Strength Pr Thread...

Inertia and Mass
Newton’s first law of motion states that “An object at rest tends to stay at rest and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force.” Objects “tend to keep on doing what they’re doing.” In fact, it is the natural tendency of objects to resist changes in their state of motion. This tendency to resist changes in their state of motion is described as inertia.
Inertia = the resistance an object has to a change in its state of motion.

ie, the faster a Xkg bar is going, the more resistance is built up for a change in its state of motion. therefore, Inertia has increased compared to the same Xkg bar going slower.

looks like a great plan. one has to midify things sometimes to get the best out of it. my WSBB is a hybrid and works great for me. btw, is 350 next? any powerlifting in the future? anyway, keep working.

Roman Straight leg dead lifts,
140kg x 4reps

One arm rows
47.5kg x 5reps, each arm.

your logic is flawed inertia is based soley on mass it has nothing to do with velocity. what you are reffering to is momentum.

Who am i to argue against Issac Newton? This here is taken direct from his web site.
Common usage of term
It should be emphasised that ‘inertia’ is a scientific principle, and thus not quantifiable. In common usage, however, people may also use the term “inertia” to refer qualitatively to an object’s "amount of resistance to change in velocity" (which is determined by its mass), and sometimes its momentum, depending on context (e.g. “this object has a lot of inertia”). The term “inertia” is more properly understood as a shorthand for “the principle of inertia as described by Newton in his First Law”.

This article is about momentum in physics. For other uses, see Momentum (disambiguation).
In classical mechanics, momentum (pl. momenta; SI unit kg m/s) is the product of the mass and velocity of an object. For more accurate measures of momentum, see the section “modern definitions of momentum” on this page.

In general the momentum of an object can be conceptually thought of as the tendency for an object to continue to move in its direction of travel. As such, it is a natural consequence of Newton’s first law.

Momentum is a conserved quantity, meaning that the total momentum of any closed system cannot be changed.

So, that says nothing about changing direction, its just about mass and movement or mass x velocity = momentum.
Physics, weights, sprinting = goodness me.

issac newton has a website, he make that himself? …
the ambiguous nature of inertia is what is giving us some trouble here. but simply inetia defines the theroy that a boy in motion stays in motion until an outside force acts apon it. nowhere in the definition for the first alw of newtonian physics does it mention that and increase in velocity will increase an objects inertia. now what i believe you are refering to is an objects force and not inertia. because a greater opposite force is required to overcome an object with a force ie the product of mass and acceleration. no inertia itself is not quantifiable but mass moment of inertia is which is the truely a more accurate measure of and objects resistance to changes in velocity. that being Sum; n, i=1 (m (sub i) *r (sub i)^2) now ofcourse it you want an exact reperesentation of an objects mass momment of inertia you can integrate baring that objects mass distribution can be represented as an equation.

all these tips are helpful, but i found that i never get the best results following westside or other common templates. Whenever i went by feeling like when to rest or how much i was wanting to lift that day, at the end of the month i got steady strength increase, this has worked wonders for me, then again its unorthodox so not many codone what might be working for me. I gained strength like crazy in the clean from simply lifting to my max when i felt like it, or adjusting the weights according from feeling. I did however not exceed 3-5 reps usually though.

Good point. I don’t understand why most people are prisoners to a program or even days of the week. Uh oh! It’s Monday…leg day. I feel like crap but Monday is leg day and I have to go heavy!

I think people could get better results in general if they listened to their bodies more.

Not only listen to your body, also the feel of the gym too. Mondays, and it seems now Tuesdays is international bench press night. So, getting a good chest workout is pointless on those days unless there is ample equipment. So, on those days, i attack lower body, as leg equipment is generally left alone. And at this gym, the 1st gym i go to, nobody yet does bicep curls in the squat rack!! Horay.

Lol, I hate when yuppies use the power rack for curls!!! “Power Rack”, hence used for POWER…lol.
Here are my PR’s:

H: 6’1"
W: 183lbs.
Bench: 275lbs.
Squat: 395 lbs.
Deadlift: 415lbs.
C&J: 265lbs.
Jerk: 275lbs.

100m: 11.00 FAT
200m: 23.21 FAT
300m: 39 HAND during workouts
400m: 52.35 FAT

nice no.'s, seems your strength is getting you a good 100 time, i would say, work on your 200m for a bit, get some speed endurance and your 100 will come down. I bet your 30 and 60m times would give you a faster 100m projection time than what your 100mFAT is?

I agree with the above. Your special endurance numbers are weak (work on it).

H: 5’11"
W: 176lbs (Trying to get to 173)
Bench: 365lbs.
Squat: 500 lbs.
Front Squat: 405lbs
Power Clean: 350lbs.
Hang High Pull: 405lbs.

55m:6.43 FAT
80m: 8.43 HT
100m: 10.40 FAT
150m: 15.21 HT
200m: 20.80 FAT
400m: 46.90
Vertical: 41 inches 108 cm
Standing Long Jump: 10’6"

Excellent Vincente. Thanks for pointing out your training journal link! Haven’t seen it before.

James, i missed you PB’s?
Whilst your here!

my pbs are from a few years ago now as dont train much anymore,

Bench 135 kgs x 5
squats 240 kgs at half squat X
preacher culs 75 kgs X 10
military press 60 kgs X 10

at the time i was 22 and weighed 72 kgs. need to start training to keep up with you guys

Dude, some good numbers. I bet your 30m was a fly’er.

cheers , 30 start were not too bad, just poor tecnique, I was simply trying to stay in front of my training partner in the gym and on the track.