Rethinking Core Training

Rethinking Core Training

Gambetta Sports Training Systems, Sarasota, FL Vern Gambetta

The fundamental underlying philosophy is that all training is core training. Without a fully functioning core, efficient movement is not possible. The core is involved in all movement as a major factor in control of movement. Currently core training is the buzzword in training. We need to rethink how we are training core in the light of the above stated philosophy. Conventional wisdom would have us doing much of our training in prone and supine positions while emphasizing drawing in or sucking in of the stomach muscles in order to activate the internal obliques and transverse abdominis. That is fine in theory, but in practice we need to look at how the core functions as one of tbe largest links in the kinetic chain. The body Is a link system; this link system is referred to as the kinetic chain. Functional core training is all about taking advantage of this linkage - it is how all the parts of the chain work together in harmony to produce smooth, efficient patterns of movement. Movement occurs from “Toe nails to finger nails” with ail the segments working in harmony to produce smooth efficient movement. In order to truly understand core function in the context of function of the whole body we must shift our focus away from individual muscles to integrated movements. Current thinking would tiave us focus on the Transverse Abdominis and the Internal Obliques as key core muscles. This is fallacious thinking because the brain does not recognize individual muscles; those muscles are two core muscles among many that contribute to efficient core function. The brain recognizes patterns of movement, which consist of the individual muscles working in harmony to produce movement. It is unreasonable to think that two muscles could piay such an important role that they are more important than any other muscles. According to McGlll: “The muscular and motor control system must satisfy requirements to sustain postures, create movements, brace against sudden motion or unexpected forces, build pressure and assist challenged breathing, all while ensuring sufficient stability. Virtually ail muscles play a role in ensuring stability, but their importance at any point in time is determined by the unique combination of the demands just listed.” (McGill pi 44)

To fully understand core function we must understand the role that gravity plays in loading the body. Gravity has maximum effect on a body in motion. We simply cannot ignore gravity; it is essential for movement because it helps us to load the system. Therefore we must learn to overcome its effects, to cheat it and to defeat it occasionally. The fact that we live, work and play in a gravitationally enriched environment cannot be denied. Gravity and its effects must be a prime consideration when designing and implementing a functional core training program or we are not preparing the body for the forces that it must overcome. Therefore we must be aware of our orientation to gravity when we are training the core. When standing we are parallel to gravity, when lying and seated we are perpendicular to gravity. The demands of the respective sports will dictate to us the primary body position where we will train the core. For the many sports therefore the great majority of core training should be in standing and moving positions that stimulate and activate the core in patterns that reflect the demands of the game. Force production is what we see as the end result of a sprint, jump or a throw. It is a jump shot or a spectacular dunk. It is all about acceleration, but often the key to movement efficiency and staying injury free is the ability to decelerate - which is the ability to reduce force. This is not as easy to see, but it plays a big role in quality movement as well as preventing injury. The muscles of the core play a major role in deceleration. A good functional training program will work on the interplay between force production and force reduction with core training at the centre of the program literally and figuratively. The Core is key to the effective reduction and production of force because of its size and location in the body. Because of It role in force reduction the core can play a major role in reduction of injuries. Ultimately, what links everything together into a complete functional program is proprioception. Proprioception is awareness of joint position derived from feedback in the sense receptors in the joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles. It is a highly trainable quality. It is almost too simple. We must strive to constantly change proprioceptive demand throughout the training program. In fact this variable is manipulated more frequently than change in exercise mode or change of exercise.

Effective and functional core training is based on two simple principles:

Train Core Strength before Extremity Strength

A strong stable core will allow the extremities to better do their job therefore we should train the core first in a training session and in a training program.

Dynamic Postural Alignment Is the Foundation For Functional Training

Posture and a strong and stable core are integrally related. Posture is a dynamic quality. The larger core muscles known as “anti-gravity muscles” play a major role in maintaining a sound functional athletic posture. We need to shift our thinking away from posture as a still picture or a posed position. Posture must be assessed relative to the athlete’s event. Each sport has its own specific posture and each individual within the sports have their own posture. The combination of the two allows for much variability. Our goal should not be to fit everyone into certain parameters, rather it should be to understand what each athlete brings to their event and adjust accordingly. An important assumption is that the body is fundamentally asymmetric. It is unrealistic to think of muscular balance right to left or front to back. We must think of proportionality. The core muscles play a major role in dynamic posture because the large muscles of the core act as “anti-gravity” muscles that give the body structural integrity to allow the limbs to position and reposition according to the demands of the activity. Balance is a key aspect of movement that is closely related to the core. Balance is a dynamic quality because movement is dynamic. Balance is control of one’s centre of gravity, control of body angles and unstable equilibrium. Movement is a state of dynamic equilibrium consisting of a constant interplay of imbalance and balance with the body constantly trying to regain balance to perform efficient movement. There is a continual reaction to gravity and external forces such as the playing surface, opponents etc. The muscles of the core play a decisive role in balance because of the location and function of the core muscles; therefore core training and balance training are synonymous. The Core is an integrated functional unit consisting of the Lumbo-Pelvic-Hip Complex, the Thoracic and Cervical Spine. It is a Muscular Corset that lends integrity and support to the body. The Core is the centre of the body, the thickest part of the body. The Core is where all movement is modulated. It is more than “six pack abs”. The core works as an integrated functional unit that accelerates, decelerates, and dynamically stabilizes the body during movement. Ail movement is relayed through the core. The core is in effect a swivel joint between the hips and the shoulders which: 1) Allows the entire body to accelerate the limbs 2) Allows the entire body to decelerate the limbs 3) Allows the entire body to support a limb.


