Overall basketball body training made by me

oh ok thanks and is there anything i should change in my program, like the exercises or something? i will have my program done by around 11, will you be on so i can show it ? also, how many sets and reps should i do? is 4x5 good for each or?? and also what are some really good core work i can do after my training tomorrow at the gym? sorry for all the questions man, but thank you for the time.

oh and how u said dont go over 5 exercises, is that with core work or not?

  1. yeh im up late every night.

  2. yes it does include core work, so it leaves room for one additional exercise.

  3. ehh thats erring on the side of too much, i would keep it under 18 total reps, unless its a beach exercise.

  4. Just basic things will do for core work, sit-ups, leg lift, leg hold, board, reverse sit ups, hanging leg raises, russian twists, etc… the list goes on and on. just pick a couple and try to get 500 total reps.

alright thanks a bunch man, im gonna make the program right now…

wait so only 5 exercises on high intensity days and thats including core exercises
and i have to get 1000 reps of core work? i dont get that how am i supposed to do that or did u mean only 5 core exercises ? i dont get that :confused:

ite im tired so im going to bed now. ok i will give an example as i think those best define what is to be done

  1. Flat Bench Press-3x6
  2. Full Squat-3x6
  3. Lat Pull Down-3x6
  4. Bicep Curl-3x8
  5. Ab work-500 reps, doest matter how many different exercises you do, just 500 total reps(ie 100 sit ups, 100 russian twists, 100 leg raises, 100 hanging leg raises, 100 crunches). Doesnt matter how many sets since this is low intensity ab work.

wait so no weighted core work, all is body weight?

I’m not sure about the 500-1000 core rep reccomendation for a young beggining athlete. I think he would be better off doing 2-400 quality reps (still low intensity though) then forcing his way through reps just for the sake of getting them done.

ahh!!! i forgot i have bball practice on thursdays and well, i gotta go high intensity on that cuz well the coach jsut makes u …shitttt!!! :mad: :confused:

what should i do, is it ok? whatever…hows my program looking so far…not finished with it yet cuz i gotta get to bed…

Monday- High intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Hang Clean
Dumbell Curls 3x8
Skull Crushers 2x8

Crunches 3x50
Leg raises 4x25
Pre-stretch crunches 3x15
Reverse Crunch 3x50
Sit-Ups 2x25

Tuesday- Low intensity

Play ball- DRILLS to improve game

Wednesday- High Intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press(Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Full Squat
Lat Pull Down
Back Ups on Roman Chair with weight in hand
Barbell Curls 2x8
Tricep Pressdowns 3x8

Crunches 2x100
High Knees 4x25
Reverse Crunches 3x45
Crunches with ab roller 3x20

Thursday- Low Intensity

Play ball- DRILLS to improve game

Friday- High Intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Step Ups
Barbell Curls 3x8
Tricep extensions 3x8

Leg Raises 3x50
Crunches 2x100
1x100 Sit-Ups
Hanging Leg Raises 2x25

Saturday- Low Intensity

Play ball- DRILLS to improve game


Why not just switch Friday and Saturday? Also, good compound movements are important but what about set/rep schemes. For you I might suggest ~4 weeks alternating 310 and 38 to engrain the proper technique and then drop down to alternating 46 and 54. I’d also add in a posterior chain auxillary over the hang cleans on Monday, esp since you’re using stepups on Friday. Otherwise I think it’s looking pretty good.

hmmm i was suggesting to keep it under 18 reps for each big body move. thats fine just move ur schedule. Ehh Id drop the tricep stuff, they get hit real heavy from the pressing.

how should i move my schedule please help

ok so u have bball practice on thursdays. so do ur first high intensity work out on tues, low on wed, high on thurs, low on fri, high on sat, off sun, off mon

but i wanted to work out today!!! :frowning:

its alright, ill just do core work then,

one question about core work, should i do it with low intensity even though if im on a high intensity day? is core always low intensity?

so do some low intensity stuff, swim, do some bodyweight circuits(as I will be).

numba56, i respect all your advice and everyone elses, but i have decided to go high intensity basketball everyday. Dont get me wrong here, im still going to follow your whole plan its just im gonna do high intensity basketball everyday, i feel the need to improve everday, and i cant do that playing ball with low intensity. I dont think i ever have played ball with low intensity. If it came down to my vert and playing ball, i would pick play ball anytime of the day.

so what exactly do u mean by 2-3x24? 2-3 exercises and 24 reps total or what? i dont get that part? or pick all of those exercises and 2-3 sets 24 reps?? :confused:

ps- and these are only done on low intensity days right?

and is it ok to do 4x5 squats cuz i got the form down on that like nothing. and i really love squats!!! anyway i can fit it in 2 days a week lol haha jk.

sorry for all the questions, but once again thank you very much for your time.

it mean 2-3 sets x 24 total reps in the circuit. sure, but again will throw out my suggestion to limit it to 18 reps total per big body exercise. Low intensity means drills, ie for dribbling, shooting, etc…

and also my glutes are a little, just a bit, sore from mondays workout and my shoulders are just a little sore too, with proper warm up its ok to do todays workout right?

oh so your just saying on the low intensity days only do drills just dont play a big game with high intensity, so practice is ok on a low intensity day since we only do drills and stuff and also hows my program looking? i just need a bit of help on the sets and reps

Monday- High intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Hang Clean
Dumbell Curls 3x8

Crunches 3x50
Leg raises 4x25
Pre-stretch crunches 3x15
Reverse Crunch 3x50
Sit-Ups 2x25

Tuesday- Low intensity

Butterfly Crunch 4x50
Broom Twists 4x50
Pelvic Tilt 4x25
Crunches 3x100
Sit-ups 3x50
Reverse Crunch 2x25

Wednesday- High Intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press(Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Full Squat
Lat Pull Down
Back Ups on Roman Chair with weight in hand
Barbell Curls 3x8
Tricep Pressdowns 2x8

Crunches 2x100
High Knees 4x25
Reverse Crunches 3x45
Crunches with ab roller 3x20

Thursday- Low Intensity

Butterfly Crunch 2x50
Broom Twists 4x50
Pelvic Tilt 4x25
Crunches 4x100
Sit-ups 2x50
Reverse Crunch 4x25

Friday- High Intensity

Play Ball and (Sprints-50-100 yards-only if i decide to keep the intensity low on bball or if i just decide not to play), 5 sets-5 minute rest in between each

Bench Press (Alternate with Incline Bench every week)
Snatch Grip Deadlift
Lat Pull Down
Step Ups
Barbell Curls 3x8
Tricep extensions 2x8

Leg Raises 3x50
Crunches 2x100
1x100 Sit-Ups
Hanging Leg Raises 2x25

Saturday- Low Intensity
Butterfly Crunch 4x50
Bicycle Crunch 4x50
Pelvic Tilt 4x25
Crunches 3x100
Sit-ups 3x50
Reverse Crunch 2x25
