Overall basketball body training made by me

hey here is a costum made program i made…this is my first ever, please critique it. anything ineed to add/change?

ps- i dont like to do any kind of clean because i either screw my back up or lose balance, and yes i have tried it with just the barbell… so if there would be any exercise replacing hang cleans please tell me. i was thinking bent over row…here is the program:

                                                                          Overall Basketball Body Workout
                                                                          By: KobeHighFly8 aka Henry



Hang Clean 5x5
Squat 4x6
Leg Press 4x5
Step Ups 3x6-8 (Alternate with Lunges every week)
Standing Calf Raises 4x8 (superset with toe raises)
Toe Raises 4x12


Barbell Curls 4x6 (Alternate with Dumbell Curls every week)
Preacher Curls 3x8
Bench Press 4x6 (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Cable Standing Fly 4x10
Clap Push Ups 3xUntil you lose explosiveness
Push Press 4x5
Lateral Dumbell Raises 3x10
Front Dumbell Raises 3x10
Front Barbell Wrist Curls 3x20
Back Barbell Wrist Curls 3x20


Rest- 15-20 minutes of jump roping for foot quickness


Squats 4x6
Romanian Deadlift 4x6
Glute Ham Raises 3x6
Jump Squats 4x5
Seated Calf Raises 4x12-15 (superset with toe raises)
Toe Raises 4x12


Close Grip Bench Press 4x6
Skull Crushers 4x8
Lever Seated High Row 4x10
Back-Ups with weight 3x10 (superset with Ab Crunch machine)
Ab Crunch Machine 3x15
High Pulls 4x8
High Knees for lower abs 4x25 (superset with high pulls)
Weighted Crunches 3x12
Weighted Leg Lifts 3x15
Side Bends 3x15


Sprints 50-100 yards
3-5 sets depending on you and how you feel
Rest 5 minutes in between each set


Static Stretch, Rest

Change reps and sets and some exercises (if you would like) every 2-6 weeks

Every week try to vary things, for example change grip styles, change the order you do exercises, different tempos if you would like…

Note: After every workout day, try to take atleast 30 grams of protein, make sure you take it within 30 minutes of your workout, DONT WAIT TOO LONG.
Take a hot cold alternating shower and try to target the muscles you trained for faster recovery. Eat six healthy meals a day, each meal should spread 2-3 hours
apart. You don’t have to follow this Note but I highly recommend it.

way to much, simplify it, remember less is more…and if you’re sprinting/doing a plyometric activity(ie basketball) there is no need for speed lifts. search around the sight and find some examples. heres one weight room session I do just to start you off.

  1. Snatch-4-5x2
  2. Bench Press-2-3x5
  3. Lat Pull Down-3-4x6

See with that I just trained every muscle in my body. Keep it simple and hit it hard and you will get stronger.

Another problem I see is a huge lack of recovery. You have to alternate high and low intensity. Basically go hard or go easy(for recovery). ie

Day 1-Sprint and Weights(high intensity)
Day 2-Tempo(low intensity)

i dont think its too much, im gona try it out the first week and see how it is

“A body under recovery will always seek homeostasis. So it is always better to
undertrain than to overtrain. You will still supercompensate, but not to the degree. Once you overtrain, your body will plummet and fight to retain a balance. Smaller CNS demands over a longer period of time result in more acceptance and greater improvement. While the rush to get more done leads to uncertainty down the road.”

This is a quote by Charlie taken from Tom Myslinski’s Development of the Russian Conjugate Sequence System

I can’t think of any better way to put it

Hey kid - you got good advice there … wouldn’t dismiss it that quick.

get rid of some bicep work and the forearm curls/extensions. dont do leg press. dont do any direct calf work. drop the reps and up the sets for most exercises, especially olympic lifts. a basic athletic program should include deep squat, snatch, clean, and an overhead press. add other exercises for your weaknesses. i like to use heavy triples on most exercises, and singles on full olympic lifts

hey i was the same way, but ill tell you ive been down that road, you will burn out, hurt yourself, and possibly get some small gains. This is really all I can say, it was once I really took the minimalist attitude that i started getting a lot stronger, faster, and leaner. Beyond that I really dont have much else to say. So you can trust what I have to say from prior experience(as well as all the experience of the people on the board). Hit it hard and keep it simple on high intensity days. Go slow and easy for recovery on low intensity days. Use multijoint, big body move to cover as much musculature as possible with as little exercises and to optimally hit the CNS. really beyond this advice everything is up to you whether to take it and have success from the beginning or go through the learning curve based on your own decisions. Heed my warnings though, keep it as simple as possible. I will even provide a sample week for you should you choose to look at it and reconsider and make your own plan.

