haven’t squatted for a few weeks, and my weight is down 6 lbs from its peak. I guess those might be why my squat is down. :rolleyes:

Thanks for bringing me around. I honestly would not have noticed that if you hadn’t said anything.

March 5th, 2010
Lower Body Focus

My entire backside is still fatigued. On the upside, I finished with my last two midterms yesterday. I’m now officially on Spring break. Bodyweight is 208 lbs.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

Back Squats (full depth)
3 x 3 @ 275 lbs, 180 sec. rest

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
5 x 3 @ (135, 165, 185, 205 (easy 5 lb PR), 165 lbs), 120-180 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
3 x 8 @ 25+25 lbs, 120 sec. rest


Cool Down:

Well, today’s session went well. 275 lbs still feels far too heavy on my back, but 205 felt like a feather in my hands. 205 lbs x 3 is a 5 lb PR on the power snatch, but I could’ve gone quite a bit higher. Oh well, there’s always next session.

After that, jump squats and ab work were pretty standard. I’m going to be occupied this weekend, so I don’t intend to train until Monday. The extra rest day will be nice.

Here’s video of a few snatch sets:

March 12th, 2010
Total Body Focus

Ugh, everything from my neck down to my hamstrings is sore and tight. My body does not want to train today. My mind, however, is dead set on busting ass, so guess what I did. Weight was 207.

Warm Up:
Some BW movements

Light Plyos

1 1/2 Rep Back Squats (full depth)
Worked up to 225 lbs x 3, didn’t have it in me to go heavier

Power Snatches (index fingers on rings, minimal dip to catch)
8 x 3 @ 175 lbs, 120 sec. rest

Rhythmic DB Jump Squats
2 x 10 @ (25+25 lbs), 180 sec. rest

Push Ups (hands and feel elevated for extra ROM, close stance, elbows tucked)
4 x (8, 8, 8, 6) & BW + 70 lbs, rest varied

EZ Bar Curls (strict)
Dropset (107 lbs x 7 + 87 lbs x 6 + 67 lbs x 7)
1 x 11 @ 67 lbs


Cool Down:
Shoulder Dislocates

Well, I just couldn’t squat today. I didn’t have it in me to push myself. On snatches however, 175 for 8 x 3 went up like a dream. Both my strength and work capacity are really coming along well. I know it’s one hell of a long shot, but I want to be using 200+ lbs for this same workout before I turn 22.

Other than that, a number of factors have convinced me that I actually want to look like I lift. My shoulders are fairly developed, but my arms and chest are lagging. Push ups allow me to train abs as well as my pressing muscles and curls are just fun. I seem to have a lot of strength on curls, but my bicep development doesn’t show it. Oh well, I’ll fix that.

Also, on push ups, I weighed myself on a scale at the bottom of a rep and it came out to 222 lbs. Factoring in the weight of my arms, that’s only the equivalent of about 200-205 lbs on a barbell. That’ll go up quickly too though.