My personal view in this discussion is close with your view on some points but also I note that fogelson has greater knowledge on this subject than me. I do not have a formal education on this subject however I have studied some areas as an amateur-hobbyist.
A common misconception is that all Kenyans have good genetics for distance running. Kenyans success in distance running comes from 4 main tribes in Kenya (Kikuyu, Kambia, Kissi, Kalenjin. )75% of Kenyans international runners come from one particular tribe the Kalenjin which represents 10% of population. Overall in Kenya there are 40 tribal groups therefore statistically its really one main tribe that produces phenomenal success in distance running.
I am not sure about the facts you have stated as I have not checked them but will take them as such. This just proves the same point I wanted to address when assessing races and sub-races (types) based on their anthropological features (including colour of skin). We need to know what particular sub-race type, if you will, from the western Africa has been the closest “relative” to those runners from the West Indies or the USA/Canada/Britain. Once we know what the sub-race is then we will know that we can not say - it is because the black people run faster, or the people from the western Africa run faster or similar.
We can not/should not generalise because it (running fast) depends on so many different factors that you all already have stated, and agreed to…
It is also important not to overlook two important factors;
African-Americans have undergone a harsh selection during the years of slavery. Only the fittest and strongest survived. Over the centuries this must have played a role in “natural” selection to some degree;
socioeconomic environment
I would say - genes play an important role while the colour of skin - does not.
I just have read your two last paragrafs;
I suggest a similar phenomen exist within West African origin athletes. It probably could be traced to few main tribal groups in West Africa. We know the long history of deporting slaves from West Africa and it would be apparent that tribal groups with the strongest would be first option for the slave trade.
I am willing to accept the argument that certain tribal groups within a race could have genetic traits that are advantageous to sport but in no way I am willing to accept that entire race/region can inherent these same traits. That’s why statements like Kenyans are better distance runners or West African origin athletes make better sprinters -are misleading. Its only small tribal groups within the main racial group that inherent these traits for distance or sprint running.
We share the same opinion.