What's better for BUILDING power, Jerks or power snatches?

I think I saw that the second pull of a power snatch had a higher output than a jerk but does it build power better than a jerk?

wen i do it my front foot goes back and i reset myself

Hey Dana

Their different. The Snatch seems to me to be more posterior chain centered. The Power Jerk, has more quad feel, pretty much an explosive front quarter squat with shoulder drive follow through.

The Power Jerk is definitely more vertical jump power specific. The Snatch seems to be more sprint accleration specific, even though the power line is still vertical in nature.

I would say snatches. They have a higher power output. Although you could use both as they are antagonists

Well I though that the split jerk would stimulate muscle fibres better because it has an eccentric contraction needed to break the weight and you can use a lot more weight than with a snatch. It also centers on the front leg more so than the behind, which could lead to a problem. I just think that the jerk seems to be more specific in the way that it’s not a lift from a dead start.

Any thoughts?

I think I saw that the second pull of a power snatch had a higher output than a jerk but does it build power better than a jerk?

The power output on both lifts depends on the individual strength levels. For one person the snatch would have a higher power output yet in another case it would be the jerk.

what weight can you jerk and snatch? ( also tell us if the snatch is slow from the ground)

I power snatch 75kg’s (controlled first pull) and jerk 90+. I am wondering about the actual builder of power rather than the measurement of it, which do you think can build it better?

when doin jerks… do you guys alternate legs each time or each set? what i mean is does you front leg change?

you could always do power jerks, - ie with a squat dip rather than a split dip

I do not have any oly lifting experience, so this may be a dumb question:

What is the difference between:
a clean and a power clean?
s snatch and a power snatch?
a jerk and a power jerk?

basicly the depth of the catch, power versions are racked with a quarter squat dip. The full lifts are done with more weight and are racked with a full squat dip.

As far as Jerks go, you either have the split jerk, like what you see done by most oly lifters, and the other is the power jerk is done with a normal squat dip - ala Dimas

although he’s dipping down to almost parallel level due to the heavy weights


Originally posted by CoolColJ
The Power Jerk is definitely more vertical jump power specific.

disagree… i believe when we are talking vertical jump, the snatch is the most specific. i do not have studies to back this up, just going from personal experience.

Depends on how you jump I suppose, I hardly dip at all when I jump, just like a jerk.

What do you think stimulates the muscle better? Jerks have more of an eccentric contraction, do you think that could make it more specific than snatches?

Also jerks have a higher poweroutput than power snatches, it’s only the second pull that has a higher out put than the jerk (from the best weightlifters in the world, I don’t know about normal guys)

Anyway, which BUILDS power better, power snatches or splt jerks?

Sorry Dana - whats your definition of power.

Power snatch is the more technical of the lifts and quicker, was as I would say Jerk is more of a grunt lift. Jerks will tax your system more than snatches.


here is that link i posted on the old site that shows the difference between the lifts:best link ever!!!

its easier to see the difference between the lifts than try and imagine as someone else describes them…

since it was ignorred las time i will ask again…

when doin jerks… do you guys alternate legs each time or each set? what i mean is does you front leg change?

Originally posted by QUIKAZHELL
since it was ignorred las time i will ask again…

when doin jerks… do you guys alternate legs each time or each set? what i mean is does you front leg change?

I always alternate when doing reps of jerks or split snatch or split cleans. I usually do no more than 4 reps per set.
Whenever I do 1 rep max lifts then I always use my stronger leg (left leg forward for me).


I don’t same leg goes forward, unless I feel like a change.

I start of the same leg all the time as well.

If I have to think about it somethings going to give when lifting.

but doesnt the front leg do more work? so if u do not alternate legs cant that create a muscle imbalance? i dunno i may be wrong but i feel that one leg is do much more work?