Does anyone have any 10m splits for any women’s championship races? All I can find is data for men. I’d be especially interested in Marion’s splits when she was running well.
Also when are we going to see data from Helsinki?
what do you have in this area…
targeting a 11.70 female
interested in stats for typical max velocity, 30m/60m splits and the rate of deceleration…
Marion’s splits for 10.70 in seville (courtesy of Laboratory of Biomechanics in Madrid)
1.95 1.10 0.99 0.95 0.94 0.92 0.94 0.96 0.97 0.98
Model for a 11.70 female sprinter (courtesy of Charles University, Prague)
2.14 1.17 1.06 1.04 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.07 1.08
Note the difference between the fastest 10m section and the 90-100m one, 0.06sec for the 10.70 and the 11.70. Similar speed curve decrease.
2 options?
The higher the max speed the harder it is to maintain it so MJ still has the best speed maintenance.
Since the speed decay is the same whatever the level, focus on the left part of the curve.
“After detailed and sophisticated data analysis, detailed results, a DVD and Final
Report will be presented during an IAAF Conference which will be open to the Media.
This is scheduled to take place in October 2006 during the “Conference in Memory of
Carmelo Bosco” at the IAAF ATC in Kourtane, Finland. A preliminary project report
will also appear in the IAAF publication, New Studies in Athletics (issue 1/2006).”
“focus on the left part of the curve.”
What would be considered the left side of the curve?
Women’s Results
Provided by Kebba Tolbert.
Thanks! It was worth the wait
Left side of the curve=accel & max speed.
Marion reached her top speed of 10.87m/s at 50-60m. whilst the 11.70 runner reached her top speed of 9.80m/s between 40-50m…
be interesting to see what speed she can reach during a fly 30m…
yes PJ totally agree with the focus on the left side of the curve…
below are the best testing results of a 16 yr old girl i coach 12.19…
(under full electronic gun start timing)
compared to the 11.70 female over 30m
12.19 fem - 2.32s - 3.58s - 4.74s
11.70 fem - 2.14s - 3.31s - 4.37s
overall 0.49 for the 100m and 0.37 from the 1st 30m.
That’s very close to the Germans Athletics Federations official teaching book which was first published very shortly after GDR-FRG got together again.
If you’re interested I can post “their” splits example progression from 11.95 to 11.00.
Interesting is the difference in 30m and 100m times between boys and girls.
I saw a lot of boys capable of electronic 4.35 30m, but 12-12.50 100m times, which can be easily explained by “more strength, but form too bad for better top speed”?
Elite level females on the other hand come very close to the best male athletes as far as the first 10m are concerned (in %age of course, not relative)
This book is one of the greatest available, if you can locate it (the 92 edition) please buy it you won’t be deceived.
hey AUT
yeah be very interested in having a look, be great to kick along some female data and discussions on this site…
the progression from 11.95 down to 11.00 would be a great insight if you have the time.
Acceleration and power. See Charlie’s concept of From Right to Left on the Van’04 DVD.
so are we concluding that we should be working left-right?
Any Idea where to find/get/purchase this book?
I don’t know if we are talking about the same book? I was referring to the DLVs: “Rahmentrainingsplan für das Aufbautraining, Sprint” by Joch
It was published last in 2005 and is still available at amazon, for example.
But the drawback is: it’s German, of course.
And it does not comply with CFTS as it incorporates intensive tempo and (worse) does have more high CNS intensive days in a row…
BUt it has tons of charts regarding volume, periodization.
BTW: the bad review comes from a customer who complains that it is only suitable for trainers, but too complicated for hobby-runners.
BTW #2: There was a lot of discussion going on nowadys about the distance running book of the series (as there seems to be much more discussion about distance running here in Europe anyway) recommending volumes far too high…
Anyhow, I’ll post the 5 sample splits tomorrow (it’s at home, I’m @ work right now)
yes that’s this book i have the 92 edition.
Cool, I guess mine is late 90’s. I have to take a look.
You talk German PJ?
Would be interesting what people think about the intensive tempo stuff generally?
It was discussed once in kk’s great lactic thread…I posted the intensive SE work from this same book…
afaik Harts and Smith’s training plans are very similar to the books principles when it comes to repeat 200-300m.
Any other German reading you find if not a must at least very interesting(on the same or similar subject off course ).
I am still waiting on my order. I am enthused to get it but it is going on 5 weeks of waiting now
Hey there AUT
how you coming along with those stats for the women’s splits…
Sorry, no Internet at home last night
But here they are now (additionally 30m flying, 200m with 100m splits and 1/2 squat in %bodyweight):
30m fl.:3.19::::3.05::::2.86::::2.88<—must be a mistake
1/2 squat:150-180:::170-200:::180-210:::220-260
runn bounds(10):22-25m:::24-28m:::26-30m:::32-34m
Then the Charts proceed with boys development 10.90, 10.60, 10.20, 10.00.
It’s interesting that they make no difference between male and female 10.90.