Overall basketball body training made by me

since you now seem more willing to talk, then I will chime back in. I am still seeing the same thing. you need to rotate high and low intensity days, work on limit strength in the weight room since basketball should take care of RFD with all the plyo wor involved in it. I will list the exercises to choose from, these will work all the muscles in your body and optimally hit the CNS(the real important part). So try to regulate these.

Upper Body Pool

  1. Versions of Bench Press
  2. Military Press
  3. Versions of Rows
  4. Versions of Lat Pull-Downs/Pull or Chin-Ups

Lower Body Pool

  1. RFD Exercises(Although I would limit this if you play a lot of basketball, this can include jump squats, high pulls, hip snatch is real easy to learn, but I wouldnt do plyos if you play a lot of basketball because of all the jumping in basketball anyways and again i think there is no reason to do RFD in the weightroom because of this)
  2. Deadlift Variations
  3. Squat Variations

There, these hit all the muscles. Now for some rep ranges

With limit strength exercises this can vary. But I’d advise to keep it under 18 total per session. Same with RFD ones. The key is quality here. From this try to make a new plan, post it and we will all critique. Remember alternate high and low intensity, keep it simple, less is more. I got the strongest when I was only lifting twice a week, once for upper and once for lower!

You can also do bb curls if you want, just do them in a small amount and after all the main work and know they are only possibly slightly helping aesthetics and not your vert. You’re a lucky bastard by the way, I’m the same height as you but my standing reach is 5" lower + can’t palm the ball which makes trying to dunk annoying.

so, numba56, i shouldnt work any muscle directly? can i do any exercises on the low intensity days or somethin? i mean cant i work upper body the next day of a leg work out (with high intensity since im training the upper body not the lower?

ps-forgot to tell u guys, im 15 years old.

no high intensity heavy lifting hits your nervous system, which is a general thing no matter if the lift is for upper body. You are hitting all the muscles directly, just more than one at the same time. Think of it this way. How much can you bench? Now how much can u do skull crushers with? Both load your triceps up real heavy, but also you load your shoulders, chest, etc…and you hit your CNS in a way no other upper body exercise could. Its all about the nervous system, which is a general thing effected by all modes of exercise, that is why you need to keep demanding CNS activities on the same day so that there is adequete recovery. ie, u hit ur cns hard with hard bball/sprint and heavy legs, then you lift heavy upper the next day. well your nervous system isnt recovered, youll hav a bad upper workout, and because of the overload probably take more time to recover to get a good workout again.

ok so one day high one day low, and just focus on lower body exercises? or focus on compound movements??? how many exercises should i keep it at each workout session

i never said focus on lower body exercises. it is important to have a developed and powerful upper body as well. focus on multi joint movements, sumtimes called money exercises, i listed them above. also med balls can be very very useful. yes you have got it. one day high, one low, repeat. so write a simple general idea and come back to us with it.

How about this program? this is only phase 1, it was made by Dru in TNT Atheltics forum…

Phase 1 - T.V.T.

Base Strength and Beginning Synergistics

Day 1 - Power Lifting
Squats - 6 reps x 2 sets (85% of 1 rep max) [T (2-1-x)]
Leg Press - 8 reps x 2 sets (80% of 1 rep max) [T (2-1-x)]
Hamstring Curls - 8 reps x 3 sets [T (2-0-x)]
Power Cleans - 6 reps x 3 sets (60% of 1 rep max)
Explosive Calf Raises - 15 reps x 3 sets (75% of 1 rep max)
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 1 set

Day 2 - Core Work and Stretching
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 10 reps
Twisting Crunch - 10 reps
V-Crunch - 10 reps
Crunch - 10 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 10 reps x 2 sets

Day 3 - Plyometrics
Depth Jumps - 12 reps x 2 sets
Object Jump - 10 reps x 2 sets
1 Leg Leap Up - 12 reps x 1 set
Jump Rope - 5 minutes
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 1 set

Day 4 - Synergistic, Isometric, and Concentric training
Wobble Board - 12 minutes x 1 set
Do one superset of the following sequence (30% of 1 rep max on leg press machine)
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs (count of 30)
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
2 Leg Press X 15 reps
1 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
1 Foot Raise X 15reps
1 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
1 Leg Press X 8reps
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 25secs
2 Leg Press X 15reps