The traditional method of assessment is isolation. It is usually in a prone or supine position seeking to isolate strength of individual muscles. The functional assessment is integrated and movement oriented in standing position or a position that simulates the posture of the sport. A simple qualitative analysis consists of simply taking video of the athlete doing their respective sport activity from tfie front, side and rear if possible and judge quality of movement, also consider video of a typical training activity and judge quality of movement. Look for patterns, similarities and differences. Quantitative assessment has two components:

  1. Assessment Driven from the Top Down Medicine Ball Exercises Chest Pass - (Off Two Legs, Off One leg) Overhead Throw - (Off Two Legs, Off One leg) Rotational Throw - (Compare distance of throw with rotation right and left)

  2. Assessment Driven trom the Bottom Up Balance Tests Excursion Tests Lunge, Jump, Hop Tests In designing a core training program and selecting the exercises carefully consider all of the following: Demands of the Sport Demands of the event or position - (Physical qualities of the athlete, Dynamic Postural Analysis, Injury History, Performance & Training History).

As in any good training program progression is the key. It is essential to achieve mastery of each step before moving to the next step. Start with easy and simple basic movements and progress to harder and more complex movements. 1 have found it more effective to emphasize a few basic movements and then add variations of those movements, rather than adding more exercises. Therefore the foundation of an effective core training program is a few exercises mastered and done well. Chose exercises tbat work the core in all planes of motion: Trunk Flexion and Extension (Sagittal Plane), Lateral Flexion (Frontal Plane), Trunk Rotation (Transverse plane). Combinations (Tri-Plane), Catching (Dynamic stabilization in all three planes).

For the purposes of effective program design and efficiency the core exercise classifications are as follows: Stabilisation, Flexion/Extension, Rotation, Throwing/Catching The system of classification then allows us to distribute exercises based on classification to ensure adequate recovery and effective coverage of all aspects of core movement. There is no shortage of core training tools available. The most common tools are:

Program Design Variables

• Body weight/Gravitational Loading
• Stability Ball
• Body Blade
• Power Ball/Kettlebell
• Dumbbells
• Stretch Cord
• Medicine Ball
• Wheel

There is an old saying “If the only tool you have is a hammer then everything becomes a nail.” Learn how to use all the core training tools available at the appropriate time for task at hand. Use each tool individually - Learn the advantages and disadvantages of each tool. Combine tools with a specific purpose and goal in mind. Combine the tools with environmental modifiers in a logical sequential progression. Constantly evaluate exercises and environmental modifiers. Environmental modifiers are those things that enable us to add variation to the basic core training tools. Some environmental modifiers are:

• Balance Beam
• Balance Board
• Stability Ball
• Foam Roll
• Airex Pad (ABC Ladder^^^, BOSU™)
• Mini Tramp

The exercise program should begin in the most challenging position the individual can control. The Program can be manipulated by changing any of the following variables:

’ Plane of Motion
’ Range of Motion
’ Loading Parameters - (Gravity)
• Physioball
• Dumbbell
• Tubing
Weight Vest
• Bodybiade
’ Medicine Ball
• Body Position
• Amount of Control
• Speed of Execution
Amount of Feedback

Tempo of exercise^ime under tension
• Posture (Sitting, Kneeling, Standing, Lying)
• Prone
• Supine Moving
• Walking
• Running
• Stance (Bilateral, Unilateral, Solo, Partner, Plane of Motion)
• Exercise Selection Guideline
• Challenging
• Stress multiple planes
• Incorporate a multi-sensory environment
• Derived from fundamental movement skills
• Sports specific

Yearly Training Program Guideline

Progression is the cornerstone of the plan. Core training should be incorporated daily throughout training year. Volume & intensity should be regulated in concert with the total workload in all components of training and the objective of that particular training cycle.

