Question Regarding Tempo Work

And it’s a good product? Guessing you like it based on the 5 you purchased.

I use my speed trap 2 most times but haven’t had any issues with Jawku. I purchased that many to be able to time flying sprints and various segments of my athletes 40yd dash times.

What’s a speed trap 2? Looks like a golfing device.

Speaking of flies, what’s the proper way to do them? In my last sessions I did 3 reps of 30m slow acceleration into 20m of top speed. 20m didn’t feel like long enough as I could have maintained top speed for longer. Always assumed flies were to help work on top end speed and maintaining top end speed.

You can get one for about $300

You can get their blackbox for a similar price.

I’ve been doing this lately as an older runner.

Speed - 400m+
low int day - boxing drills, bjj drils, upper weights
Ext tempo - 12x100 or 4x350 + gs circuits, sometimes add 10min more of pool tempo at the end
low int day
Speed - 400m+


I do it rolling style but generally get two speed and two ext tempo.

This has kept the joint issues down significantly.

Lower weights on your speed day or no lower weights?

Yeah, on speed days if I do lower weights. Sometimes I skip lower weights. When I do them it’s usually kind of halfassed. Linear progression down to say 3x2-3.

Hey guys, more noob questions. Figured I’ll put them here instead of making a new thread.

I have a Jawku speed on order. To use it properly I will need to be more accurate with my distances. So far I’ve just been measuring with steps but that won’t be consistent enough. How do I read these markers on the track? I don’t know what the different colour lines mean.

And is there a standard calculation for track:grass times? I don’t feel inclined to test my 100m on grass, would rather just estimate the 70%


Other picture, couldn’t get it in the same post

I’m sure you’ll get more detailed replies, but I always measured distance out myself with a 100’ tape or longer.

I had an older Free lap system to time but always felt better doing self timing with a stopwatch in my hand. Many have done that on here. Similar to how CF times people. But if tech has caught up, then I’d go to that now.

I also would often run on football practice fields so the measurement for yards is already there on turf fields.

I have very very rarely ever timed a tempo run. Maybe 2-3x our of thousands of runs. It’s not really important. Just do as rb and others have said and aim to finish how you started. You can always speed up next session. But I found negative consequences for running tempo too fast.

I would rather start out almost jogging pace and maybe speed them up a little and finish at that pace. You should feel like you had a very good cardio workout unless you are already at a high level.

Tempo the day after a higher volume sprint workout, you will be hard pressed to run them really fast anyway unless you are young. My experience for what it’s worth.

Get something like this for $10-15

Keep track of all times, I have a bunch of 30m times from myself and other high end D1 football players and would love to see yours.

I wasn’t planning on testing my tempos often, just wanted to do it one time to get an idea if my perception of %s is accurate.

RB, will do. I’ll be surprised if I’m comparable in speed to D1 football guys but it will be cool to compare. I’ll test 10m, 30m, 60m, and 100m. I’ve never sprinted as long as 100m so no idea what to expect. I’ve also got a long time outstanding bet with a friend that I can run a <4.9 40y so I’ll have to test that too.

Regarding tempo times, I would not worry about the times unless you were in a work capacity or body comp block and wanted to push the tempo runs. Over the past 4 months or so I tracked most of my times just because I was interested in pushing them in the process of developing work capacity and improving body comp while not having any speed/power work in the program. If you sprint/jump/throw/weights prior to tempo you will not have much there to run tempo fast most days esp. later in the blocks. My tempo is usually faster late outdoor when peaking etc.

When I was the healthiest in the third month of training back in the summer of 2018, I got my 30m down to 3.98 with no tempo work in the program. After thinking long and hard I decided to drop all tempo this block and stay with M/F speed/jumps/throws and Wed jumps/throws. Once I get the weights back into the program my tempo days will be warmup follow by upper body weights exactly what I did in 2018. I am only interested in speed/power and feel like tempo add too much unnecessary fatigue based on the data I have. I am trying to stay as specific as possible (sprint jump throw) while sprinkling in a little submax strength training 3-5 reps/50-80%/3sets with the intent to move the bar fast!!!

Sounds exactly like my goals for now.

I’ve made myself a medicine ball but I don’t think I have time to fit throws on my speed day. Sprints + weights already take at least 2 hours when I include the drive to/from the track. I’ll have to try out lighter throws on my tempo day.

So you’ll be switching to M/T Speed + Lower, T/F Tempo + Upper? I remember that’s what James Smith had his football guys doing.

Throws and upper weights can be done on tempo days with no issues. My long term template will be Mon/Thur speed jumps throws lb wts, Tue/Fri warmup and ub wts

I believe Buddy did 4 days of weights with his ol/dl and James did 2 days of weights. I believe James did something like you can see below.

Mon- speed, explosive med ball throws, standing double leg triple jump, bench, squat, rdl
Tue- tempo/abs, auxiliary weights circuit
Wed- off
Thu- same as Mon
Fri- same as Tue

Should I buy spikes? I’ve been running in Nike Trainer 1.0 when doing track sprints.

I would esp for $20-40.

1: I wouldn’t spend much cash on them $20-40.

2: I wouldn’t get a stiff plate. I would purchase an entry or intermediate level spike.[color]=332461709_80

Look okay? 30 cad