Many with Left side tighter than right?

I fully agree with this video.

This following video is interesting - however, in the context, it’s still a form of THERAPY, and looks very interesting. I think i recall Pakewi a few yrs ago you talking about the ARP wave?

The thing with ARP - from what i get from the videos - is similar to what i get from FOAM rolling! Removing the tension from an area removes compensation patterns. trouble is there are many many muscles in the body - and your fix one, then discover another muscle, then another…

Pakewi - interesting to note, all my clients that start with me, they all start with Mediball throws - each muscle has its own throw, almost similiar to the reactive catch and release examples shown in the videos you linked to.

I do this and don’t allow anybody to progress to Harder exercises untill they have mastered the mediball - it breaks Left/right side patterns (or compensation patterns) and also front/rear patterns.

Sometimes you can see, some muscles are not responding, or cant respond as some come in with FROZEN muscles - eg, rhombiods, certain rotor cuffs, hip flexors ect. We then remove the tension (tension which is mostly 80% of the time on the LEFT) and once removed, and stretched out, the activity recommences with Vastly different outcomes (for the better)

Once Mediball work is passed, we move onto Bodyweight exercises, same thing applies, then Dumbbells and or Cables. Again, looking for issues and fixing them as they arrive.

I typically find, once i can get somebody doing a full body Dumbbell complex routine - correctly, they have NO compensation issues.

The only thing from there on out, is to ensure tightness, or compensation issues do not sneak in.
eg - people do things outside from me, like Golf, or gardening, or tennis, or whatever. The repetitive nature of ONE side domination of these activities leads to tightness in one side. (normally the left)

the other vid - I have never seen this done with a tens machine before, my man used to do by feel.

my question, was the problem related to catching/sticking of the muscle sheeth.

That’s because it’s not a TENS machine. Or EMS - looks similar, works different.

Catching/sticking of muscle sheeth i find, helps to reduce muscle tone 1st, then work on Sheeth/muscle “stickyness” - i find a Jade stone works wonders in this regard, Always followed by Stretching, always

I probably do not understand what is being discussed.

From my experience after a back operation and physio- 3 days a week for 9 months, there is an alternative way to treat, a tens machine in my case tuned my body to make massive endorphins (spelling). My back problem was relieved by freeing my right shoulder/scapula. I have not used stretches for almost 10 years.

Post 15 is one of yours, the post no: is on the right

Sorry, it was meat to be 15 from the post i made, counting backwards.

It’s actually post number 7 - going by the Post numbers on the right. Post numbers, good find :slight_smile:

Stretching is how you implement it.
An example
If you’re watering your garden, with a hose, and it knotts up, the water stops flowing.
If you pull nice n hard, or even just medium tension on the hose, the knott tightens up and the water flow Stops.
You need to shake the hose then pull, sometimes a few times, once the knott is removed, you can pull as hard as you like, and the water still flows.

Pull too hard though, and the hose rips out of the Tap, like a tendon getting ripped in its joint…

Interesting,as this is precisely what I was referring to when I mentioned the Force Time Curve in response to your question about load.
Everything related to the ARPwave and POVsport technologies and to the System which backs them up is related to velocity,and maintains velocity as the mainframe of the whole System (precisely as speed is in CFTS).

Now my question for you becomes: starting from where you mention above,is progressing to “harder exercises” and loads really…a progression? What is your end goal in doing that? Can that goal-whatever it may be - be accomplished without such a “progression”?

Also: wouldn’t putting (and keeping) the whole system in a situation where it HAS TO respond maximally and as a whole,without even allowing the possibility of “some muscles not responding” beforehand,be a more efficient strategy ?

In the ARPwave System all therapy is training,really. As well as all training is therapy.

If you look at muscles then chances are you enter a chain which end up being a loop re-iterating itself. Look at the whole as a system,and address each problem as being a systemic one,instead. Address the system,and individual muscles -“many many”,as you say-will take care of themselves.

