analyse this

I can’t find video of the race, but to me at least he looks A LOT worse than Butch did. Maybe it was just this race, he just doesn’t look like he should be running sub-46, much less sub-45. Overwhelming desire can get results on occasion, especially in the 400/400h, and this may have been one of them.

Didn’t Roberts pull his hammy at the NCAA Championships a couple weeks back? He sure got himself back quickly for this weekend.

Not sure. I did find a clip of his heat on FloTrack, but it was really controlled because of the pedestrian pace.

mike “BLUE COLLA CARPENTER BUILT” frater pickin dem up an puttin dem down for his #5 major champ tourney.

As far as I know…he just got a cramp in his hamstring. He didn’t the 4x4 because if you don’t finish one event, you can’t do any others… He tried to run the 400m in the Nike Mawler… if you’ve ever tried the spike you’ll know it’s not for the 400m. It’s for professional 60m sprinters… :wink:… if anyone wants good quality videos from the US trials.

I was just thinking his head position is remeniscant of Steve Lewis.

It was a cramp. Also, you don’t have to finish the race to run the 4X4. As long as you line up and put forth an “honest effort”. He would be fine. However for some reason he didn’t want to run the 4X4 at NCs. :slight_smile: Either the way the future is bright for him.

Yep. T’was Butch I was actually thinking about. My bad.

Hi KK,
There’s a photo of Carl Lewis in Seoul taken from a very similar angle to this. There’s no-one in the background though; he’s in total isolation…probably a heat. Do you have it maybe?

Nick, the only one I can think of was in the 100 final when he was looking across towards Ben who was so far ahead he was almost out of focus. But Carl was definitely not in isolation, unless someone actually did a zoom and cut job on the original wide shot?
Any case, most of what I find I post right here…

Are you thinking of this one:

This was taken during a long jump run-up at the Los Angeles games.

I had seen this photo in Athletics Today in 1990. It was full A4 and Carl was in exactly the same position as Bolt is here. The article was around the same time as the BJ one where you interviewed him, KK.

Robin, this LA photo is exactly side-on whereas in the Seoul one he’s slightly rotated towards us.

Thanks guys.

Anyone else think Bolt is looking more muscular than last year?

yes he does

so what is a braddah to do if he’s got big calves?

what year was this shot taken from?

2007 why? :confused:

asafa powell 10.07 in lausanne 2009