Day 1-High Intensity

  1. Possibly hit it hard playing basketball/Sprints?
  2. Weight Room(Bench, Snatch Grip Deadlift, Lat Pull-Down, 3-4x5 for each, or something in that range, go heavy, but try to keep it under 90% relative max)

Day 2-Low Intensity

  1. Drills(could even be games to work on shooting, like Horse, and standing in place dribbling drils, something like that, keep it low intensity and let your body recover)

Day 3-High Intensity

  1. Hit it hard on the court/Sprints?
  2. Weight Room(Same as day 1 except replace snatch grip deadlift with full squat)

Day 4-Low intensity
Same as day two, possibly different things, just keep it low intensity

Day 5-High intensity
Same as Day 1

Day 6-Low intensity
Same as day two, again possibly different things

Day 7- Off

Again from this short general example you can get the idea, keep it simple, alternate high and low intensity.

ill do whats best for me, thats what i think. i went to the gym today and was pumped throught the workout and before i dont i overtrained. i feel good, and i even got only 7 hours of sleep today too, so if i get more il lbe even better.

Why even ask for advice? No one is going to pat your back for a crappy plan. The way it was written with the little notes of advice I hope it’s not being used on other people as well.

see this is why i dont normally respond, i present the proven priciple and you blow me off. What are your stats, speed strength etc? You go ahead and work out like a bodybuilder, low weights, high reps, different exercise for each muscle group, it will do you no good. I’m with delldell why even ask if you’re going to be closed minded. I was nice and didn’t call your program out for the piece of shit that it is, I gave you some general principle to go by, blow them off if you want, and good luck with getting stronger or faster on that program!

ill do whats best for me, thats what i think. i went to the gym today and was pumped throught the workout and before i dont i overtrained. i feel good, and i even got only 7 hours of sleep today too, so if i get more il lbe even better.

Wow, one whole workout and you still don’t feel overtrained! Amazing!

all u sprinters dont know shit about vert and basketball training so shut your mouths, low reps with high weight is the way to go for fast twitch muscle fibers.

6-12 is not low reps buddy. Seriously man, why did you even post? You certainly don’t seem to want advice, so why?

haha of course we dont, again i requested you post your stats. We want to know what your vert and game numbers are. And yes what we have described is right. Check out the two players Defranco has, over 35 inch verts, as for me I am 240lbs and can grab the rim at 5’11". But hey I must be wrong.


If the person you are responding to doesn’t take your advice or discuss your advice in a proper manner then move to another thread. Your posts are always thought out and you should continue to post, but not to this thread. Same to you delldell, no23, alex and fortified rubber.

Football Coach

ahhh yeh, i let my attitude and temper take over. i forgot this happened before with someone else(RnR!!)

You are a Linebacker at heart. Wouldn’t have it any other way.

im sorry guys, i made a complete ass out of my self, it was my first ever costum program made. i thought it was well done and i was ready to start it and i was proud cuz some people were saying it was pretty good. so how should i change it around? just lower the sets? im real sorry, once again. here are my stats: height is 6"0, weight is around 162, vert is around 26 when warmed up, and reach is around 7"10, im pretty explosive but dont have alot of strength.

Day 1-High Intensity

  1. Possibly hit it hard playing basketball/Sprints?
  2. Weight Room(Bench, Snatch Grip Deadlift, Lat Pull-Down, 3-4x5 for each, or something in that range, go heavy, but try to keep it under 90% relative max)

Day 2-Low Intensity

  1. Drills(could even be games to work on shooting, like Horse, and standing in place dribbling drils, something like that, keep it low intensity and let your body recover)

Day 3-High Intensity

  1. Hit it hard on the court/Sprints?
  2. Weight Room(Same as day 1 except replace snatch grip deadlift with full squat)

Day 4-Low intensity
Same as day two, possibly different things, just keep it low intensity

Day 5-High intensity
Same as Day 1

Day 6-Low intensity
Same as day two, again possibly different things

Day 7- Off

so can i do what numba56 said but still work every muscle? or just do legs like he said?


Hang Clean 4x5
Squat 4x6
Leg Press 4x5 (alternate with 50 rhythm squats every week)
Step Ups 2x6-8 (when you are doing step ups, each time change how far away u stand from the bench, if u stand closer it works the quads, if you step a little further it works the glutes)(Alternate with Lunges every week)
Standing Calf Raises 4x8 (superset with toe raises)
Toe Raises 4x12


Barbell Curls 4x6 (Alternate with Dumbell Curls every week)
Preacher Curls 3x8
Bench Press 4x6 (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Cable Standing Fly 3x10
Clap Push Ups 3xUntil you lose explosiveness
Push Press 4x5
Lateral Dumbell Raises 2x10
Front Dumbell Raises 2x10


Rest- 15-20 minutes of jump roping for foot quickness


Squats 4x6
Romanian Deadlift 3x6
Glute Ham Raises 3x6
Jump Squats 4x5
Seated Calf Raises 4x12(superset with toe raises)
Toe Raises 4x12


Close Grip Bench Press 4x6
Skull Crushers 4x8
Lever Seated High Row 4x10
Back-Ups with weight 3x10 (superset with Ab Crunch machine)
Ab Crunch Machine 3x15
High Pulls 4x8
High Knees for lower abs 4x25 (superset with high pulls)
Weighted Crunches 3x12
Weighted Leg Lifts 3x15
Side Bends 3x15


Sprints 50-100 yards
3-5 sets depending on you and how you feel
Rest 5 minutes in between each set


Static Stretch, Rest

yes u guys were right, my program was a piece of shit, but ok i changed some stuff to it, i took out the forearm workouts and decreased some sets. lowered the volume. how does it look now?