Many with Left side tighter than right?

Nor with any I am aware of,In Balance comprised.

But then, it may be interesting if you share your view on this,and define the real enemy.

Where does the whole process start,and where does it end?

What is really happening peripherically,and what is happening in the brain?

Does a signal Have to come from the brain for a Cell to uptake Lipids and become more Elastic?

Perhaps it does?
Perhaps the tiny stretches, send a signal to the brain, which in turn sends the Lipids to the Stretched Fibres for repair, and in turn, the fibre becomes more elastic?
Without the tiny stretches, no signal.


Perhaps the cell, due to tiny tears, opens the blood barrier within itself to allow uptake of Lipids, repairs itself?

Your thoughts?

imbalance of 1) Cranio-cervico-mandibular system 2) Pelvic system 3) Feet/gait complex, these are the key points.
Spinal system can be restored with a resetting of cranio-mandibular system in 3-5 treatments.
Actually is my opinion that spinal column is an adaptative, high compensative structure, but not a primary system (just my opinion)!

great topic and close to my heart treatment-wise.
identify the neurological deficiencies (baseline functional neurological testing), correlate this with with biomechanical findings (gait, muscle length, manual muscle testing, joint restriction).
arrive at both a classical (achilles tendonosis, rtc strain, etc.), and functional/mechanical diagnosis.
implement a multimodal treatment plan including soft tissue, joint manip., therapeutic exercise, and neurological resolving activity based on a realistic time frame and actual short term, long term goals. Re-eval on every visit to assure effectiveness of provided interventions and modify accordingly. Cover the bases, and resolve based on necessity of care and not on popular technique choices.
has been very successful in my practice.

What are in your experience the ramifications of your work (as described above) as related to training,and performace of athletes?

Agreed,jam. Now,what system/structure would you describe as non-adaptive and a not high compenstory?

All structures are adaptative, it’s the law of the life…but many focus only on compensative adaptation and not on primary system adaptation.
Compensation is always secondary to a structural imbalance of a primary complex system!
We can say: “not all adaptations are equal…”

do you have a website?

What kind of treatment do you use in your practice?


Not all adaptation is equal…adaptive states are (different from realized adaptation)!

Can you expand now on imbalances of primary comoplex systems?

Please expand :slight_smile:

Adaptative states (allostatic states) are different from realized adaptation (return to homeostatsis), but the point is the same, compensative adaptation is a realized state, the final point of a process.
The scenario doesn’t change, are we working on a primary system or a secondary compensatory structure?
Structural compensations are a strategy for relax mechanical tension on central nervous system.
When your adaptative compensation capacity is ehxausted, you have a weak link (or more).
On the primary complex system, see the Homunculus for the neurologic fundamental structures.
Specific manual work can restore proper communication into the system, with fast and impressive results of posture, flexibility, strength (up to 30%)
When you reset all above C7, you have done 80% of the work.

@ Boldwarrior: cranial bone imbalances, TMJ disorder, lost of a functional occlusion, upper cervical imbalance, atlas subluxation, neurological tooth, and other interference field, can lead to a lot of problems, structural, postural, digestive and regulative (via vagus nerve).
Many techniques are covered by applied kinesiology theory, but my application work is quite different.


Craniosacral work is really good.
The basic approach is useful for a stabilization work before/after a most advanced cranio-cervico-mandibular release.
In my opinion, too much soft into the reduction of TMJ disorder, muscular system and some cranial aspect related to primary respiratory system.

sorry, don’t get back here too often.
we use multiple approaches in our clinic, but this thread is too good to cheapen with advertising.
The effect we see on training with any successful therapeutic intervention is an increase in motor learning quality, since the cells of the nervous system respond to strength of stimulus, repetition, and fuel supply (as do other cells in the body). With cranio-sacral technique, the focus of the technique in in the region of the body where the highest concentration of “nerves” are…smart or stupid?..very smart! That is why great results can be achieved with that (and related) techniques. If the therapeutic window which seems to work from the point of view of evaluation for that particular patient is the cervico-tmj-cranio route then jump on in. But if another pathway is better or, so to speak, a more accessible window (basement level apartment for all of you cat burglars out there, had to pay for college somehow!) then for the benefit of the patient/athlete choose that window, regardless of the technique needed, even refer if necessary. I guess to answer the question the athlete functions with a nervous system less likely to manifest with compensation, secondary to trans-neural degeneration (CNS fatigue is a term I can’t stand) because they have the ability to learn.
make any sense?

Doc, what kind of therapy do you use in your clinic?
Only manual or do you use any specific device or pharmacologic approach?


question then becomes: can we avoid compensative adaptation as a realized state at least in the end picture? How can we do that?How long can we do it for? What are the implications of that?

I mostly do not agree on all other points,but we can discuss that later.

Pakewi - If you did not have Access to the ARPwave - how would you then do things?

We can avoid compensation working on primary structure, but this point is an effect of body resetting, not the real purpose.
The intention is correct a “fault” in our nervous system communication.
Can we restore this communication???

Why does the Structure need re-setting in the first place?
I notice chiro’s have a belief that if you re-set the Spine, hips and neck, then tension will leave.
Other chiro’s believe remove the tension off the muscle directly, and the Spine, hips and neck re-align on their own.

However - what caused the missalignement in the 1st place? Why is the body unbalanced? or a compensation pattern in the first place?

it could be due to an injury.
It could be due to favouring one side 90% of the time, ie, right handed tennis player.
Could it also be due to Lack of Elasticity in the muscle/sheaths/ tendons? Thus causing a pulling action onto the “main frame” or Skeleton, thus causing compensation patterns, causing miss communication in the CNS?

It can also be, an example, Extreme strong Calf muscle from running, jumping ect, and a weak, underdeveloped Tibialas anterior muscle.