My quest for 6.7

Sun. Nov 7th

Interesting testing day today

Hit a new low weight of 182lbs. Which marks the end of my calorie deficient eating and am now raising to maintenance levels. I think that my calorie intake has been hampering my recovery times, so hopefully this will help things out. I’m going to raise the weekly average by 300cals/day, but put 600 cals on training days and keep current cals the same on off days. I’ll switch to this for the next 2 weeks and see how my weight responds and how my recovery is affected.

3x30m touchpad
3.85, 3.86,3.89

Pretty close to my personal best, probably physically better just technically worse. I find that when I go from block starts back to standing 4pt starts I tend to stumble slightly more. Nothing to worry about here, my 35m is good.

3xflying 30m
missed the first one, someone crossed the beam as I ran through
2.94s, 3s

I was pissed that the first one wasnt timed, it felt really good. The thing with me during testing is that fatigue starts to hit me after 3-4 reps, and I can feel it during the run. The 2nd and 3rd runs did not feel nearly as good as the first flying run. Anyway, I can only speculate. Last testing session my drop off was 0.06s, so I was probably fairly close to my previous best.

Ran a 200m indoor again: 22.83s,0.03s faster than last time

Tested 8 bound performance from a 10m run in ( a weak area of mine previously, so its good that I’m working on it). Did about 6 of these until performance dropped. Hit 25.5m, about a .7m personal best.

Did a couple easy sets of squats, even though I was fried, just wanted to hit the movement to prevent soreness next time.

I’m glad I had this testing session today, my first meet is in 2 weeks and this will hopefully help me prepare a little better. My last hard session was 10 days ago and since then I’ve taken half volume workouts. What I’ve found, time and time again, is that I perform the best after a 3-5 day taper period. Charlie was so right about the taper periods of lower level athletes. It amazes me, no matter how loaded my body gets under stress, it really doesnt take as long as I think to bounce back. I think this speaks to the amazing capabilities of the human body. Although I dont push it too far down, I’ve got to keep this in mind.

Seeing as 2 thursdays ago was my last hard workout, had a bad workout on sunday and cut that volume in half and was feeling good by tuesday again, thats about the 5 day mark. Although I still felt good after that period, its probably getting out of the optimal range. Although its probably not awful to allow that to happen between training cycles, its an important consideration for performance.

-My calories are back to maintenance which will help overall adaptation
-3-5 day tapers are optimal for me depending on how loaded I am

Tues. Nov 9th

Split runs
5x flying 70m 1.5min rest
8min rest
4xflying 70m 1.5 min rest

This kind of workout I really hate. I’ve tried to talk to my coach about these and he wont seem to budge. This type of work is more alactic/Lactic and sort of short changes the CP system. I find the transfer really sucks to the 200m with this sort of work vs running 150-250m at high quality. I’m not making a huge fuss about it for now, because I’m not too worried about running 200’s and this day serves its purpose as a lower CNS day.

3x8 bench press
3x6 declined bench press

Tues. Nov 9th

Split runs
5x flying 70m 1.5min rest
8min rest
4xflying 70m 1.5 min rest

This kind of workout I really hate. I’ve tried to talk to my coach about these and he wont seem to budge. This type of work is more alactic/Lactic and sort of short changes the CP system. I find the transfer really sucks to the 200m with this sort of work vs running 150-250m at high quality. I’m not making a huge fuss about it for now, because I’m not too worried about running 200’s and this day serves its purpose as a lower CNS day.

3x8 bench press
3x6 declined bench press

thursday nov 11

2x15m falling start
3x20m 3pt
2x30m 20lb sled
2x50m 10lb sled
4x30m blocks

A couple of 53inch box jumps

5x3 cleans

thursday nov 11

2x15m falling start
3x20m 3pt
2x30m 20lb sled
2x50m 10lb sled
4x30m blocks

A couple of 53inch box jumps

5x3 cleans

Hey AthleticCoach,

The messaging system hasnt been working for me for the past few days. Send me an email:

Hey AthleticCoach,

The messaging system hasnt been working for me for the past few days. Send me an email:

Sun. Nov 14th

6x flying 30m from a gradual accel

4x20m heads up starts
They felt weird, had to get my head out of my ass.


4x3 squats

First day were plyos are now on maintenance, so finally able to devote some amount of energy to lifting.

