Pmoax's 400/800 Training

2/5 Thursday
Dynamic Warm Up
14X100m @~14s with 60s recovery
notes: Was initially going to do 14s per 100m but I felt it was too cold so I set my beeper at 15s per 100m… strange how things work though my body felt really good and I was below 15 on all of them and as low as 13 on a few.

I have known for a week or two but here it is officially. Next year I will be running for the…

University of Wisconsin Badgers

Thata boy! Congrats! What events will you be running when you compete for them?

I will probably do the 600m and 4x4 indoors, I’m not sure about outdoor… I hoping maybe I’ll get a shot to run on their 4x100m team.

2/6 Friday
Dynamic Warm Up
3X275m hills in ~45s with 10 and 12 minute recoveries
notes: I have busy at work so weights got bumped to tomorrow

what are you freakin smokin thinkin you arent gonna be in the 4x1 team man???

if you ran 11.1 back then, you can easily pull off a 10.9 now and let’s not get into splits. you can be man 2 or 3 and run the longest distance!!

I wish it were that easy but they have some fast guys… I think they went 40.2x last year

2/7 Saturday
Long Dynamic Warm Up
5X5 Hurdle Linford Chirstie with 20m accel
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
3X3 Cleans @40kg,50kg,60kg
3X1 Cleans @70kg
5X5 Squats @90kg
3X5 RDL’s @70kg
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises

Dynamic Warm Up
5X2X150 with 35s between reps and 3 minutes between sets

2/8 Sunday
6km Run
Dynamic Warm Down
4X60m build-ups

That’s mad fast…a school in my region won nationals…Sheepshead Bay. They did 40.2x as well.

2/9 Monday
Dynamic Warm Up
2X550m @76 and 78 with 12 minute recovery
notes:felt real good went thru the 5 in 1:09 on the first one

Dynamic Warm Up
5X5 Hurdle Linford Christie with 10 accel
4X5 Vertimax with 4 cords @5:5
1X3 Hang Snatch @30kg
3,3 Snatch @40kg, 50kg
2X1 Snatch @60kg
Failed Snatch @70kg
5X5 Squats @90kg
3X5 SGRDL’s @70kg
1X8 Glute Ham Raises
2X10 Hanging Knee Raises
notes:felt pretty good last hard weight session before Kentucky in two weeks

2/10 Tuesday
Dynamic Warm Up
3X300m 39s with 5 Minute Recovery
notes:wasn’t sure what to do today so I did some intensivey tempo type stuff at a little bit of a faster pace then I have been doing in training

1 Hr Deep Tissue Massage on Glutes, Hams, Claves, Quads, and soles of feet

Been reading your log with interest

Word of caution, you did 2x550 yesterday, and 3x300m today - both at a relatively good pace, but very similar pace, best to ensure you bring things back a bit tomorrow, otherwise you will feel it over the coming days

yea I’m doing tempo today and pre-meet tomorow so I should be fresh enough for my meet. I’m doing the 60m and 400m at UNC.

2/11 Wednesday
Dynamic Warm Up
15X100m @14-15 with 60 second recoveries
notes: 14s with the wind at my back and 15s into the headwind, felt really good.

2/12 Thursday
Dynamic Warm Up
4km Run

2/13 Friday
UNC Dick Taylor Invitational
60m: 7.29e
400: 52.02e

notes: I fell like crap. I’m going to go see the doctor on Monday if I’m still not feeling well, something just didn’t feel right durring my 400m, very little lactic buildup, I just couldn’t move…

2/14 - 2/15 Saturday and Sunday
I am trying to get healthy so I can resume training… and finally run fast

2/16 Monday
Dynamic Warm Up
2X550m @1:18 and 1:22
notes: Stiff wind on the back stretch really killed me especially on the second one… felt better though still a little sniffily

Dynamic Warm Up
3X5 Squats @50kg
3X5 CGRDL’s @40kg
2X5 Hamstring Bridges
2X8 Hanging Knee Raises
notes: Kept it light and easy to help me recover a bit.

This is for you dawgs: