Overall basketball body training made by me

looks fine to me, but remember if your feeling a little tired the first thing to exclude for a workout would be beach exercises. as well look into reducing weight volumes every fourth week to allow for adequete recovery. gotta go workout now.

what are beach exercises? are those the exercises (low cirucit) u told me to do on off days?

also, here is my wednesday work out (about to go do it) how do my sets and reps look (i just love squats so i put 4 sets) and the back ups on roman chair with weight in hand i have no idea how many reps and sets i should do for those and also lateral pull down i dont know, theres like 3 machines at my gym called lat pull down can u please specify a picture of the lateral pull down i should do please? thank you in advance

also im not gonna do full squats just regular squats where u go down to 90 degress (also i have a problem with this…do u gotta look up or look straight? im more comfortable looking up but i dunno?)

A little bit above straight ahead gaze works. If you’re going to do weighted core work as an assistance exercise use a weight that will get you within ~2 reps of failure by the last rep of the last set. The bicep curls and flys would be the beach exercises.

oh ok thanks and can someone please help me with my questions above my last reply please

ok i went and worked out and i felt great, i did squats with perfect form its just i was bending to the right a little more jsut for like 2 reps out of the whole sets and reps, but overall it was good. so its ok to do ab work everyday? even if im sore? (speaking of sore is it ok to work out when ur sore?) should i do some static stretching or something to recover faster for tomorrow since i have practice?

and tomorrow i can do low circuit exercises right? 2-3 of em and 24 reps total ? :confused: sorry im still confused on that part

also pete told me to do accumulation phase or something where i learn form and stuff but im reallly good with squats now then ever.

and he told me to make a periodization or something liek that and i have no clue how to do it.

Sorry for all of the questions, im just in seek to learn more about training

How do you guys have the patience for all the questions this kid has? Most of them are repetitive and dumb questions that he could easily figure out on his own.

your not very nice now are you? :slight_smile:

stretch at nights after workouts. on low intensity days stretch when you want. haha he didnt put it in a very nice way, but yes you need to learn, thats how i did, i searched and i read, then i asked questions. but yes abs u can do every day, if your sore step it back on them. as for circuits yes 2-3sets of 24 reps(divide it up between body weight exercises). As for an explanation of periodization, use the search function, and read.

Yeah, we need you to set up a plan that changes as the weeks go by. Basically the two main variables in your plan are going to be volume (total work) and intensity (% of max). Everything you need is in this thread or the conversation I had with you last night, time to work.

ok im still confused with the 2-3 sets of 24 reps, is that for one exercise? im real sorry, so lets say i do bw squats (1 set of 8) dips (1 set of 8) and bw calf raises or something (1 set of 8) that all adds up to 3 sets 24 reps, is that how? if not can u please give me an example. so on low circuit days i can do anything tahts body weight right?

also is there any way i can add squats to my friday workout because i love doing em and they benefit me alot…

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Step Ups

3* that megaset of 24 reps, i.e. 3*(8 dips, 8 BW squats, 8 calf raises). I would try too add volume over the weeks to these and choose a more diverse exercise selection.

this is how my periodization will look…soemthing like this…

week 1- 3x6

week 2- 4x5

week 3- 5x5

week 4- Drop down volume 3x4

and so on…

i will not check my 1rm for squat because im afraid of hurting my self. i just put on a weight that is challenging for the amount of reps and i believe that accomplishes my goal…

hey guys so everything is good right? just need to add reps and sets?

Monday- High intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Dumbell Curls 3x8

Crunches 3x50
Leg raises 4x25
Pre-stretch crunches 3x15
Reverse Crunch 3x50
Sit-Ups 2x25

Tuesday- Low intensity

Butterfly Crunch 4x50
Broom Twists 4x50
Pelvic Tilt 4x25
Crunches 3x100
Sit-ups 3x50
Reverse Crunch 2x25

Wednesday- High Intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press(Alternate with Incline Bench every week) 3x6
hang clean
Lat Pull Down 3x8
Back Ups on Roman Chair with weight in hand 3x6
Barbell Curls 3x8
Tricep Pressdowns 2x8

Crunches 2x100
High Knees 4x25
Reverse Crunches 3x45
Crunches with ab roller 3x20

Thursday- Low Intensity

Butterfly Crunch 2x50
Broom Twists 4x50
Pelvic Tilt 4x25
Crunches 4x100
Sit-ups 2x50
Reverse Crunch 4x25

Friday- High Intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Barbell Curls 3x8
Tricep extensions 2x8

Leg Raises 3x50
Crunches 2x100
1x100 Sit-Ups
Hanging Leg Raises 2x25

one high intensity lower exercise…so either drop the squats or snatch grip deadlifts…

yeah you are right, i changed it. hey when i do stepups it says if u stand closer to the bench it works your quads and further it works ur glutes, should i do like 2 sets far two sets close or just alternate it every week or?

and a snatch grip deadlift is just a deadlift (romanian) with just a snatch grip

romanian deadlift is different then a regular deadlift, but yes it is a deadlift(not romanian) with a snatch grip. for step ups its not how far away you stand, its the height of the object u step up onto. but you are already doing squats and snatach grip deadlifts, along with a lot of bball, so i wouldnt do them as your legs are already taking a lot of stress…

oh, do u think its ok to switch snatch grip deadlifts with romanian deadlifts?

There is no such thing as the perfect program. You will always find holes. I’d do snatch grip deads this cycle and then add in romanian deads next cycle. Do it as planned.

are sntach grip deads the same movement as romanian deadlifts except the grip part