Pmoax's 400/800 Training

I had my meet today too…I’ll put my times up in a few.

Sunday 3/22
Dynamic Warm Up
14X100m @~14s with 60s recovery

Monday 3/23
Dynamic Warm Up
2X500m @ ~1:08.6 with 15 minute rest
notes: I was even more consistant this week but I was a little slower on the first, probably because I wan’t fully preped from my warm up

Dynamic Warm Up
3X5 Squats @70kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @50kg
30 Minutes Deep Tissue on Glutes, Hams, and Calves

here is the vid from my 200m last thursday, kinda grainy but oh well.

Tuesday 3/24
Dynamic Warm Up
8X200m @28s with 1:52 recovery
10 4X100m Hand-Offs
notes: My right foot is bothering me a bit…

5 Min Bike
3X5 Bench Pres @ 135lbs
3X5 Chest Supported Row @70lbs
2X8 Dips
2X8 Pull-Ups
2X10 Decline Sit-Ups with 20lbs
2X10 Back Extensions
20 Minute Sauna

Wednesday 3/25
1 Hour Deep Tissue on Legs and Feet

20 Minute Sauna

Thursday 3/26
Dynamic Warm Up
10X100m @~14s on grass with 56s recovery
notes: Felt good, a couple were in the 13 range. Hopefully the weather holds up for either today or tomorow for the meets I am doing.

Friday 3/27
Dynamic Warm Up
3X20m Starts

Saturday 3/28
Spartans Invite
200m:22.58e +0.2w
4X400m:48.6 split

notes: We had our first big invite of the year today and it didn’t go exactly as I would have liked. First of all the track we ran on wasn’t 400m on the inside lane and the staggers were all screwy. Additionally it rained the past two days and while the track was dry on the surface it was water logged, making every step squishy and slow. I’m upset with my 400m, I need to be faster at this point and despite the outside factors I should have run faster.

Sunday 3/29
20 Minute Run

Monday 3/30
Dynamic Warm Up
2X500m @1:07.9 and 1:09.5 with 15 minute recovery
notes: Still need to be more consistant on the second SE2 rep

Dynamic Warm Up
6X20m Sled @25lbs
3X3 Vertimax with 4 cords @6:6 (144lbs of tension)
3,3,3 Cleans @40kg, 50kg, 60kg
4X4 Squats @95kg
3X8 CGRDL’s @80kg
2X8 Glute Ham Raise

Tuesday 3/31
Dynamic Warm Up
10 4X1 hand-offs
10X100m @14s on grass barefoot with 56s recovery
notes: Lots of soreness in the hams from the rdl’s. My right foot also hurts.

Wednesday 4/1
Dynamic Warm Up
STOP… I had pain in my interior side of my hamstring kinda on the tendon that goes to the knee. I did not even attempt to do the broken run sequence today to avoid injury.

Dynamic Warm Up
6X20m Sled @25lbs with 3 Min Recoveries
4X4 Squats @95kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @50kg
notes: Hams still had soreness from monday as well as the twinge from earlier today so I kept the RDL’s light and skipped the plyos and oly’s.

Thursday 4/2
Dual Meet
notes: Just chilled in the races, it was rainy but I had to run to stay in the good graces of my team

Friday 4/3
Dynamic Warm Up
4X350m Hill @54,54,54,58 with 10 minute recovery
notes: Felt flat but my strength was good.

Dynamic Warm Up
6X20m Sled @25lbs
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @6:6
3X3 Snatch @40kg
4X4 Squat @95kg
3X8 CGRDL’s @70kg
1X10 Bicycles
1X5 Reverse Crunch

Saturday 4/4
Dynamic Warm Up
8X300m @~45s last couple were fast
Notes: Had to do it on a concrete track but oh well…

5 Min Bike
3X5 Bench Press @ 155lbs
3X5 Chest Supported Row @70lbs
2X8 Dips
2X8 Pull-Ups
2X12 Tricep Rope Press Downs @60lbs
2X12 Bicep Rope Curls @60lbs
2X8 Back Extensions
2X10 Decline Sit-Ups

My coach told me that I have “closed legs” when I sprint and tells me to open them up. How can I do this?

Sunday 4/5
Dynamic Warm Up
12X100m @14s with 56s recovery on grass

Monday 4/6
Dynamic Warm Up
3X3 Squats @225lbs
3X5 SGRDL’s @135lbs
2X10 Back Extensions
2X10 Decline Sit Ups
2X8 Dips
2X8 Pull Ups
notes: Totally bummed because there is no place to workout here in South Pasadena Fl while I am visiting my grandparents, it is hard to even find a gym with a squat rack.

Tuesday 4/7
Dynamic Warm Up
10X100m @14s with 56s recovery
notes: Crappy surface for tempo