Only 20 lbs difference between your parallel and full squat? You should be able to parallel squat alot more than that if your full squat is 385.
Like I know! But this probably stems from the fact that I no longer do parallel squats anymore except for testing 1RM. I just find that a full squat gives me more control, more explosion from the bottom which helps me through that parallel sticking point and really fire the weight off my shoulders a couple of inches. Well maybe an INCH. :eek:
Hmmm, i can do full squats about 95% compared to my paralels.
Starting weight training today and my max squat is 180 lb XD im weak sry
Graduated 3 HS girls over the last two years who were with me all 4 years,
#1 - 800m runner (now @ D1 Univ.) weighed 122 lbs, box squatted 315 to
#2 - 100/200/400 (now @ D3 Univ.) weighed 109 lbs, squatted 300 to maybe
an inch short of parallel (hit 290 EZ, past parallel). And 185 for 5 reps,
butt to floor
#3 - 800/1600/3200 (now @ D1 Univ.) weighed 112 lbs, box squatted 290 to
Not too bad for HS girls. The records in our weight room go by % bodyweight for each lift (bench, squat, dl and pc) - and no boys are even close to those % (yet).
Been doing regular squats(parrallel) for just over a month.
Best was last Monday: 5x110kg @63kg bodyweight.
Once I get to 2x bodyweight I might throw the ego aside and start doing arse to the floor
405lbs Full Squat. Two weeks ago.
2 mth ago at 160 320lb full box squat
i think just saying box squats is too vague. You must state your height and depth.
I’ve been a roamer on this site off and on for quite some time, and just now came accross this thread. I’m a sprinter turned powerlifter trying to get back into sprinting. At my meet in Plano, Texas last month I got 585lbs at 166lbs bodyweight. Squats are my best lift, but I’ve taken a year off from sprint training and my 100m time has dropped from 10.5 to 11.3 and 11.4. I was definitely in better sprinting shape when I was at my same bodyweight and only squatted 400.
Squat strength is not necessairily indicitive of 100m performance. Some good examples are
Jason Smoots (10.1x fat)- 385lb squat @190ish
JaWarren Hooker (10.1x fat)- 400lb squat @170ish
Carl Lews, Kim Collins…
what I’m saying is that these guys are pretty damn fast without huge squats.
Very true. A staple of my squat training is explosive squat movements. I have a decent knowledge base of how muscle fibers and CNS work, but I have always been a more experimental kind of person and thought I’d try a consistent routine of explosive weight training. I never did plain ole squats. I always did box squats trying to explode out of it if I could and hop if possible. Jump squats. and some partial squats with about 150lbs more than my max. The way I did partials was to set the racks at about a third of my range of motion then go down til I touched them and then explode up, jumping if possible. I got up to 725lbs. on these as they were good for developing my CNS for parallel squats. I did the olympic stuff too such as power clean and snatch mostly. I’ve always been a bigger fan of power clean though so my loyalty leaned that way, lol. I have been doing a routine based off of these for about a year now. Not straight through of course. I changed it up every 8 weeks or so and would give my legs somewhat of a reprieve. Needless to say, I was hoping all of the explosive stuff I was doing with the weights and the gains I made would positively correlate to the track and sadly they didn’t. My experiment didn’t fail but I didn’t get the results I wanted either. I’m hoping that after my newest phase of getting back in sprinting mode (sprints, plyos, that sort of stuff) that the gains I was hoping for will show up then. Time will tell I guess.
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Are you doin full squats?? Usually that means ass to ankle. or that your calves touch your hammies. Regarless, thats a great lift. Prob. the reason why your times are down is because your obviously training a fair bit to get that weight and as a consequence of you lifting that heavy and training that hard your gettin tight, ( inflexable). This tightness will occur throught your glutes hammies and hip flexors. If your doin full squats it can decrease through hip flexors (which are so dam crutial when getting full extension). If you ain’t got range through your hips (glutes included) you will get limited triple extension. However, if you commit to your stetching, you WILL get the trade off of all that grunt work you been doin! dont for get Tim Montgomery’s max 1rm squat is 170kg! not huge, he 1rm benches the same weight which is dam impressive.
No, I never did full squats, I really don’t go past parallel as i had a relative barely older then myself who was attempting a set of full squats and severely messed up his left knee. So I’ve always had a distaste by association for them I guess. I’ve been tryin to get everything stretched back out so hopefully you are right and I will notice the difference when I do.
Just out of curiousity, what part of the left knee did he injur? Specific details would be greatly appreciated!
I can’t believe Smoots only squats 385! Have you guys seen pics of the guy? He’s massive.
So he may have been able to beat a guy slower than the fastest highschool junior in the US last year (10.25)? Unless it is a truly elite sprinter (sub 10) who has been beaten under normal conditions, I don’t think we can really say if they are going to beat them in a short distance race.
my goodness…that man is a beast…wth…only 187??? i’d say 225??? i’d like to know his lifting workout…etc…ahah…he should play football…geez
I’ve met Smoots’ new coach, Jeff Howser at Duke. I don’t know if Jeff is necessairily his 100m even coach, but he is his speed/conditioning coach.
He said they just do alot of explosive movements (jump type movements) and sport specific type stuff. He swears Smoots 1RM is like 385.