I thought all team USA was using different color Adidas Demolishers.
nope…Crawford wore the mosnterflys and i’m sure gatlin wore the Superfly G5’s, the new versions of course or just custom colored ones.
Yeah, the new red and white g5’s but the strangest thing was that the sole plate was coloured like celars
yea i can;t wait for the new G5’s to come out…I’ll get them unless the monster flys are sweet and have a nice spike plate thats similar to the G5s plate and is hard
Go to this page and click on footwear (red square) in the multi-coloured box that pops up on top. Scroll right through all the trainers and it’s the 3rd last on the right.
Great find, they look excellent, just the type of spìke plate I like.
Very nice but Puma spikes used to be very expensive in Brazil.
My next will be G5 or Monsterfly when they put 50% off.
Anyone know when the new pumas and the G5’s are gonna be out? All i know is that the monsterfly’s come out in Jan. and they’re like 250$…
Not too long ago i bought the Mizuno Geo Spark spike. All i’m gonna say is that it were the best move i ever made. The spike plate is stiff yet also flexible where it needs to be, and it only weighs 170gms (not sure what that is in oz). Oh and to top it off it’s reall comfy! Shame izuno spikes aren’t that easy to locate in stores…
I’m currently running in the Mizuno Chrono Inx. Similar spike layout to the Geo Spark, but a bit flatter, far more flexible and much lighter. Great if you like running barefoot, and if you regularly compete on mondo …
Is it just me or have the last few puma sprint spikes simply been modified nikes?
Has anybody heard of like the new nike spikes that look kinda liek high heels? They have adjustable heals on them so they keep ya on your toes more. I saw it on headline news and they said that Shawn Crawford might wear them.
New Nike Monsterflys-$250 US [Ouch!]- apparently released in a few months.
Nigerian was also wearing MonsterFly´s this Olympics…
Are they gonna be that much when firs ton retail?? thats worse then those mizunos with the built in plate…
Anyone know what spikes Asafa Powell was wearing? Did Nike produce a special green spike for him?
Hey everyone. I have a pair of unused Adidas Powersprint Mo Greene shoes that I want to get rid of.Too small for me. They have non-removeable “Z” Spikes and I broke one accidentally( thought they came out). If anyone want them, make me an offer.
If i wear a size 11-12 (depending on brand) of normal shoes, what would my size be for spikes is it the same, or is it like Tims were you have to get like two sizes smaller cause it’s a little different.
about these Z spikes. Are they best used on Mondo surfaces or can they be used on any surface. If so then where can I find them.??
Def. a mondo spike.
what do the silver tokyos feel like only with straps and no laces…does it make a difference to whether you can pull them tight…also can u show a picture of them please…