About Michigan's new S & C coach

Gittleson was a HIT guy, one set to failure on all lifts. His famous leg workout was hammer leg press your body weight in weight for 100 reps.

I have their old conditioning workouts, but it is not in a structured form, just drills. Also do not have any speed work they may have done. Agility work was traditional cone drills.

was the HIT, which instantly drove me away. I had him at Michigan camp in 1983 and didn’t think much of the stuff we did. He was Bo’s guy so he got to stick around. Michigan men and loyalty. Barwis is way better, but he just does the throw as much S*%T on the wall and see what sticks. He tries to blend too much from varying schools of training, and at way to high volume and exposure. Apparently hasn’t heard the term “training economy”. I think he thinks you can adjust the body to take on a higher training volume, but at what expense? WHo needs to be at practice for 10 hrs the day after a game. These guys are over the top, but I think it is more indicative of the general climate in major college football. They treat it like pro football. The problem is, the pros don’t do nearly the amount the college guys do. Don’t some of the Michigan faithful get the idea that these are still young men.

Whilst it may not be a 10 hour day, there are other teams who go full pads and hit the day after a game.

that falls under the category of dumb. It’s hard enough to keep players healthy without subjecting them to more “collisions”. I guess i just look more for improved performance. You can’t possibly get better if you are constantly under so much CNS stress.

Barwis probably doesn’t care about all of this as long as he still gets his $190,000 salary.

Anyone know their injury rates at Michigan? I know the pros keep stats on injuries or hours lost or something like that, not sure if colleges do.

I’m curious to know because these numbers

For the season, the Wolverines were outscored, 166-157, in the first half — and 181-86 in the second half, when conditioning is crucial.

Michigan finished with a 3-9 record. The low point came in October, when the Wolverines lost at home to Toledo.

are brutal. It’s only the first year but two more years of this and it’s a trend.

I’m sure they are very high, I remember there starting QB being out with a shoulder injury. Barwis subscribes to the old saying that “strength hurts, but speed kills”. Which I to an extent agree with, but not to the point where all you do is hypertrophy work, “injury prevention”, “balance”, and “functional” exercises, yet leave out maximal strength, explosive strength, speed-strength, and proper plyometric exercises. One thing I’ve noticed is also is that he doesn’t take into account the various requirements of each specific position in American Football, lineman train exactly the same way as the quarterbacks do… tell me there isn’t something wrong with that. Sure your skill players should be fast, but your lineman should be strong, explosive, and able to drive somebody off the ball, not stand or jump onto a swiss ball. There conditioning has nothing to do with football or the energy system that it requires, they will do runs for up to 640 yds. Michigan got man handled in there games last year, now I wouldn’t say that is all due to the workouts they do, (some is just personal) but it would sure help them out astronomically if they did do optimal ones.

Some of the coaches in the area (football, track, S&C) kept telling me that I should contact the new U of M S&C coach cause he’s probably the greatest new thing since green tea. They said they were going to try to implement his stuff into there program. So after I saw this DOOFUS perform his workouts and explain it to everyone, SERIOUSLY the 1st thing out of my mouth was HE CANT BE SERIOUS! So of course the U of M followers were saying I was hating cause I’m a spartan. After I explained why he’s a NUMBNUT and other prominent S&C coaches including the 1’s on this forum said the same thing, they were questioning it and then the ever so great U of M season fell apart, they were really questioning his methods. Even my football teams head coach was on the bandwagon until he decided to listen to me and figured out I was right.

Go Blue!! Too bad for the Rich Rod haters.

Can you give an example of what the complex might look like?

For what its worth Terrance Taylor (4th rounder) just got cut by the Colts.

On a serious note, its not people being Rich Rod haters cause he did well at WVU, U of M just hired the wrong coach. Especially the wrong S&C coach.

It remains to be seen whether or not he was the right coach or not. I, personally, liked to see the change from the continuation of the “fort” mentality and the apparent refusal to change.

I like many of the strategic changes with regards to the brand of football they are playing. I still say that Barwis, with all of his over the top programming and less than stellar recovery-focused template is an improvement over Gittleson. Are there better out there, most likely but I think Gittleson long underachieved and at least Barwis has brought back a level of accountability with the players that had really slipped under Lloyd.

Well said. I have not been a fan of Barwis, but he is leaps and bounds better than Gittleson. Time will tell with U of M. I still think MB could reel it in a little. I guarantee that he will start showing more overuse injuries if not. CMU and EMU follow the same idiocy and I have seen them wrecking 3 of my athletes. Too much running. EMU’s best lineman needed to have a rod put in his tibia from repetitive stress fractures. The kid I train is 6’8" and 315. He has no business running repeat 110’s. Michigan looked good against ND although I didn’t see their “Barwis effect in the 4th qtr”. I saw a great young QB with a lot of poise win a game they should have lost.

There is Hope


This was posted by James Smith on elitefts.com.

That was an outstanding article by Derek Hansen. It’s nice to know that I am not alone in what I perceive to be a big problem. It’s even bigger than U of M . They forget about the trickle down effect that permeates highschool or even lower level athletics. So many coaches today are following this idiocy. I think too many S&C coaches think their job is to pound kids, not make athletes. Maybe Barwis should go through the workouts everyday for a month and see how he feels?

I think one of the biggest problems that leads to coaches following such a program is that they simply don’t take the time to study/read much so they don’t have much to compare it to. That is, a new coach with very little actual experience and even less effort/time spent studying the various topics of speed development, strength development, etc. etc. might attend a Barwis clinic (or many others for that matter) become floored by the presentation and his enthusiasm and accept his concepts as THE way to achieve good results.
For those guys, they don’t know any better or at least they have very limited exposure to other programs.

For the more veteran coaches, there’s no excuse for crushing athletes. A few examples 1) they are either ignoring the vast amounts of materials available on training from good sources/following poor advice 2)must not be paying attention to the short and, more importantly, long term responses by their athletes to the programs they have subjected their athletes to.

Its funny that you mention this because I was taught that if I cant at least somewhat demonstrate the exercise how can I teach it? I look at it this way, if I feel like absolute crap or just dont like the exercise, I’ll at least be able to explain to my guys why I like or dislike it and have some type of theory on why we’re not doing this type of protocal. I recently ran into a aquaintance who’s a physical therapist and is studying for his cscs. I totally forgot there are to types of coaches. 1’s that have studied in the classroom and didnt play the sport, and the others who like me and others on the forum who have played the sport but also studied what and why were doing this type of exercise so we have experience for the sport 1st hand but also classroom time also.

in a seminar, you should be familiar with the demands of the sport. It doesn’t mean you can’t be an effective coach, it just mean’s you need to learn more about the game. I believe Ian went through basketball practices because he was unfamiliar with the game on that level. Highlander is correct in saying that you should be able to do what you are asking the athletes to do. Either by demonstration or via prior experience of said exercise. Pretty hard to give nuances to a power clean if you never performed one. It’s kind of sad that this continues to go on in this day of information. These guys need to start free thinking, not follow someones rhetoric. Obviously RR has had Barwis with him in his successes so he stays with him. I respect the loyalty. Barwis is a great motivator, he just needs to learn about volume and recovery. Once he reels in his over the top approach, maybe highschool coaches on the local level would follow suit.

Simple Facts:

What’s U of M record this year???

What’s Pitts record this year???

Not taking shots at James and crew but ncaa football training is over rated, I’ll take the shitty training!!!