You would have heard about the discussions regarding stretching, it was brought up a conference, ““the jury is still out on that one””.

why put tension on a hose if there is nothing wrong, leave the stretching to the physios, use all their recovery techniques during training what can they do different to rehabilitate

To use a Paweki word ““organisms”” cannot distinguish between stretch and exercise. If you was to do 30" stetching before the 1 hour exercise and 30" after the exercise you have done 2 hours of exercise according to the organism.

As I understand it, there is sticking between the sheeths probably caused because a group of organisms have not been working at the same rate because !!! and the lubrication between the sheeves breaks down creating a partial fusion. When you do the exercises the muscles work together pulling on the tendon in a straight plane. When a stretch is done often it is not performed in the proper plane. Every time you execute a dynamic exercise the tendon is stretched. The body is placed in a desired position that causes the whole organism to work as one.

My man during manipulation would firstly find the offending section by feel and using different methods either stretch or tease causing a spasm which would free the stuck sheeth. What Pakewi has shown has the same goal, instead of invasive his option is more passive. Meaning less tissue damage and therefore a much faster recovery time.

I agree on everything not on your definition “more passive”. In fact I would define it more active,as it involves maximal activation,both recruitment and rate wise.

I did not go into how you do what you do, it is not my intellect, give credit where credit is due. I was referring to how your method as a whole could create less damage than what my man practised.

I had similar exercises that worked multible joints and I C U see you isolating.

My exercises were not aimed at treating a problem more at avoiding them.

Reason - There was a Knott - once the knott is removed, like a hose, if that is all you did, 2 things tend to happen
1 - The muscle becomes sore the next day - If you stretch right after, very minimal Soreness, if any.
2 - To stop the muscle from re-tightening too soon afterwards. It tends to want to Pull back to the position it was just in. Stretching tends to say “hey, you should stay relaxed”

Also - you may, or may not, depending on the muscle, want to increase the Length of the muscle, it may not be opening up long enough?

Also - We spend only 5min, sometimes 6min, on stretching at the very end of our running classes - 30sec muscle.
It bring the excited muscle back to a calmer postion, and stops it Tightening up too quickly after running around like a crazy bugger…
I never used to stretch, for many yrs, till i was like 32. Since introducing stretching at the end of workouts like above, recovery from sessions is faster, I feel relaxed a good 3-4hrs sooner. Not just me either…
Would have to say, my legs are in better shape and running condition now, at 35, than when i was in my 20’s! Not just from stretching mind you…

Dynamic stretching is done just like CF shows in the GPP DVD at the start of workouts.

Should also note - we don’t deal with kids here,
Avg age would be around 35yrs old for Running activities - and 45-50yrs for 1 on 1 clientèle

semantics - strapping a machine onto you whilst doing an exercise, to remove tension, well, still therapy.
Doing some scapular pulls to strengthen a weak rhomboids = therapy

Don’t get me wrong, I like, i agree, i also do. Though i only have a TENS - which i don’t use that much.

Agree, look at the whole person.

What i feel needs to be expanded upon though, is
One - At some point, you must be doing some form of Hands on therapy, otherwise, HOW do you tell if what you have done, has loosened up the muscle / s enough that you have been targeting? What is your parameter of success?

Two - Due to compensation - Muscles not relieved from tension, will tend to remain under tension, even if the cause is removed.
I used to believe that remove the cause, then the other issues will take care of themselfs. However, Over time, more skill, more practice ect, i have found, even though the Issue goes away - lets use an example,
Hip flexors creating a sore lower back.
You remove and lengthen the hip flexors, the sore lower back goes away.
However, The back and other surrounding muscles have been in a compensation pattern for some time, and even though your range is better, if not Good - there is still tightness in the lower back muscles, still tightness in surrounding hip muscles, like abductors, adductors, hammie ect - It might be too small a tightness to really notice, but it’s still there.

