Why are some people so scared to suggest there are racial differances? Why Sharmer, do you feel the need to extensively study in literature, what your own eyes can tell you via basic observation and perception? What is your motive? In your insurance company, you talk about liability. Do you think it is a liability on my part, to suggest there are some racial differances? Usain Bolt has the hip width of a fourteen year old boy and the strength of an Olympian. Surely this gives him an allmighty advantage at controlling hip rotation than say; yourself. Look at black peoples’ noses. They tend to be wider. The theory is that the white person has had more time to adapt to the colder European environment, whereby a narrow nose warms up the air a little better as it passes through the nose. Does that suggest I am saying Europeans are more advanced? Not really. Perhaps the Afrcian nose is just a little better in warmer climates, than say the europeans, although both do just fine, in both climates.
If i were to say that whites and Asians have an advantage over black athletes in olympic wrestling (because of slightly lower center of mass) would you find that to be a bad comment. I put it to you that whites have a very slight advantage over blacks for swimming, as many studies suggest the black athletes have slightly higher density. Don’t give me the blacks aren’t as much in to swimming, because most of the people in the swimming pools where I worked were black and asian. Yet the swimming club itself, only had one black swimmer.
So if I say that the most gifted black sprinters have about a 2% advantage over the most gifted white sprinters, why is that offensive to some people?
What is it you are concerned about? Political correctness?
When I was five years old, the school headmaster told all of us that “God created all men equall”. I wanted to believe that. The thing is, my observations of the world suggest otherwise. What’s the problem and who takes offense and why?
I don’t give a dam that the top black athletes seem ( to me) to have about a 2% advantage compared to the top white sprinters, but to ignore what your eyes tell you is silly, when you have watched the sport for over twenty years. Yes, I still believe a white sprinter will eventually run a 9.7 second 100 meters, maybe faster. I believe their are many factors involved in sprinting because I have seen many people dramatically improve their sprint times, even though their genetic disposition didn’t change, even if their physiology (spelling?) changed slightly.
Sharmer, why do you have to go on about the Asians dominating the game of chess? Why do you have to throw that one in? Are you trying to bait us, so that you can call us racist? Is that not an side stepping tactic on your part?
Who knows why the Asians dominate chess. Is it because of cultural reasons or more opurtunity for education or perhaps they might have more of whatever you need, that can also help the game of chess. I couldn’t give a crap, because chess is not what I’m in to. I’m in to track and field. I know the ancient Sumarians (spelling?) were a very advanced culture and ofcourse so were the Egyptians and Aztecs. There is a lot of ‘black’ in those ancient races. Ofcourse there are more differances from individual to individual than from race to race, but to pretend there are no race influances is blindness. I think there are very slight race differances that are a part of, but do not fully account for all of the total dominance of black athletes in the 100 meters since 1982.
Also, if Christian Demeitre of France is trained correctly for the rest of his career, he could possibly end up running a 9.7 second 100meters. That is unless he becomes such a big shot celebrity, stuffed with endorsement deals, that he ends up not getting enough time to train properly during the winter months. ( A bit like Usain Bolt, who didn’t train properly through out the winter, but can survive on talent, and only upping the training from about May of this year. But then he does have great anatomical leverage advantage over the other sprinters - including the other black sprinters.
Is my post null and void because of some spelling mistakes here and there? Spelling is not my strongest point, I had to edit a few times, and still it is not perfect grammar, but surely the phillosophy in a post a is a little more important to argue or agree with than the spelling.