RB34 Comeback Program Part 2

hc 4x3x65-75-75-75%
dj 2x5
sq 2x3x315 (fast)
1a: bp 3x3x250 (fast)
1b: pullups 3x8
1c: erect bend 3x10

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
2x100 accels @90%
2x55-50-45-40 (3mins rest) (5mins set rest)

All starts from a 3pt stance.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x60 accels
4x200 6mins walk
2x2x30m sled pulls
hs 4x2x135
dimel dl 2x15x135
lunge jumps 2(5x25 rest 45 5x15)
sp bp 5x3x50
abs x100

Lot tougher then what it look like on paper.

I’m hoping to race this Saturday if I can make my standby flight. The plan is to compete in the 100/200, not expecting much since I’m in a heavy volume phase and the track isn’t known to be a fast surface.

good luck.
Just relax n let it happen.
Sometimes, when ur in heavy training like this, i might set more realistic goals, such as:
10.9 but with a focus on being crazy smooth, relaxed and tech perfect, esp if ur under pressure, just so u can learn 2 run proper in those conditions. That gives u the confidence later when u have a 3day taper n ur going for it to pull out a good time.
Ie, sometimes a ‘easy’ 10.9 is better than a ‘hard’ 10.8. - when ur under high training load that is.
Remember, this dont apply for Tapered races.

Thanks bro, that’s the goal I think I will run a better 200 then 100 for this first meet. Off to the airport, pray that I get on the flight!!

Wasn’t able to get on the flight, will try again on Thursday.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x120 accels 85%
3x20 blocks (optional)

Final session before the Saturday meet, didn’t do the block starts because my left achilles was sore.

I hope I can make my flight because the meet looks big, Baylor and Jeremy Wariner will be competing.

1 Christian, Brendan API 10.02
2 Perry, Preston API 10.22
3 prittchet, mattthhuie Elite Perfor 10.24
4 Redrick, Philip Texas Southe 10.27
5 Adams, Antoine Elite Perfor 10.28
6 Prevost, Whitney Baylor 10.39

1 Harts, Trey Baylor 20.55
2 Perry, Preston API 20.58
3 Davis, Jeremy API 20.61
4 Witherspoon, Regi Baylor 20.73
5 Wariner, Jeremy Baylor 20.75

After not being able to compete this past weekend, I decided to take three days off and let my body recover and get ready for the tough week of training and last week of gpp.

GPP - Wk 6:
Mar 29
800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
mb throws x20
200-200-300-300 7min rest

The past two Monday’s the wind has totally screwed my workouts, the 200’s were very easy and the 300’s were tough because of the very strong headwind…:mad:

When you running again

Next Saturday.

800m jog
Static Stretch
Seagrave (Prisoner squats, highland fling, front lunge, side lunge, speed skaters)
Sprint drills 3x3
3x50-40-30 - blocks (4mins rest) (5mins set rest)
4x150@20-19-19-18 7Min rest
1x4x30 sled pulls

The block starts were done in spikes and the 150’s in trainers, overall very good session. Weights in about 2.5hrs!!!

SO you did a speed /tempo session?

Where do u see tempo??

the 150’s you were not exactly runnong them hard were you. I wouldnt call them spec end or speed end. Looks more like a intensive tempo pace. imo

My friend I did 9 very fast block starts follow by 150’s with trainers. I would call the 150’s controlled speed work based on what CF mention last summer and my PR’s. Those same 150’s with spikes on probably would have been 18-19/17-18/17-18/16-17.

If I decide to compete this outdoors, I will blaze come May-August.

Damn calm yo happy ass down it was just a question dont bite my head off.

LOL, what are you talking about? You asked a simple question, I gave you a simple answer.

hc 4x3x70-80-80-80
dj 2x5
sq 3x3x335 (fast)
bp 3x3x265 (fast)
1a:chest support row 3x8
1b: erect bend 3x10

Found out today that my $30 won’t be a waste, the university will allow me to race for free April 24 in a night meet.

I wish I had time to run in the morning and lift at night. DO you feel stronger by doing this?