Pmoax's 400/800 Training

Wednesday 4/8
Dynamic Warm Up
2X40,60,80 with full recovery
notes: Finally found some good enough grass

Dynamic Warm Up
3X3 Squats @225lbs
3X5 SGRDL’s @135lbs
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises
2X10 Decline Sit-Ups
notes: Finally got a somewhat decent day in before I leave St. Petersburg

Thursday 4/9
Off, car trip on the way back from florida

Friday 4/10
Dynamic Warm Up
4X100m @14s with 56s recovery on grass
2X200m @29s
notes: Just a shake-out/pre-meet for before tomorow… I am worried though, I have a shooting pain in the rear-medial side of my right knee that feels like the tendons and ligaments are twisted up :frowning: I may forgo competing tomorow in order to rest my knee…
btw: the knee tends to hurt only after accel while in tall running form, I had absolutely no pain durring the accel portions of anything

Saturday 4/11
Murray Neely Invite at NC A&T
100m: 11.23e +4.4w
400m: 51.27e
200m: 22.32e +4.1w

notes: Well the 100m was probably my first and ever shot at a fat timed 100m so I gave it a go and I guess I got kinda what I expected, maybe would have like to be around 11.0X. The 400m was a wash, there were only 4 guys in the race and the closest finisher to me was a second and a half back, I gave a solid effort, but the wind was just too much for me to overcome on the back straight, at least I got some solid SE2 work…
The 200m was great it is a pr by close to .2 seconds and I know I can deff go sub 22 by the end of the year, I did feel a little out of control in the race which I will probably need to work on.

Sunday 4/12
9km Run in 42 Minutes

Monday 4/13
Dynamic Warm Up
Long Hills
350m,350m,300m,350m @54s,52s,48s,56s with 10 minute recovery
notes: My right knee is still bothering me quite a bit. It was an ok session…

Dynamic Warm Up
3,3,3 Snatch @30kg, 40kg, 50kg
3X3 Squat @110kg
3X3 Deadlifts @100kg
2X8 RDL’s @50kg
2X8 Hanging Knee Raises
2X2 Minute Core Circuit

Tuesday 4/14
Dynamic Warm Up
notes: That was it for today, it was raining and I was supposed to do tempo but I figured it best just to rest my knee.

Wednesday 4/15
Dynamic Warm Up
3X(300m+60m,50m,40m) 40s between back up reps and 10 Minutes between sets. I hit the 300’s at 37 feeling somewhat relaxed but a little flat.

Dynamic Warm Up
15 Med Ball Throws
6X60m Hills with ~2:00 Recovery
1X3 Clean @50kg
3X1 Clean @60kg
3X3 Squat @110kg
3X5 SGRDL’s @60kg
3X10 Hanging Knee Raises
2X10 Bicycles
notes: Felt a lot better durring the night session.

Thursday 4/16
Dynamic Warm Up
6X200m @~26 with 3:00 recovery
8 4X100m Handoffs
notes: most were in the 25 mid to low range but the last two were 26 mid to high

5 Min Bike
3X3 Bench Press @ 135lbs
3X6 Chest Supported Row 45lbs
2X8 Incline DB Press @35lbs
2X8 Low Cable Row @100lbs
2X6 Dips
2X6 Pull-Ups
2X8 Back Extensions
2X8 Decline Sit Ups
2X10 Tricep Rope Press Downs @60lbs
2X10 Cable Bar Curl @60lbs
2X10 Two Way Shoulder @12lbs
notes: Just a light upper body session because I haven’t done upper in a while and I really needed it even as an 400/800 runner :wink:

Friday 4/17
Dynamic Warm Up
4X100m @15s with 60s recovery

30 Minute Sauna
Foam Roller

Saturday 4/18
Apex Bojangles Relays
1600m SMR: 3:39.8 ht 1:56.4 leg on 800m 54/62 lap splits
4X100m: 45.6ht 11.0 split on ~120m leg
4X400m: 3:34:0 ht 49.03 leg
notes: This meet was a good step in the right direction. I have lost none of my 800m ability while improving my 200m speed, the only question is why isn’t my 400m dropping…

Sunday 4/19
Dynamic Warm Up
9km Run in 45 Minutes

Monday 4/20
Dynamic Warm Up
2X450m @61s with 15 minute recovery
notes: I gave blood today so I was feeling a little week but still a good training stimulus.

Dynamic Warm Up
1X3 Hang Snatch @30kg
3X1 Snatch @50kg
3X3 Squats @110kg
3X3 CGRDL’s @80kg
notes: Starting to drop volume and up intensity

Tuesday 4/21
6km Run in 30 Minutes

Late Afternoon:
Dynamic Warm Up
12X100m @~14s with 56s recovery
notes: Was supposed to do 20 but my knee is still bothering me quite a bit… :frowning:

Pmoax, if possible could you post a video of youself doing the dymanic warmup

I’ll see what I can do about a video but I do not really have a camera.

Wednesday 4/22
Dynamic Warm Up
3X300m @36.9, 36.9, 35.9
notes: Was not a good indicator of a session, I feel like I have no speed despite my continued 200m pr’s… additionally my knee is still bothering me quite a bit.

Thursday 4/23
Dynamic Warm Up
4km Run

Dynamic Warm Up
9 Med Ball Throws
3X3 Squats @70kg
3X5 RDL’s @50kg
5 Minutes Stim on calf and hamstring in the knee area.
Notes: Did some stim and my calf cramped immediately and I think that is the origin for my knee issues.

Friday 4/24
Dynamic Warm Up
notes: Just a warm up to flush my muscles before tomorow, still have some tenderness and snapping in my knee.

Saturday 4/25
Wake County Championship Meet
4X800m: 7:57.70ht 1:59 split
400m: 50.38

notes: Not a very good meet, we did get the school record in the 4X8 but I lost focus on the lead off leg and should have run faster but we did have a 3 second lead when I handed off. The 400m pisses me off to a high degree. I absolutely hate the fact that I keep underperforming in that event when I have trained so unbelivebly hard… and my 200m time has dropped this year as well as maintaining my 800m endurace, in fact it is an anomoly to me why I cannot break 50 at this point in the season… I’m loosing hope in the 400m and I will probably stick to the 800m the rest of this year.