2010 Baseball Season

Mar 20

baseball prac
static stretching

-first scrimmage tomoro, hopefully i can swipe a couple bases
-will incorporate lower body lifts back into weights now that the running has cooled off a bit, my plan for running/weights for the rest of the season are:
sun-team jog,tempo runs
tues-injury prevention lifts,prac,corework
thurs-injury prevention lifts,prac,corework
sat-medball throws,wind sprints
(away games and such will make this exact schedule difficult to follow exactly, but ill try best i can)
if ever possible ill try to fit in a speedwork day or some more tempo but generally practice starts too early or i have a game the next day

mar 21

5x500m erg@2:00-2:30
5x100 med ball throws
50 stomach vacuums

mar 22

4 min erg warm up
A. High Pulls 5x5,4,4,3,3@155,165,165,175,175
A. DB Flyes 3x10,8,8@25,30,30
A. Bentover Raise 3x12,10,10@10,15,15
B. Squat 5x8,6,4,4,4@235,235,235,235,250
B. Lat Pull Down 3x8,6,6@130,130,140
B. DB Tricep Ext. 3x10,8,8@40,45,45
C. 300 reps core
D. 6 min abs
(school gym)

-i was planning on doin a small speed workout but the gym was being used…
-team weightlifting starts tomoro, hopefully the program is what i remember and is concentrated mainly around grip and rotator cuff stuff

mar 23 (after school)

4 min erg warm up
200 reps core

-legs are mega sore, its probably a good thing i didnt add sprinting yesterday
-will have baseball practice and lifting later tonite

mar 23 (night)

mancini weights
baseball practice

-mancini weights is this insane weight program that all our coachs think our athletes do, but none do because no good athletes have seen any benfits from the program. in my opinion its purpose must be to help people tear their acl’s and throw out their backs bc thats all people get from it… if i write mancini weights that means i just bs’d all the lifts cept for rotator cuff and grip exercises
-im going to start taking protein powder, one scoop before weights one scoop after
-tomoro im going to try to fit in some build ups because i havent hit top speed while sprinting in ages

mar 24

4 min erg warm up
stretch checks
builds ups
2x40m relaxed
plyos (30 contacts)
140 reps core
baseball practice
A. Clean 5x5,4,3,3,3@160,170,180,180,180
A. DB Flyes 3x10,8,8@25,30,30
A. Bentover Raise 3x12,10,10@10,15,15
B. RDL 5x10,8,6,6,6@115,125,135,135,135
B. Lat Pull Down (wide grip) 5x10,8,6,6,6@110,120,130,130,130
B. DB Tricep Ext. 3x10,8,8@40,45,45
C. 6 min abs
(school’s gym)

-all sprinting is done in trainers to be more specific to the footwear id be wearing in a baseball game
-all lifts from now on will be preceeded by one warm up set at lighter weight and half the reps ill use for the first actual set (along with any other warming up that i find necessary)

mar 25

baseball practice
grip and rotator cuff exercises
140 reps core

mar 26

scrimmage (1 SB)
2 min erg warm up
A. High Pulls 5x7,5,3,3,3@165,175,195
A. DB Incline Press 5x10,8,6,6,6@40,45,50
A. High Cable Rows 5x10,8,6,6,6@120,125,130
B. Squats 5x7,5,5,3,3@225,235,240,240,245
B. Side Cable Pull Downs 3x10,8,8@60,70,~70
B. Bicep Curls 3x10,8,8@30,35
C. 220 reps core
(school’s gym)

static stretching

-squats felt REAL heavy today, yuck, maybe its bc it was like 35* outside while playing baseball so any of the sprinting probs hit my legs hard

mar 27

rotator cuff lifts
baseball practice
3 mi jog (26:56)
Plyos (50 contacts)
6 min abs
20 stomach vacuums

-i have been able to run that 3 mi trail in under 20 min but theres no reason to push my distant running for sprinting or baseball, yuh no?
-somehow the rotator cuff on my left arm is sore though i throw righty, ill ice it, doesnt hurt when i throw or swing or sprint so ill just need to be careful

mar 28

A. Depletion Push Ups (45,16,9)
A. Depletion Neutral-Grip Pull Ups (14,9,6)
B. Med Ball Throws 3x100
static stretching

-very muddy conditions, running the bases was difficult and made my lower back tighten up so i did fewer med ball throws than i planned

mar 29

4 min erg warm up
stretch checks
3 two point runs (50%,75%,95% effort)
A. 3xFEF over 55m (from jump position)
A. 3xEFE over 55m (rest between runs til heart rate not spiked)
B. Med Ball Throws 2x100
C. 6 min abs
D. Cleans 5x6,4,2,2,2@165,175,185,185,190
D. DB Flys 3x10,8,8@25,30
D. Bentover Raise 3x12,10,10@15,20
E. RDL 5x10,8,6,6,6@120,130,140
E. Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip) 5x8,6,4,4,4@120,130,140
E. Overhead Tricep Ext. 3x10,8,8@45,50
(school’s gym)