Day 5 - Core Work, Stretching, Sprint/Interval Training, and Form Running
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 10 reps
Twisting Crunch - 10 reps
V-Crunch - 10 reps
Crunch - 10 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 10 reps x 2 sets
Sprints - 40 yards x 3 (fully recover in between sets)
Form Running
High Knees - 20 yards x 2
Bounding - 20 yards x 3

Day 6 - Rest/stretch

Day 7 - Power Lifting
Squats - 6 reps x 2 sets (85% of 1 rep max) [T (2-1-x)]
Leg Press - 8 reps x 2 sets (80% of 1 rep max) [T (2-1-x)]
Hamstring Curls - 8 reps x 3 sets [T (2-0-x)]
Power Cleans - 6 reps x 3 sets (60% of 1 rep max)
Explosive Calf Raises - 20 reps x 3 sets (70% of 1 rep max)
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 1 set

Day 8 - Core Work and Stretching
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 12 reps
Twisting Crunch - 12 reps
V-Crunch - 12 reps
Crunch - 12 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 12 reps x 2 sets

Day 9 - Plyometrics
Depth Jumps - 8 reps x 3 sets
Object Jump - 12 reps x 2 sets
Rim Jumps - 15 reps x 2 sets
1 Leg Leap Up - 8 reps x 2 sets
Jump Rope - 5 minutes
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 1 set
Day 10 - Synergistic, Isometric, and Concentric training

Wobble Board - 12 minutes x 2 sets
Do one superset of the following sequence (35% of 1 rep max on leg press machine)
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs (count of 30)
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
2 Leg Press X 15 reps
1 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
1 Foot Raise X 15reps
1 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
1 Leg Press X 8reps
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 25secs
2 Leg Press X 15reps

Day 11 - Core Work, Stretching, Sprint/Interval Training, and Form Running
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 14 reps
Twisting Crunch - 14 reps
V-Crunch - 14 reps
Crunch - 14 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 12 reps x 2 sets
Sprints - 35 yards x 3 (fully recover in between sets)
Form Running
High Knees - 20 yards x 2
Bounding - 20 yards x 3

Day 12 - Rest/stretch

Day 13 - Power Lifting
Squats - 6 reps x 2 sets (85% of 1 rep max) [T (2-1-x)]
Leg Press - 6 reps x 2 sets (85% of 1 rep max) [T (2-1-x)]
Hamstring Curls - 8 reps x 3 sets [T (2-0-x)]
Power Cleans - 6 reps x 3 sets (60% of 1 rep max)
Explosive Calf Raises - 20 reps x 3 sets (70% of 1 rep max)
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 1 set

Day 14 - Core Work and Stretching
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 14 reps
Twisting Crunch - 14 reps
V-Crunch - 14 reps
Crunch - 14 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 12 reps x 2 sets

Day 15 - Plyometrics
Depth Jumps - 10 reps x 3 sets
Object Jump - 12 reps x 2 sets
Rim Jumps - 12 reps x 3 sets
1 Leg Leap Up - 10 reps x 2 sets
Jump Rope - 5 minutes
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 2 sets

Day 16 - Synergistic, Isometric, and Concentric training
Wobble Board - 12 minutes x 1 set
Do one superset of the following sequence (35% of 1 rep max on leg press machine)
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs (count of 30)
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
2 Leg Press X 15 reps
1 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
1 Foot Raise X 15reps
1 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
1 Leg Press X 8reps
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 25secs
2 Leg Press X 15reps

Day 17 - Core Work, Stretching, Sprint/Interval Training, and Form Running
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 15 reps
Twisting Crunch - 15 reps
V-Crunch - 15 reps
Crunch - 15 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 12 reps x 2 sets
Sprints - 45 yards x 3 (fully recover in between sets)
Form Running
High Knees - 20 yards x 2
Bounding - 20 yards x 3

Day 18 - Rest/stretch

Day 19 - Power Lifting
Squats - 20 seconds x 2 sets (40% of 1 rep max)
Leg Press - 20 seconds x 2 sets (35% of 1 rep max)
Hamstring Curls - 8 reps x 3 sets
Power Cleans - 6 reps x 3 sets (60% of 1 rep max)
Explosive Calf Raises - 20 seconds x 3 sets (50% of 1 rep max)
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 1 set

