Strength Pr Thread...

after 1st year of track, many years of football
Ht: 6’1/2"
Wt: 199
Squat: 375
Clean: 275
Bench: 275
Vert: 35"
Broad Jump: 10’1"

55m: 6.91 FAT :mad:
100m: 11.44 FAT(into 1.0 headwind, blockless, on slow track…and it was cold) :wink:
200m: 22.90FAT
400m: 53.7h (second time ever running 400)

last night,
bench, 120kg x reps. Almost felt like i could have done 1more, but the confidence was like, i could if somebody was spotting and took like 1 finger of pressure off the bar!! lol.
Bi’s gettin stronger, not near Pb’s level, and causing the pulling exercises, ie back, into getting stronger too! Hopefully soon some back PB’s too?
Also down in weight to around 79.5kg.

awesome work, keep it up. get a spotter next time and see what you can do. lifts going up, bodyweight going down, this is a good combo, so keep up the good work.

Thanks man. Gettin the spot will be the hard part i think? Everyone is in the own little world.

Squat: Only do reps 90kgX10
Bench: 60kg X 8
SLDL: 60kg X 10
60m: 6.60h-6.66h
100m: 10.83FAT

i hear ya on trying to find a good spotter. i train alone 9 months out of the year so finding a good spotter for me is crucial…and difficult. btw, finding the biggest dude in the gym and having him spot you isnt always the best solution either from my experience. guess you have to use the smith machine, j/k. :wink:

It must be hard to find ANYONE able to spot you. I wouldn’t feel comfortable spotting somebody squatting 700lbs–if they don’t get it up they’re basically screwed.

I’m 6’1", 185 right now. I haven’t done any max lifts in over a year. I was a few pounds heavier, too. Well into the 200’s actually.

Bench 315
Squat 500
Deadlift 525

I haven’t lifted a lot this year, due to the fact that I’ve had a lot of scheduling problems and no car sigh

This year, I’ve box squatted 305x3 and I’ve running broad jumped 20’ with flats, no board and a basic unilateral jump into the pit. My vertical is at least 35", but I never measure it.

I never time my speed work, but I usually run tempo in 12.5-14.0 depending on how I feel. 13.5-14.0 feels like a walk in the park. Going a little bit faster than 13.5 is harder, but still easy.

I’ve run an 11.5 in my only race this season, but my only goal in that race was to maintain my relaxation when competing, which was an issue for me. I’m not taking any prisoners when I race tomorrow, so expect that to drop. I’m running my first 400, too. we’ll see how that goes. I haven’t been able to do any real speed endurance due to all the crap that’s going on right now, but I’m game.

honestly i have my wife spot me all the time and she is 120 lbs. if i miss the weight i am not going to miss it by much and all i need is about a pound or two of help. but i do like having three spotters better if i have the chance and there are a few guys that i trust as spotters at the gym so it works out well.

lol, thats funny, cause i was doing bench one day and got my wife to spot, being about your wife’s size it looked too much for this one big guy, so he came over to offer his services. LOl, tis funny cause i too if i fall short of the lift, only really need that 1/2 or 1 lb of effort to help it get up.
On the flip side, my old training partner, i have had to deadlift the entire weight of his chest when he fatigues. Once he is spent, there aint nothin left. Perhaps mental more than anything???

Mental for sure, your old training partner sounds similar to someone I know. I have the same problem in the gym with getting a spotter, moste dudes are too busy chattin or pervin and too busy checkin em selves out. dont want to disturb that. might put em off. my girlfriend sometimes comes along but disapears to do aerobics. I use smith machine. but prefer a spotter as to streangthen stabilizing muscles. you will find someone just as dedicated as you man. keep up the good work in the gym.

I disagree that it’s only mental. Certainly we can agree that fatigue exists? There may be a point of perhaps CNS fatigue that can make one simply be unable to pull the trigger. Or maybe there can be a dropoff of ATP or something below a critical threshold such that the muscle fibers either don’t contract or don’t as strongly. Also, there is the Golgi tendon organ issue.

Now, one can also have a failure at the intersection of physical and mental. I had this happen just today, where a PR attempt at 285lbs. in the bench felt really heavy in my hands and I was unable to fire effectively much at all. A few minutes later, 275 went okay, but I felt that I would have needed more than 10 or 20 lbs. of assistance to get the 285. It seems to happen that when the body gets a load it “doesn’t think” it can lift, there is an inhibition, not just in the muscle itself via Golgi, but that somewhere the body inhibits a max effort. I suppose one can train to overcome this, much like the Golgi response, but that seems as much a physical training process as a mental one.

19 years 1,77m 69 kg

Bench: 107,5 kg
Squat: 190 kg x 3
Clean: 95 kg

PB 100m: 10,64sec (17 years)
200m: 21,53sec (17 years)
150m: 15,12 sec HT (18 years)

  10m :  0,91 sec

I guess I’ll join in…

170lbs (~77kg)
Deadlift: 435lbs x 2
Bench: 255 x 2, 265 x 1 (too bad they were both easy and I didn’t try more :rolleyes: )

thread number 2.134 but what the hell

84kg, 1.81

bench 100kg

squat 170kg

deads dont do em, something like 190 though?

Last night, 120kg decline bench, for 7reps.
And last week, a personal best since 2000, 14 chin ups.
I think i pb’ed in the incline bench too??? 10 reps x 60kg.

whats the point of decline bp?

exactly, i mean if ur doin the flat bench correctly, its very similar to the decline bench

hits you different, some find it better ,some the same and some just cant do it??
I like the feel and power i get out of decline compared to the flat. It feels more powerfull the whole way. Perhaps my muscle attachments are better suited??
Really whereas some people prefer dumbell presses, i like the decline.
Incline i have suffered from lack of strenght for ages, perhaps becasue i dont use it often. Am concentrating on trying to implement it more!! Slack really…

heres a quote i heard a coach use “A surefire and guaranteed way to tell if someone is NOT strong is if you see them do both decline bench press and heavy barbell shrugs in the same workout…both exercises that make one look strong without actually having to be strong”.