Question Regarding Tempo Work|parentrq%3A2f7a6b831730a16d1449466effece1f4|iid%3A1|parentrq%3A2f7a6b831730a16d1449466effece1f4|iid%3A1

First spike - entry level. Second spike - intermediate level. The spike you posted look like a distance spike?

Do you know the difference between Zoom Rival M, S, and D?

D: looks like a distance spike
M: looks like the entry spike i posted
S: short sprinter

You would want m or s.

S: When you throw on the Nike Men’s Zoom Rival S 9, you’ll understand what speed feels like. Own the track — the S 9 is built for events between 60 and 400 meters long, and is also designed for long jump and hurdles.

M: Designed for versatility, this track spike opens you up to a wide range of events.

Thanks, Lots of Rival S or Celar 5 options in my size.

What’s standard procedure for warmups? Wear regular runners and then switch to spikes just for your sprints? Do you ever take the spikes out of the shoes?

I bought the celar5 last week because I purchased I believe the JA last season and each time they made my achilles worst because the plate was so stiff. I was going to get the rival but got a great deal on the celar for $20 and couldn’t pass that up.

I would always leave the spikes in, I remember one session last summer I forgot to put spikes in and they felt like ice skates but I was using very old spikes at that time. I warmup in trainers until I’m ready to start my workouts - some people perform their buildups in spikes but I use trainers.

How’s the fit?
Does # of spikes matter? Celar has 5 and Rival S has 7, both will be 50-60usd because of shipping.

I love the fit my second pair of celar… Spike count don’t matter…

Jawku arrived, measuring tape is on it’s way … it’s going to look like I know what I’m doing once I get the spikes.

Few more tempo questions:

When doing tempo distances longer than 100m, what do you do? Stop at the end of the field, turn around and continue? Turn 90 degrees and run the width of the field? Or run on the track instead of the grass?

Is it okay to perform higher intensity work before tempos? Today for example, I took yesterday off because it was too hot and I’m going to be off again tomorrow. I was thinking of doing some explosive med ball throws and some jumps before tempos but I’m not sure if it’s a good idea to mix different stimuli?

Once again, I said earlier it’s 100% ok esp early on to perform intensive mb throws, and upper body weights on tempo days. I would prefer to keep all explosive jumps on speed days unless you are training a decent jump athlete (they may be able to perform some easy jump circuits etc). Run 100 - U turn - run 100 back. I perform many of my tempo 200 sessions on the track because I’m usually pushing the speed a little more with a little more rest ex 5x200 @ 30 rest 4-5mins. For you at this point in the season tempo 200’s on grass with the U turn will work.

You didn’t train because it was too hot??? SMH FYI - never try and make up for a lost training session!!!

Don’t mix high intensity and tempo on same day or more specifically least not back to back due to cellular signalling. Sending mixed signals to the body will usually default the training effects towards the endurance character and AMPK activation rather than mTOR. It would blunt the potential beneficial effects of the high intensity training.

In the beginning of training it’s not such a big deal to mix somewhat as CF did but the majority of training should not be mixed high and low intensity in the same session. I’m mostly referring to sprints and tempo.

Lol well the heat was part of the reason but I was also suppose to golf today and it got cancelled so I had an extra day to work with.

So went from:
Wed Speed
Thur Tempo
Fri Off
Sat Off
Sun Speed

Wed Speed
Thur Off
Friday Throws+Tempo day in question
Sat Off
Sun Speed

And I’m not a good jump athlete in the least.

Seeing as I’ve already got 48 hours rest, should I just do another speed session today? I’m busy tomorrow so it will be another 48 hours before my following session.
I’ve been slacking on tempo work though.

@Vison1 - key word “beginning”… I would say you could perform med ball and upper body weights at any point on tempo days - unless you were a 500lb bench presser or world class thrower. Your output on those movements are so low it’s not a big deal. If you view Charlie material - in the early stages he had the high intensity elements spread throughout the week and as the intensity got higher he bought the high intensity elements back together.

Sending mixed signals - if that was the case let’s perform strength training on a different day.

Mon: speed
Tue: wts
Thur: speed
Fri: wts
Sat: tempo

I wouldn’t because that could hinder the following weeks of training. Perform your normal tempo session while adding the throws after your warmup.

I’m not sure what you mean by this. Are you telling me to split up speed and weights or are you making a point that different “signals” can be performed on the same day?

I don’t follow a strict program so there are no following weeks to hinder. I train when I have time to and I base my workouts by looking at the days before & after + going by feel. Just trying to get general principles figured out.

For example, considering the two options, which is ideal? I’m guessing option 1:

Day 1 - Off
Day 2 - Speed
Day 3 - Tempo
Day 4 - Off

Day 1 - Off
Day 2 - Tempo
Day 3 - Speed
Day 4 - Off

I was responding to Pioneer post… You know your body best, I’m only speaking from personal experiences when trying to make up for a lost session or move things to make up for lost time has always ended up in injuries. At the end of the day missing a workout or jump session isn’t gonna make or break your training situation. Perform whatever work you had planned and move on.

That’s what I did, just tempo and calisthenics.

My Celar 5 spikes arrived. The arch is a bit high but they feel amazing.
I’m setting PRs every speed session now. I should get a video up for form critiquing.

4 months later - how fast are you now?

The month off in Europe/quarantine didn’t help but I’ve taken about 0.10-0.15 off my 30m. Haven’t tested for a while, been sticking with falling and prone starts recently.