So, you don’t worry about them, and, like the guy on that YouTube video says about ankle sprains - up to 6 months later, other issues come about due to compensation patterns.

I believe, you need to uncover all The layers, remove all the compensation issues.
check, then double check.
Like they say in trade school, Measure twice, Cut once.

The issues are
1 - Fix the hip flexors, bang for buck, biggest improvement for results seen.
2 - Fix the other issues - less visible improvement for Funds outlayed.
3 - Funds available from person willing to pay for what appears like a lot of therapy (if indeed you are removing all compensation issues, seen or otherwise)

Other issues
Cost - ARP = $$ - i could not find a cost, but for accessory’s, you are charged what seems like Hundreds. Could only imagine thousands for the device? I imagine, from what is seen - you need a 2nd person to help control. So, only one person at a time? Like using a TENS
I would still like to get my hands on one though :slight_smile:

Cost for Foam rolling and stretching - less than a Hundred dollars. Can be done anywhere. If you’re training a team of people, it’s easy to teach so they all can do it at their own pace. However, people are also inherently LAZY - and it can HURT - the ARPwave should be a great alternative.

Plus you could charge MORE for use of the ARPwave?

Pakewi - what would be interesting - is to test the ARPwave treatment by using a Foamroller AFTER treatment. If tension is Indeed fully removed, You will know. If you know how to use a Foamroller that is…

I have used many treatment modes -
1 - i would like to get my acupuncture licence.
2 - would like to try and perhaps buy a ARPwave. Never seen one.
3 - Have never tried Cupping - and due to bruising from what i have seen, will never try.

I can’t think of anything else i have not tried. Just so you know :slight_smile:

Some older clients, refuse to do any Therapy, they only want to “TRAIN”.
Putting the ARPwave onto them, whilst they “exercise” Could remove that “problem” ??
See my description above about Therapy
When i say TRAIN - they want to leave feeling like they have done a workout. Doing Therapy exercises does not give you that same feeling. Though the ARPwave looks like it could?

I understand,and agree,great insights as usual.

The ARPwave system is a whole system,just like CFTS is,not a device or a machine. You do not train like what you just described in the ARPwave System,nor do therapy that way,if we accept to differentiate.
And it is nowhere near a TENS,or any EMS device,nor to remove tension as you say.
In the end: a matter of contents,NOT just semantics.


Performance and newly patterned movement. Hands on therapy is only good as far it is the best option available. Trying to superimpose peripherally induced modifications over centrally induced ones may not be productive at all,as the brain will receive both signals,and eventually read them as “confusion”. Luckily it is more complex than that anyway.

1.Address the origin of the problem
2.Exceed neurological input which created the
issue in the firts place
3.Install correct movement patterns
4.Strength train (teach the system to better distribute and absorb more and more force)

Takes roughly three days ,and 10 less than 15 minutes long sessions.

Yes I do,as I know the possible outcomes,as I see them used quite a bit as rehab and prevention tools in Teams I work with. The focus is not tension,nor removing it.
It is addressing the real cause of that tension.
Which is simply nowhere a foam roller can get to.
To me budget is always an external factor,at least upon discussing principles.

I personally like both acupuncture and cupping,when done correctly.Also we have had a very interesting experience recently in using both to support recovery and complete structural healing after ARP treatments on acute muscle injuries during South Africa 2010 Soccer FIFA World Cup,with very promising results.

A 10 year old’s hamstring will still bend the knee when the kid is 80.

Anybody arguing with this?
Simplest things need to be reinforced all of the time!

Generally, from a therapy point of view, you (or your clients) can have an imbalance of one o more of this structural complex system:

  1. Cranio-cervico-mandibular system
  2. Pelvic system
  3. Feet/gait complex

A chiro can help you to identify the cause of your problem.

Spinal manipulation can be a waste of time if you work only on this structure (too much adaptative).