-got the day off from baseball so i decided to fit in a mini speed session… runs towards the beginning, esp. my final two point run, felt really good but by the end i felt much slower
-my power clean weights are up again, soon i should be putting up the 200 i could do in the fall, esp since the second rep at 190 actually went up fairly easily, now only if i had my bench and squat strength back…
-normally i would do abs after lifting but the wegihtroom wasnt yet available so i didnt want to just sit around and waste time

mar 30

2 min erg warm up
500 reps core

baseball practice

mar 31

4 min erg warm up
stretch checks
runs from jump position (50,75,95% effort)
various plyos (50 contacts)

baseball practice
2 min erg warm up
a. high pulls 5x8,6,4,4,4@185,195,205
a. incline db bench 5x10,8,6,6,6@50,55,60,55,55
a. high cable rows 5x10,8,6,6,6@120,130,140
b. squat 5x8,6,4,4,4@225,235,245
b. side cable straight arm pull downs 3x10,8,8@60
b. db biceps curls 3x10,8,8@30
c. 6 min abs
d. 30 stomach vacuums variations
(schools gym)

-205 was a bit heavy by the last set of high pulls
-i like to increase weight when i decrease reps but i didnt have it in me today, dont wanna push myself too hard
-in my 95% effort run i concentrated on really using my arms to control my running motion and it felt good, hard to tell if i was running any faster from it though, ill have to wait til i run a 60 to see

april 1

morning weigh in -> 138 lbs :frowning:

baseball practice
2 min erg warm up
500 reps core

-i cant seem to put back on the weight i had in the fall… i must not be eating enough because im lifting more and running less? im gonna try to just eat a ridiculous amount constantly for the next couple week and see what happens
-i got sats score back today, which may seem kinda unrelated to sprinting, but the scores i got make going to an ivy league school a possibility so now just to get me down to 6.4 60 yd dash speed for baseball or 7.00 60m for track…

What did you get on the SAT?

i got a 2280 (730 CR, 770 Math, 780 Writing) so that puts me in the higher end of the middle 50% of people accepted at cornell and the other ivys…
too bad im better at sats than i am at running fast lol… i have to cut like .4 off my 55 time in the next couple years if i want to make sure i can at least continue track at any of em since theyre d1s :confused:

april 2

baseball game (1 sb)

2 min erg warm up
a. power clean 5x7,5,3,3,3@165,175,185
a. db flys 3x10,8,8@25,30,30
a. bentover raise 3x12,10,10@15
b. rdl 5x10,8,6,6,6@125,135,145
b. lat pull down (wide grip) 5x8,6,4,4,4@120,130,135
b. overhead triceps ext 3x10,8,8@45,50
c. 6 min abs
c. 20 stomach vacuums
(schools gym)

-in my starts im having way too much heel recovery, hopefully when i do my gpp for indoor season i can get rid of it, i try to really only cue on arm swing and its just what my legs do naturally :confused:
-im trying to eat more but being full makes me feel tired… guess ill just have to deal with it

sat april 3

a. depletion push ups (46,15,10)
a. depletion neutral grip pull ups (15,7,5)
b. rotator cuff lifts
b. forearm exercises
c. baseball pratice
d. team 3 mi jog (29:19)
e. 500 medball throws

-i went slower in the 3 mi run this time than i did last week and i feel much better, hammys still were killing me in the run tho, thanks rdl’s…
-im not sure why my pull ups are so bad, maybe it was the lat pull downs on fri that made the similar motion so hard
-i switched down from a 15 lb medball to an 8 lb medball after reading the “sit ups not mechanically relevant” thread and did more reps in a row and more explosively

sun april 4

static stretching

mon apr 5

baseball game
2 min erg warm up
a. high pulls 5x8,6,4,4,4@175,185,195
a. incline db bench 5x10,8,6,6,6@50,55,60,55
a. high cable seated rows 5x10,8,6,6,6@120,130,140
b. squat 5x8,6,4,4,4@230,240,250
b. side cable straight arm pulldowns 3x10,8,8@60,65
b. db bicep curls 3x10,8,8@30
c. 6 min abs
c. stomach vacuums 20
d. static stretching
(schools gym)

-my left shoulder felt some pain from the side pull downs so i lightened my last couple reps back down to 60
-i had to drop weight on my last set of dbib because i failed on rep number 4

  • i got to run from first to home in my game today, speed felt decent but its tough to tell when having to turn so sharply