Pmoax's 400/800 Training

3/5 Thursday
Dual Meet at Middle Creek
4X200m: 21.9 split crusing home not push at all
400m: 50.4ht won by 4 or 5 seconds, did a good job of staying strong the last 50m
200m: I got times from 21.3 to 23.1 but if I had to guess I would say it would have been 22 low on a fat system
notes:hopefully I won’t have to do more than one more of these

3/6 Friday
Dynamic Warm Up
4X325m Hills @49,50,49,51 with 10 minute recovery
notes: Best hill workout I have ever had!!!

Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Hurdle Hops on second notch
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
2X3 Snatch @30kg, 40kg
5X5 Squats @90kg
3X5 RDL’s @70kg
3X8 Hanging Knee Raises
notes: CNS felt super flat on the oly’s so I cut them short, is expected given the load the last two days.

Saturday 3/7
25 Minute Run

Late Afternoon:
Dynamic Warm Up
14X100m @~14s with 56s recovery
notes:felt really good, no lactate accumulation as far as I could tell. The first one was 15 but 3 of the last 6 were 13.

Sunday 3/8
Dynamic Warm Up
1km Run

Monday 3/9
Dynamic Warm Up
2X500m @1:08.9 and really really slow
notes: First one felt great, but for some reason on the second one I fell apart both mentally and physically… I am evaluating a change

Dynamic Warm Up
5X5 Hurdle Linford Christie with 30m accel and hurdles at second notch
30 Bounding contacts per foot
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
3X3 Cleans @50kg
6X2 Squats @100kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @80kg
3X10 Hanging Knee Raises
1X6 Reverse Crunch
notes: Plyos felt good but oly’s did not.

Tuesday 3/10
Dynamic Warm Up
8X200m @28s with 1:52 recovery
notes: second one was 26 and last one was 27, the rest were 28ish. The workout felt good, last year I would have been doing these with 3 minute recoveries and I can tell my capacity is much improved this year.

Regarding yesterday’s workout I went back and reviewed my notes and advice from my coach and I will up the recovery to 15 minutes between Special Endurance II reps… any comments on that?

Wednesday 3/11
Dynamic Warm Up
2X3X120m Hills @95% with 3 minutes between Reps and 10 minutes between Sets
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
3,3 Snatch @30kg,40kg
3X1 Snatch @50kg
5X5 Squats @90kg
3X3 SGRDL’s @80kg
notes: Hills went well and I am starting to feel a bit better on the oly’s.

1 Hour Deep Tissue on Glutes, Hams, and Calves

Thursday 3/12
Dynamic Warm Up
14X100m @~14s with 56s recovery
notes: Didn’t feel as good as saturday but I had no lactate build up in the the legs which is good.

Friday 3/13
Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Hurdle Linford @ second notch with 30m accel
3X30m Sled @25lbs
3X30m Sled @50lbs
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
3,3,1,1 Cleans @50kg, 50kg, 60kg, 60kg
6X2 Squats @100kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @80kg
2X300y shuttle in 25y incriments with 2 min recovery
2X10 Bicycles

Saturday 3/14
Dynamic Warm Up
8X200m @ 28s with 1:52s recovery

Sunday 3/15
Extensive Dynamic Warm Up
10,10 BB Series (Squat, OH Press, RDL, Row, Squat) @20kg, 30kg
5X5 Bench Press @50kg
3X5 Row @50kg
2X8 Dips
2X8 Pull-Ups
2X10 Tricep Straight Bar Press Down @80lbs
2X10 Bicep Straight Bar Curl @80lbs
2X8 Two-Way Shoulder

i really like your journal…
i jus had a quick question about the vertimax…

what type of exercises do you do on the vertimax??
also have u had any significant benefits from using it??

I do squat jumps on it. The end up being quasi-plyometric and quasi-strength. There deff are some benifits but if you don’t have enough base strength its worthless imho. Funny you should ask though because I am about to phase it out for this year until next fall.

Monday 3/16
Dynamic Warm Up
2X500m @1:07.5 and 1:08.9 with 16 minute recovery
notes: The longer recovery helped me keep my times closer together.

Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Vertimax with 4 Cords @ 5:5
3X3 Snatch @30kg
5X5 Squats @90kg
3X5 SGRDL’s @70kg
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises

Tuesday 3/17
Dynamic Warm Up
3X300m @43,45,44 with 3-5 minute recovery
10 minutes
1X150+60,50,40 with 30s between back up reps
10 Minutes
6X300m @44-45s with 3:00 Recovery
notes: Kinda a hectic messed up day. I was trying to coordinate the top runners workout while doing mine but it wasn’t working so I had to start all over at the end. I did the last of their broken reps with them then I did my workout.

Wednesday 3/18
Dynamic Warm Up
3 Relay Hand-Offs
1 Block Start
notes: Just some light movement to be fresh for tomorow.

Thursday 3/19
Dual Meet
4X200m :mad:
4X100m :mad:
200m: 22.46ht
4X400m: 3:43.XX (50 split)

notes: The short relays were pathetic, I ran anchor on both and we were being beat by our own “B” team. The lack of hardwork and training by members on the team results in poor and inconsistant performances at the meets. Open 200m was alright and I will try to get the vid up soon. 4X4 was nothing special, I don’t think I really split that fast but it doesn’t matter anyway.

Friday 3/20 My Birthday Yay I’m 18
Dynamic Warm Up
20X80m @11s with 55s recovery
notes: The grass was wet so I had to do with what dry grass we had for tempo.

Saturday 3/21
Dynamic Warm Up
4X350m Hills @ 52,55,54,60 with 10,12,12 minute recoveries respectively
notes: Workout felt pretty good, I can finally handle the 350m distance on hills
Late Afternoon:
Dynamic Warm Up
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @ 5:5
3,3,3 Snatch @30kg, 40kg, 50kg
5X5 Squat @90kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @80kg

Happy Birthday bro!! We’re 18 now!!