Day 20 - Core Work and Stretching
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 15 reps
Twisting Crunch - 15 reps
V-Crunch - 15 reps
Crunch - 15 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 10 reps x 3 sets

Day 21 - Plyometrics
Depth Jumps - 12 reps x 3 sets
Object Jump - 14 reps x 2 sets
Rim Jumps - 15 reps x 2 sets
1 Leg Leap Up - 10 reps x 2 sets
Jump Rope - 5 minutes
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 1 set

Day 22 - Synergistic, Isometric, and Concentric training
Wobble Board - 18 minutes x 1 set
Do one superset of the following sequence (35% of 1 rep max on leg press machine)
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs (count of 30)
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
2 Leg Press X 15 reps
1 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
1 Foot Raise X 15reps
1 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
1 Leg Press X 8reps
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 25secs
2 Leg Press X 15reps

Day 23 - Core Work, Stretching, Sprint/Interval Training, and Form Running
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 15 reps
Twisting Crunch - 15 reps
V-Crunch - 15 reps
Crunch - 15 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 10 reps x 3 sets
Sprints - 50 yards x 3 (fully recover in between sets)
Form Running
High Knees - 20 yards x 1
Bounding - 20 yards x 2

Day 24 - Rest/stretch

Day 25 - Rest

Day 26 - Power Lifting
Squats - 20 seconds x 2 sets (40% of 1 rep max)
Leg Press - 20 seconds x 2 sets (40% of 1 rep max)
Hamstring Curls - 8 reps x 3 sets
Power Cleans - 6 reps x 3 sets (60% of 1 rep max)
Explosive Calf Raises - 20 seconds x 3 sets (50% of 1 rep max)
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 2 sets

Day 27 - Core Work and Stretching
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 15 reps
Twisting Crunch - 15 reps
V-Crunch - 15 reps
Crunch - 15 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 12 reps x 3 sets

Day 28 - Plyometrics
Depth Jumps - 12 reps x 3 sets
Object Jump - 12 reps x 2 sets
Rim Jumps - 15 reps x 2 sets
1 Leg Leap Up - 8 reps x 3 sets
Jump Rope - 5 minutes
Wobble Board - 6 minutes x 2 sets

Day 29 - Synergistic, Isometric, and Concentric training
Wobble Board - 12 minutes x 2 sets
Do 2 supersets of the following sequence (35% of 1 rep max on leg press machine)
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs (count of 30)
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
2 Leg Press X 15 reps
1 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
1 Foot Raise X 15reps
1 Leg Iso Squat X 30secs
1 Leg Press X 8reps
2 Foot Iso Raise X 30secs
2 Foot Raise X 25reps
2 Leg Iso Squat X 25secs
2 Leg Press X 15reps

Day 30 - Core Work, Stretching, Sprint/Interval Training, and Form Running
Stretch for 15 minutes
Do 2 supersets of the core exercises.
Reverse Crunch - 15 reps
Twisting Crunch - 15 reps
V-Crunch - 15 reps
Crunch - 15 reps
Lying Hyper-extension (supermans) - 10 reps x 3 sets
Sprints - 20 yards x 6 (fully recover in between sets)
Form Running
High Knees - 20 yards x 2
Bounding - 20 yards x 3

Day 31 - Rest/stretch

Day 1-High Intensity

  1. Possibly hit it hard playing basketball/Sprints?
  2. Weight Room(Bench, Snatch Grip Deadlift, Lat Pull-Down, 3-4x5 for each, or something in that range, go heavy, but try to keep it under 90% relative max)

Day 1 includes
Bench- Chest, delt, tricep
Deadlift- Ham, Glute, Quad, Low back, abs, fore arms, biceps, traps/upper back, everything
Lat Pull- Lat, Bicep, forearm

three movements, every muscle in the body. There are 2 upper body movements. You are training upper body.

Nothing is neglected.

Assuming you are like every other basketball player i’ve eer met, you probably play almost every day. Thus you legs get work every day PLUS the work in the weight room. This is also why there are no jumping drills, you do alot of jumping in basketball. Adding in more is overkill.

Numba’s program is good. It follows the principles almost everyone at this board believes. The people here argue sometimes, but they all usually believe the less is more philosophy.

Less work of higher quality yeilds more results. You don’t progress until you’ve recovered from your workout.