Volume Guidelines - Because of the structure and function of the core relatively high volumes are necessary to stress the area in order to achieve any significant training adaptation. For rotational movement the exercises are usually done in sets of 20 repetitions. For total body throw the rep range is usually 6 to 10 repetitions. For wall throws or partner throws the repetitions are 20. Number of exercises - Range of 6 to 10 exercises in a session with the reps based on the training objective for each session Time requirement -15 to 20 minutes daily for core work. This does not have to be done all in one block. It can be distributed throughout the workout at strategic points. Where in the workout - Core training can be effectively distributed throughout the workout beginning with warmup. In Warm-up rotations, chopping, flexion and extension movements are especially effective. In the actual workout the throws should be done as a segment of the actual workout or as an actual workout in order to insure high intensity and proper mechanics. After the workout or for a Cooldown is probably the least desirable time to train the core.

Sample Core Training Program


• Basic Rotations (One set of each exercise)
• Walking Wide Twist x 20 Forward and x 20 Backward
• Walking Tight Twist x 20 Forward and x 20 Backward
• Walking Over The Top x 20 Forward and x 20 Backward
• Walking Figure Eight x 20 Forward and x 20 Backward
• Base Volume - 160 Repetitions
(Performed each session as warm-up)
• Cable Core Trainer (Stretch Cord)*
’ Flexion/Extension x 20
• Twisting x 20 (10 each side)
• Chop X 20 (10 each side)
»Big Circle
• Same Direction x 10
• Opposite Direction X 10
• Base Volume = 80 Repetitions
• Low Volume - 2 sets - 160 repetitions
• Medium Volume = 3 sets - 240 repetitions
» High Volume = 4 sets - 320 repetitions
• This can be done with a partner or soio with the stretch cord
attached to a secure anchor point
»Medicine Ball Rotations
• Standing Full Twist x 10 Each Direction
• Standing Half Twist, x 10 Each Direction
• Seated V Sit Throw X 20
• Seated Side Throw x 10 Each Side
»Solo Med Ball Sit Up (Two position right & left) x 5 Reps
• Base Volume - 90 Repetitions
• Low Volume = 2 sets - 1 80 repetitions
• Medium Volume - 3 sets - 270 repetitions
• High Volume = 4 sets - 360 repetitions
• Medicine Ball Partner or Wall Throws
• Overhead Throw x 20
• Soccer Throw X 20
• Chest Pass x 20
• Standing Side to Side x 10 Each Side (Cross in front)
• Standing Cross in Front x 10 Each Side
• Around the Back x 10 Each Side
• Base Volume = 120 Repetitions
• Low Volume = 1 set -120 repetitions
• Medium Volume = 3 sets - 360 repetitions
• High Volume =^ 5 sets - 560 repetitions
• Total Body Throws "
• Single Leg Squat & Throw x 6 each leg
• Single Leg Squat & Scoop Throw x 6 each leg
• Over the back Throw x 6
• Forward through the legs x 6
• Squat & Throw X 10
• Base Volume = 46 Repetitions
• Low Volume = 1 set - 46 repetitions**

'* Because these exercises are used to excite the nervous system and achieve maximum expiosiveness they are never done for volume because fatigue would compromise expiosiveness

Bump. Great Article.

More overcomplicated horseshit from Vern.

Which part of the article is horseshit?

I want to know the same thing. What didnt you like about the article?

What bothers me is that his principles assume that we train different parts of the body in isolation. Can we not train both the extremities and “core” through the normal course of playing sports and training using conventional exercise?

I’m using core and extremities when I:

  • Squat with a barbell
  • Perform Olympic lifts
  • Throw a medicine ball
  • Perform lower body plyometrics
  • Sprint or run
  • Perform a sport…

To assume that we require all, or even some, of the tools he lists is irresponsible. It’s obvious this guy is set up to push products, hence his long list of “functional tools”. Perhaps if he thought of how to train of someone properly, he wouldn’t have to “RETHINK” core training.

And, he uses the word “functional” way too much for my liking.

"Effective and functional core training is based on two simple principles:

  1. Train Core Strength before Extremity Strength

  2. A strong stable core will allow the extremities to better do their job therefore we should train the core first in a training session and in a training program."

D - if you train the core “first” during a session wouldn’t you have to back off the load for other lifts due to fatigue which could cause a breakdown in technique/strength doing things like squats or cleans? What is your advice on this, to build up to the complex lifts later…??

I would always do conventional core work after the main workout for the reasons you described. Fatiguing the abdominal and lower back muscles in advance of complex and higher load work would not be a good idea in my mind.

Training the “core” first makes about as much sense as training the knee joint first before running. There is no need to isolate the core. It is involved in everything you do. If anything, you may be warming up or mobilizing the “core” through various low intensity activities to ensure those muscles are appropriately ready for action.

