Women 100m split data?

Earlier there was discussion that many athletes need to focus on the left side of the curve.

However, I find it interesting that the 30m splits are listed as followed:
10.90= 4.15
10.60= 4.11

I would expect more separation here…

Yes, you’re right. But what about an athlete with quite good acceleration ond lousy top speed?

Cool, real stats of a member.
Up to 50m you’re almost exactly on 10.60 curve, then you lose 0.2 on the second half of the race.
Did you improve since the 10.81?

:confused: Why would you expect more at 30m when there is an even greater differential at 40m? One should not look at any one interval as I feel it’s is the sum of differences at each interval that makes the difference. :slight_smile:

yeh im now at 10.59, but not sure where the improvments came from, as i have not had any stats of any other race’s.

according to my training times, my first 30 and 60 have improved.

a friend of mine had his stats for his 10.55 run.
his first 30 was 4.15, first 60 was 6.89. top speed segment was at 50-60 where he covered that in .90

splits from the 1987 world champs final Ben v Carl

wind = +1.0 m/s

Ben Johnson
1.84 2.86 3.80 4.67 5.53 6.38 7.23 8.10 8.96 9.83
1.71 1.02 0.94 0.87 0.86 0.85 0.85 0.87 0.86 0.87
1.71 2.73 3.67 4.54 5.40 6.25 7.10 7.97 8.83 9.70
Reaction Time: 0.129

Carl Lewis
1.94 2.96 3.91 4.78 5.64 6.50 7.36 8.22 9.07 9.93
1.75 1.02 0.95 0.87 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.86 0.85 0.86
1.75 2.77 3.72 4.59 5.45 6.31 7.17 8.03 8.88 9.74
Reaction Time: 0.193

Maybe it’s interesting to compare the following splits
(considering the "girl-boy issue, too):



i like this thread cause im looking for splits that are not of world class people. I run 30m in 4.15 give or take but thats my PB. recent PBs is the 40m and 60m, for 40m i got 5.52ht and 60m 7.50ht second time i ran a timed one is 7.52ht. I cant seem to break to the 7.4x barrier…Anyways my speed endurance i think is the issue as when i ran 4.15ht i ran 12.17FAT electronic (although this is a year ago). I have since got or feel faster and that i can hold out longer.

This is the qustions however i need answered my coach says to make my steps choppier, i dont know if i go anywhere though and am unsure which style is faster choppier then lengthen as you go or the other way around. He says my feet move and sound fast from 0-15 or 20m then it slows down abit, when i focused and used more turnover i could hold this till 25-28m then the steps get slower and the stride slowly lengthens, but in those choppy steps im unsure if i went fast for the first 30m or not. Also running 7.50ht i dont know what translates into 100m suggestions anybody.

go to page 4 of this article:

a 4.15 30m should be about a 7 flat to 7.1 60m, a 100m in the 11.2s, and a 200m in the mid 22’s.

was this electronically timed, man handtimed i ran 4.15 but my 60 was like 7.6 or over. Heheheh talk about acceleration. Anyone know any good acceleration excercises that proved effective?

yeh it was all electronic timed

What are run bounds? Is that 10 steps bounding with an approach?

Protocol was 10 bounding strides (alternate legs with spikes on track) with 7 step run-up.

Women’s Results Men’s Results

courtesy of Kebba Tolbert

Can one of our German speaking members help me translate some of the additional fields (link below) in the Rahmentrainingsplan Fur Das Aufbautraining Sprint book? This stuff is on p. 44-45.


Interesting thread, thanks for posting the modelled data mortac and others. Am just wondering does anybody know what Justin Gatlin is like at bounding? His 9.77 was achieved in something like 41-42 strides meaning an enormous stride length (am guessin in excess of 2.60m at max velocity) and I was wondering if that would relate to a huge performance in the 10 bounds?

Also does anybody have any elite female data they could post that details stride length and rate as well as splits throughout the race?


Ok, I have a question: From this set of numbers (say, for the 10.6 guy) how do I figure out which part of the race I ran the best and which part of the race I ran the worse?

Also, once I figure that part out, isn’t that the best way to TAYLOR training?!

Youngy posted the following data on the Albany Athletics (Australia) site last year:

100m Splits of Women’s 100m Final at Nationals.
First 6 athletes only.
Wind: -0.1

Sally Mclellan - 1st
10m 2.06
20m 3.18 (1.12)
30m 4.23 (1.05)
40m 5.23 (1.00)
50m 6.22 (0.99)
60m 7.21 (0.99)
70m 8.22 (1.01)
80m 9.23 (1.01)
90m 10.27 (1.04)
100m 11.32 (1.05)

Melissa Breen - 2nd
10m 2.14
20m 3.29 (1.15)
30m 4.36 (1.07)
40m 5.40 (1.04)
50m 6.42 (1.02)
60m 7.43 (1.01)
70m 8.44 (1.01)
80m 9.48 (1.04)
90m 10.53 (1.05)
100m 11.61(1.08)

Alicia Wrench-Doody - 3rd
10m 2.13
20m 3.31 (1.18)
30m 4.40 (1.09)
40m 5.45 (1.05)
50m 6.48 (1.03)
60m 7.51 (1.03)
70m 8.55 (1.04)
80m 9.60 (1.05)
90m 10.69 (1.09)
100m 11.77(1.08)

Jody Henry - 4th
10m 2.14
20m 3.34 (1.20)
30m 4.43 (1.09)
40m 5.48 (1.05)
50m 6.52 (1.04)
60m 7.55 (1.03)
70m 8.58 (1.03)
80m 9.62 (1.04)
90m 10.70 (1.08)
100m 11.78(1.08)

Laura Verlinden - 5th
10m 2.14
20m 3.32 (1.18)
30m 4.42 (1.10)
40m 5.47 (1.05)
50m 6.51 (1.04)
60m 7.55 (1.04)
70m 8.60 (1.05)
80m 9.68 (1.08)
90m 10.77 (1.09)
100m 11.89(1.12)

Crystal Attenborough - 6th
10m 2.14
20m 3.31 (1.17)
30m 4.40 (1.09)
40m 5.46 (1.06)
50m 6.52 (1.06)
60m 7.57 (1.05)
70m 8.62 (1.05)
80m 9.71 (1.09)
90m 10.82 (1.11)
100m 11.96(1.14)

Interesting to note 0.08 and 0.09 drop-offs from fastest to final 10m splits for the 5th and 6th athletes respectively.

Here Berlin 100 m final data:

I had a cleanup last weekend and found some data in one of my electronic testing boxes. Times somewhere between July and September 2006.

30yr female, reaction .16, 10m 2.01, 50m 6.07, 90m 9.98, 100m 10.9. former training history 10+ years.
15yr female, reaction .37, 10m 2.47, 50m … , 90m 10.47, 100m 11.6. former training history 3 years.