Pmoax's 400/800 Training

2/13 Friday
UNC Dick Taylor Invitational
60m: 7.29e
400: 52.02e

notes: I fell like crap. I’m going to go see the doctor on Monday if I’m still not feeling well, something just didn’t feel right durring my 400m, very little lactic buildup, I just couldn’t move…

2/14 - 2/15 Saturday and Sunday
I am trying to get healthy so I can resume training… and finally run fast

2/16 Monday
Dynamic Warm Up
2X550m @1:18 and 1:22
notes: Stiff wind on the back stretch really killed me especially on the second one… felt better though still a little sniffily

Dynamic Warm Up
3X5 Squats @50kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @40kg
2X5 Hamstring Bridges
2X8 Hanging Knee Raises
notes: Kept it light and easy to help me recover a bit.

This is for you dawgs:

thanks for the tunes man.

2/17 Tuesday
Dynamic Warm Up
5X300m @41,42,42,42,45 took a 5 minute break before last one
notes: I had a massive cramp in my left calf after the session while walking to my car, it has never cramped this badly before. I think something might be off with my blood chemistry or electrolyte balance

1hr Massage

2/18 Wednesday
Dynamic Warm Up
3X5 Squats @50kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @40kg
3X5 Bench Press @50kg
3X5 Narrow Grip Pull Downs @120lbs
2X10 Tricpe Press Downs @ 55lbs
2X10 Bicep Cable Curls @ 55lbs
2X10 Two Way Shoulder @ 12lbs
notes: Just a session to get some recovery done.

2/19 Thursday
Dynamic Warm Up
8X200m @30s with 1:30 recovery
Notes: Some tempo to get the recovery process going.

29 Minute Sauna

2/20 Friday
Dynamic Warm Up and a Few Strides

2/21 Saturday
University of Kentucky High School Invite
291m Unbanked Track
400m: 50.29e
200m: 22.51e

notes: Overall a good meet both are indoor pr’s and the 200m is better than my outdoor pr. I am still a little disapointed in my 400m performance, I would have liked to see 49 high but I will take this and work with it.

2/22 Sunday
4km run in 20 minutes

Here is what my next 3 week block is going to look like:

Sunday: 4km Run
Monday: 2X550m @1:17 + Weights
Tuesday: 10X200 @29s with 2 min recovery
Wednesday: 300+60,50,40 , 250+60,50,40 , 200+60,50,40 + Weights
Thursday: 20X100 @14s with 56s recovery
Friday: 4X275m Hills
Saturday: 8X300m @45s with 2:15 Recovery
Sunday: 5km Run
Monday: 2X500m @1:08 + Weights
Tuesday: 10X200 @29s with 2 min recovery
Wednesday: 300+150, 200+150, 150+150 + Weights
Thursday: 20X100 @14s with 56s recovery
Friday: 4X310m Hills + Weights
Saturday: 8X300m @45s with 2:15 Recovery
Sunday: 6km Run
Monday: 2X500m @1:07 + Weights
Tuesday: 10X200 @28s with 2 min recovery
Wednesday: 300+60,50,40 , 250+60,50,40 , 200+60,50,40 + Weights
Thursday: 20X100 @14s with 56s recovery
Friday: 4X310m Hills + Weights
Saturday: 8X300m @45s with 2:15 Recovery

Way to go! On an unbanked track too, good stuff.

2/23 Monday
Dynamic Warm Up
2X550m @ 1:19, 1:21
notes: Still trying to deal with that stiff wind but the reps felt nice and relaxed.

Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
3,3,3 Snatch @30kg, 40kg, 50kg
4X2 Squats @100kg
5,3,5 SGRDL’s @80kg
3X8 Hanging Knee Raises with 3kg medball
Various Core Exercises

2/24 Tuesday
Dynamic Warm Up
10X100m @14s with 56s recovery
notes:felt kinda ishy so I only did 10

5 Min Bike
3X5 Bench Press @155lbs
3X5 Chest Supported Row @90lbs
2X12 Tricep Rope Press Downs @60lbs
2X12 Bicep Cable Bar Curls @60lbs
2X10 Back Extensions
1X10 Two Way Shoulder @10lbs
20 Minute Sauna

2/25 Wednesday
Dynamic Warm Up
300+ 60,50,40 (36.9)
200+ 60,50,40 (23.8)
Full Recovery Between Sets (10min) and 30s between back up reps
notes: Felt good to get out and let it fly, first “speed” session of the year

Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
3,3,3,1 Clean @50kg,60kg,70kg,70kg
5X5 Squats @90kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @80kg
notes: Felt good except for the squats which felt really heavy just like monday and cut core because I was running late.

2/26 Thursday
Dynamic Warm Up
6X300m @48,48,47,47,46,47 with 3:30 recovery
notes:took it gently today cause I was a little fried from yesterday… it is supposed to be nice tomorrow so hopefully I will be able to light up the hills :slight_smile:

2/27 Friday
Dynamic Warm Up
2X325m Hills @ 52,54 with full recovery
Notes: Didn’t have time do do all 4 before the park closed, longest I have taken these hills out.

2/28 Saturday
Dynamic Warm Up
5X5 Hurdle Linford Christie hurdles @ 2nd notch and 20m accel
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
3X3 Snatch @30kg, 40kg, 50kg
3X1 Snatch @60kg
4X2 Squats @100kg
3X5 SGRDL’s @70kg
2X8 Hanging Knee Raises

3/1 Sunday

3/2 Monday
Dynamic Warm Up
3X800m @2:26, 2:32, 2:38 with 3 minute recovery
notes: Well everything was going well durring the warm up and then I opened my spike bag and bam, not my spikes… I guess I picked up somebody elses last week… I hope they have mine

Dynamic Warm Up
6X20m Sled @ 25lbs
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
3,3,3 Cleans @50kg, 60kg, 70kg
1,1 Cleans @80kg, 90kg
4X2 Squats @100kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @80kg
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises
20 Reps of Core
notes: Felt better than last week on the squats, cleans went well.