I warm up doing ab work pretty much before all workouts. I do ten sets 30s work 30s off. I have not had any problems doing sprints or heavy complex lifts after abs. If I tried to do abs after everything else I would propably just skip them.

On this particular point, the late Mel Siff in his works constantly emphasized the Eastern Europeans’ aversion to specific core training for these very reasons. He recounts stories of seminars given by (I believe) Angel Spassov in the US in the late '80’s where American coaches would ask him the best way to load abdominal exercises, and he would just laugh and state that the abdominal muscles contract far more forcefully during squats, cleans, etc. than during any kind of weighted situp.

If you’re going to rethink core training, it might be to drop it altogether. Of course Charlie has been an advocate of large volumes of core work, BUT you also have to understand how he uses it in the overall structure of the training and the loading parameters used, which differs greatly from many of the core training gurus pushing their gadgets and DVDs.

Is there a good way to test core strength? I have personally always done bench, squat, cleans… but almost never did sit ups or any “ab work”.

As a result, I have always been terrible at doing sit ups or any ab exercises. I would consider myself as having a weak core.

So, back to my question, Is there a good way to test core strength? If I do a bunch of sit ups, I will get better at doing sit ups, but does that mean i have a stronger core? Or is it just the training curve.

I have heard of the plank test. I was always very bad at that, until recently I have done a lot of various ab work and my entire core feels stronger.

I don’t think squatting helped my core become more functionally strong. By that I mean bending at the waist and hips and crunching/flexing the abdominals. Perhaps the squats help the spinal erectors and the postural abdominal muscles?

I can’t remember if I linked this before but this shows the degree of involvement of the midsection/waist in various exercises.

Not sure if there is an answer to your question (re: test), but I don’t know it. In any case, Stuart McGill believes the spine isn’t designed and shouldn’t be forced to do the movements you describe above.

The squats and cleans are the test of your core strength. If your core musculature was not strong, you would not be able to do these exercises with any substantial weight. That was the substance of Angel Spassov’s comment that I referred to above and the point Siff emphasized in his books.

This is confusing endurance with strength, which I think is at the heart of a lot of the confusion and controversy over core training. I’m sure you have plenty of strength to execute a sit up. The question is how many can you do? That’s an endurance question.

If you want an exercise that more specifically tests core strength try doing a gymnastics L-sit.

Again, this is a strength versus endurance question.

Within the context of a sprint training program, the high volumes of low intensity core work are not intended to increase core strength except for raw beginners. The specific purpose within regard to the core musculature itself is to increase endurance and work capacity in these muscles in their role as postural muscles. From a general perspective (which is probably more important), the core work is used to develop and maintain general fitness and facilitate recovery along with the tempo running, while distributing the workload over more of the body.

i think what you said makes a lot of sense. Thanks a bunch Flash.

i wonder if in this context, ‘core’ is also ‘torso’ so includes chest, shoulders, and upper, middle back??
So in that regard
Train 1st your
:- bench, deadlift, chins, rows and militery presses.
Train 2nd your
:- biceps, tri’s, hammies, calfs (isolated movements)

I say this as some of his exercise selections are far from just sit ups.
I think his use of the words ‘core’ and functional etc are off the mark.
For people who dont train elite or even semi elite athletes, his advice in exercises seem logical. As Most ‘normal’ people have very poor posture and structure strength. Ie, upper back rounds like a banana during many basic lifts.
Many normal people cant do the basic lifts such as benches, squats or rows, without really poor form.
They need exercies like shown above for sometime before attempting ‘normal’ exercises. Fix the posture 1st. Something a massive amount of people suffer from.
Im not sure, be i dont think he is talking about the elite?? Hard to be elite with poor posture!
This is something perhaps he didnt state in the article? Along with a bunch of other reasons. But getting everything needed to know in one article can be a large ask. Esp hard in a forum.

For the past year or so I’ve been incorporating more gymnastics exercises in my strength training program, and it has changed my view of muscle groups and functions. Pretty much all of the exercises are close chain and require the entire body to form a rigid lever in order to attain the correct position. As a result, the whole concept of pushing versus pulling muscles really goes out the window, because pretty much every muscle has to contract, including obviously the core musculature. As a result even nominally upper body exercises effectively become full body exercises. Again, this is a strength issue, not an endurance issue, although number of reps and lengths of holds can be used to develop endurance for a given exercise once adequate strength is in place. Just food for thought.

Strange thing is that Al Vermeil supports Vern Gambetta and Al does training with regards to core much different than Charlie.

Was Christopher Sommer’s book helpful to you in this regard? Either way what equipment is required for the exercises you have used/describe?