Isolation work is for bodybuilders, not athletes

I’m using a similar program to numbas on a basketball player now and his vert has gone from 26 to 30 in a few weeks. He’ll be a beast come October.

Oh yeah, with the age, please work on form. I know there are plenty of 15 year olds that have good form but there are 2x as many with bad form. Start light and get it right now, otherwise you’ll have some nagging injury when you are older cuz you f’ed up when you were younger. Trust us older, wiser people. We’ve been there. Now my shoulder is killing me gotta go :wink:

Less IS More
Quality OVER Quantity


Just so you know, the advice you are getting is not far removed from strength coaches who work with NBA players. Charlie consults with more pro athletes that most people think…and… there are many strength and conditioning coaches of pro athletes who go to Charlie for help. Most of the guys here on the site understand Charlie’s theories and methods and it is good to see you have humbled yourself are are listening. As the old axiom goes, “Rebuke a wise man and he will become more wise.”

too complicated, keep it simple, you are young and a beginner, concentric movements in the rep ranges i described will build muscle and strength for you. when you stagnate simply switch to another exercise or change up the rep range. and it has many exercises outside of the money ones. as well you have no need for plyometrics as you play basketball frequently from my understanding…

Monday- High intensity

Play Ball and Sprints-50-100 yards, 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Weight Room

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down

Tuesday- Low intensity

Play ball, some off the dribble shooting drills, improve game

No Weight Room-Let body recover

Wednesday- High Intensity

Play Ball and Sprints-50-100 yards, 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Weight Room

Bench Press(Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Full Squat
Lat Pull Down

Thursday- Low Intensity

Play ball, some off the dribble shooting drills, improve game

No Weight Room-Let body recover

Friday- High Intensity

Play Ball and Sprints-50-100 yards, 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Weight Room

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down

Saturday- Low Intensity

Play ball, some off the dribble shooting drills, improve game


how does that look? i mean arent those a little too simple??
are u sure basketball is plyometric and that i will gain more from this than anything else? please man ive been off training for 3 weeks now and i got back on it yesterday but u guys said my workout was crap so now i made that workout^

Much Better

If you are playing a tough game of basketball, you could get by nixing the sprints.

Too simple?
If you include everydrill under the sun, where do you go from there? Once you reach the point of diminishing returns what do you do? add more? add plyo’s? with the huge program, you;ll have exhausted every training method of improvement. Basketball is plyometric.

In testing numerous high school basketball players (40+), I have found that every player (minus 2 exceptions) , had great reactive ability (read plyometric), excellent quickness, but very weak. All could benefit from strength work a la numba’s program. There have only been two basketball players that I have seen that had poorly developed reactive ability and were “slow”.

Power has a strength and a speed component. Basketball players are usually deficient in the strength aspect.

But i dont get it, ok i get it, go simple, but 3 exercises? C’mon…?

With most of my athletes I go 2-3 core lifts and 2 supplemental.

plus i play high intensity every time i step on the court no matter what so i dont think that will change, so i will be playing ball at high intensity at all times for sure, i just cant stop that, sorry. but is there any possible chance i can add some more exercises to my workout days. if so which ones do u recommend.

Monday- High intensity

Play Ball and Sprints-50-100 yards, 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Weight Room

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Back Ups on Roman Chair

Tuesday- Low intensity

Play ball- DRILLS to improve game

No Weight Room-Let body recover

Wednesday- High Intensity

Play Ball and Sprints-50-100 yards, 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Weight Room

Bench Press(Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Full Squat
Lat Pull Down
Hang Clean

Thursday- Low Intensity

Play ball- DRILLS to improve game

No Weight Room-Let body recover

Friday- High Intensity

Play Ball and Sprints-50-100 yards, 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Weight Room

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Step Ups

Saturday- Low Intensity

Play ball- DRILLS to improve game


ps-also all u are all elite ahtletes or coaches or somethin right telling me all this? sorry just wondering

You should do rows instead of pulldowns one day for structural balance, and do pull-ups instead of pulldowns. It’s okay to add a few sets of curls and tricep extensions since I know you will anyway. If you want, you can do bodyweight abs on the off days if you felt like you haven’t done enough.