Sun. Nov 14th

6x flying 30m from a gradual accel

4x20m heads up starts
They felt weird, had to get my head out of my ass.


4x3 squats

First day where plyos are now on maintenance, so finally able to devote some amount of energy to lifting.

Tue Nov. 16th

4xflying 70m split runs with 3 mins break

3x8 bench press
3x6 declined shoulder press

Easy session, leading into our first competition this saturday. Still too early to make any predictions, we’ll see how the meet goes.

Tue Nov. 16th

4xflying 70m split runs with 3 mins break

3x8 bench press
3x6 declined shoulder press

Easy session, leading into our first competition this saturday. Still too early to make any predictions, we’ll see how the meet goes.

3x15m 3pt
2x20m 4pt
2x30m sled sprints

4x block starts

2 sets of easy cleans

I had a massage earlier today, and had dead legs a little bit. I thought it wouldnt be too bad since this session wasnt too stressful and I’ll be nice and loose on Saturday. First race of the year.

3x15m 3pt
2x20m 4pt
2x30m sled sprints

4x block starts

2 sets of easy cleans

I had a massage earlier today, and had dead legs a little bit. I thought it wouldnt be too bad since this session wasnt too stressful and I’ll be nice and loose on Saturday. First race of the year.

Tues Nov. 23rd
Huge volume today

2x4x70m with 3 mins rest between reps and 8 between sets
2x120m with 5 mins rest

plyo circuit
2x14 ankle hops
2x14 tuck jumps
3x14 tuck forward
3x16 high knee bounds
2x12 large amplitude jumps

3x8 bench press

Ran a meet this past saturday, what a disaster. 7.24s in the heats, 7.13s in the final. My blocks completely flew out from under me in the heats, and in the final they held us forever I had a terrible reaction time and my start was a complete mess.

My coach did a recap on everyone’s performance based on our testing numbers. Adding the standing touchpad 30m and the flying 30m plus standard reaction time of .15s. Turns out that this is a valid measure to reasonably predict performance. For our team, the average was +/- 0.06s based on our best performances. There were a few outliers.

Mine was +0.27s, so there was definately some issues somewhere. And I’m certain it was my start. Slow reaction, plus messed up start = slow ass time. So I’ve got to put in a bit of technical work in order to get my time down to one of those times that are below my testing numbers prediction.

Tues Nov. 23rd
Huge volume today

2x4x70m with 3 mins rest between reps and 8 between sets
2x120m with 5 mins rest

plyo circuit
2x14 ankle hops
2x14 tuck jumps
3x14 tuck forward
3x16 high knee bounds
2x12 large amplitude jumps

3x8 bench press

Ran a meet this past saturday, what a disaster. 7.24s in the heats, 7.13s in the final. My blocks completely flew out from under me in the heats, and in the final they held us forever I had a terrible reaction time and my start was a complete mess.

My coach did a recap on everyone’s performance based on our testing numbers. Adding the standing touchpad 30m and the flying 30m plus standard reaction time of .15s. Turns out that this is a valid measure to reasonably predict performance. For our team, the average was +/- 0.06s based on our best performances. There were a few outliers.

Mine was +0.27s, so there was definately some issues somewhere. And I’m certain it was my start. Slow reaction, plus messed up start = slow ass time. So I’ve got to put in a bit of technical work in order to get my time down to one of those times that are below my testing numbers prediction.

Still trying to recover from that huge volume on Tuesday and my coach throws another big one at me.

2x15m falling starts
2x20m 3pt
2x25m 4pt
4x30m 25lb sled
2x30m 20lb sled

2xflying 50m with 10lb sled

4x blocks

2x3 squats

Barely able to finish my squats I was too tired

Sun Nov. 28th

Still a tough week, training load is becoming more present than freshness.

3x flying 25m

2xflying 50m

3xstanding 35m

6x8 bounds for distance
3x10 split squat jumps

Sun Nov. 28th

Still a tough week, training load is becoming more present than freshness.

3x flying 25m

2xflying 50m

3xstanding 35m

6x8 bounds for distance
3x10 split squat jumps

what kind of timing system do you use when doing the touchpad runs?

Its some sort of equestrian system. Its an odd system but gets the job done. Misses times sometimes but other then that its good. I believe my coach payed 500 for it. 4 beams and one of the beams doubles as a touchpad.