Overall basketball body training made by me

no a snatch grip deadlift is a deadlift with a wide grip. a romanian deadlift is much like a stiff legged deadlift

how does my periodization look for squats? this is my first time every creating a periodization and numba56 i tried nto going over ur 18 rep rule but couldnt seem tomake a periodization with that rule… please help me with this it probably sucks…thanks

Periodization for Squats
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8
Reps 6 5 4 4 6 5 4 4
Sets 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 3
Weight Add 2-10 pounds every week
Tempo Go down controlled and come up explosively

on week 4- should be fatigued and keep the volume low

(reps and sets are weekly, like 4x6 is week 1 and 4x5 is week 2…etc…)

anyone please?

for the weight work up to a weight that is challenging. don;t limit yourself to 10lbs. Basically the plan looks good. Excuse the language but now you have to “shut up and lift”.

Train hard

yeah, thanks. i have been lifting but along with it i have some questions…also when i do squats i used to go down a bit crooked like the bar is on my traps but the bar is like more to one side is it cuz im not gripping the bar strong enough so it wont move more to one side or ?

hey i didnt play ball wednesday so i decided to add squats to my workout… which already had hang cleans.thats ok right? i did the most weight on squats ive ever doen for 5 reps but today im not sore at all today despite doing weighted hyperextensions with the most weight ive done and bench and hang cleans…?

Great news keep up the hard work. It’s great how you progress when you actually recover from your workouts.

thanks man, and also how you should i vary my program, should i change exercises every 3 weeks or what? change grip styles every week and i know u gotta change reps and sets every week due to my periodization. ??

keep the grips the same throughout the cycle. Change movements every training cycle. No need for huge changes, just simple changes. Snatch grip Deadlift to regular deadlift. hang clean to power clean, etc…


Posted my Jman316 on another thread - feel it is relevant to this discussion.

well heres an update on how my program is looking and ive been doing the most weight on squats ive ever done…thanx guys, well i changed some stuff around in my program…i kept it at 5 exercises like numba said (except the barbell curls and stuff make it 7 exercises but i dont do those all the time only if i feel my body can take it and i keep it low intensity most the time for those)…ill probably do this routine for about 3-4 weeks then change some exercises and the volume…but i donno…well heres the update on my program…

Monday- High intensity

PLYOS (light plyos until develop a good strength base)

Pause Jump Squat
Bench Press/Incline Bench
Lat Pull Down
Dumbell Curls

Tuesday- Low intensity

Play ball and let muscles recover

Wednesday- High Intensity

Bench Press/Incline Bench
Lat Pull Down
Hang clean/Power Clean
Barbell Curls
Tricep Pressdowns

Thursday- Low Intensity

Play ball and let muscles recover

Friday- High Intensity

PLYOS (light plyos until develop a good strength base)

Jump Squat
Romanian Deadlift/Snatch Grip Deadlift
Step Ups
Bench Press/Incline Bench
Lat Pull Down
Barbell Curls
Tricep extensions

Saturday- Low Intensity

Play ball and let muscles recover


please? someone?

How is your basketball training spread out throughout the week/microcycle?
please provide some details

and drop the curls almost completely from your weight lifting program (maybe do them once or twice a month if even that) but do keep doing tricep work regularly

i play ball everyday…

hey would u guys think itd be ok if i weight trained tomorrow(friday) since i did high intensity basketball today(thursday) cuz i had bball practice,

and i havent weight trained for about 3 days because of an injury…so im guessing its ok?

You should probably just make a journal and post all this in there…

very nice post, this is something similar to what i do