You’re really lucky to be getting this help at 15. I can only imagine if I had…If you actually follow this advice and are consistent, you’ll be way ahead of your peers athletically. Don’t forget skill work comes first.

yeah thanks alot guys, i acted stupid at first (typical 15 year old) but i appreciate you guys helping me with this, yesterday i did mondays workout of my other crappy program and today im resting should i start the program u guys suggested for me tomorrow (wednesday) but start it at wednesdays workout instead of mondays because i dont want to wait another week to start it (next monday) cuz i think ive been off enough. ???

ps and is it ok to swim laps on off days, and even on days i workout? slow steady paced laps

and for the ab work delldell for the off days, can i use weights? if not then its ok, ill do bodyweight. but how many sets and reps should i do and how many exercises? Thanks in advance

  1. Much much better. Hey if you want to throw in a couple beach exercises there is no problem with that(ie a few sets of DB curls, some fly’s, w/e).

  2. Yes it seems like its too little doesnt it? Well I busted into the 500lb squat and 450 deadlift club doing one exercise in one leg workout a week! This will train your nervous system.

  3. I’d drop the sprints if I were you. This will allow for better basketball and weightroom sessions. If you dont feel like playing basketball on a high intensity day go ahead and do the sprints.

  4. As for the hang cleans and oly lifts, drop them, you said you had bad form so they will not be of benefit to you. You will gain plenty of RFD/Reactive ability with basketball.

  5. Now for the off days. Core work everyday is fine. Keep weighted core work with the high intensity days, and lighter higher rep stuff with the low intensity day.

  6. as well since u seem to feel the need to be in the weightroom often(i like the enthusiasm!) you can do low intensity circuits. these will aid in fitness and recovery. here is an example of one such circuit. 2-3x24(8 reps LIGHT db fly’s, 8 reps dips, 8 reps push ups for front musculature, and something like 8 reps pull ups, 8 reps bent over fly’s, and 8 reps face pulls for back musculature, and for lower 8 reps single leg squats each leg, 8 reps walking lunge, 8 reps body weight squats, just as a couple examples. get creative even LIGHT plyometrics could be used, vary this from time to time).

  7. The pool is a great idea, good fitness, unloads the joints and is fun! You dont have to swim laps, just go there and have some fun with friends.

  8. Now for more detail on abs. Try to aim for 500 ab reps on high intensity days and 1000 on low intensity days to start out with, doesnt matter how many sets, just not burnouts.

  9. Speaking of burnouts, try doing the light circuits to burnout the day before a day off rather than specific reps. This will deplete glycogen storages, help work on lactic acid tolerance, aid in fitness and help with muscle/connective tissue repair by pumping blood in there.

  10. Any more questions, just ask. Happy to help someone of your age because I wish I had it and the enthusiasm you have. In fact I am still in search of this…

Thank you, man. I appreciate all your help. also, ive heard variation is good in programs. if so how should i vary the program, like for example every how many weeks should i change up some exercises reps and sets or something?

so your saying its ok to do ab work on off days and lower back (i think thats part of ur core? :confused: ) and didnt u say to do sprints on the basketball days? if i do add some db curls and tricep work, with those added, how many exercises should i keep it at each workout session? i wanna try to create the program today so i can start with high intensity wednesday workout tomorrow. And also i got the form down on hang cleans its just when u jump up and come down my legs are wider than shoulder width, is that a problem? And do u recommend L-glutamine powder?

  1. ehh keep it to one exercise per the bicep and tricep if you want to include them. Do 2-3x8-10.

  2. Yes but again keep it low intensity, light, lots of reps.

  3. Ehh I wouldn’t go over 5…but to me thats pushing it if you are engaging in any type of high intensity activity.

  4. As for the hang cleans, fine if you want to. I’d say tho without the proper showing of technique to drop it. I spent a long time religiously studying video, sequence pics, etc to get the ok technique i have in oly’s.

  5. Yes if you are going to do sprints(which I wouldnt suggest if your playing an intensive basketball game) keep them on a high intensity day.

  6. What you listed would be fine to do tomm. Play b-ball, hit the weight room hard for a few sets for each exercise, heavy, then hit the core. That will do it good for tomm.

  7. Again you can throw in a beach exercise if you want.

  8. Ehh I’m not to great with the supplements. I say protein shakes and multivitamin is good enough for me. Look through the nutrition sections, post your nutrition questions specifically for clemson. this is the man as far as nutrition and recovery goes.