No, I think jogging or any type of skipping or running variations are superior to any type of sit ups. I should have said that in my original post. Why I didn’t, I don’t know.
I still do’t get the reason for doing sit ups, when the muscle tensions generated in running are often higher than in gym work, even if the time under tension (per stride) is over quicker than callasthenic reps. But the running strides have more spacific neural tensions.
If I knew, or if you or any other knowladgeable person with experiance of high reps or intensive weighted reps of abdominal callasthenics, could tell me a good reason for doing them, then I would include them.
I only see that the shoulder girdle, and the lower back, are better trained in the gym than on the track, but all other muscle groups (including abdominal/obliques) are better trained thru the running / hops / sprinting / skipping etc…
Weren’t atleast some of your training groups callasthenics reps, actually done in a standing position? Like the “around the world” med ball drill?