I am by no means anywhere near the strength of these individuals, but I can fairly say that the form displayed in this video was severely lacking. It ceases to amaze me how strength and conditioning experts allow such poor weightlifting techniques esp. considering the harm it does to the body in the long run. By no means am I hating on these athletes because they do indeed display tremendous raw strength. Nevertheless, a great deal could be done to improve their technique and their overall efficiency.
I think if the staff focus on technique and let’s the athletes know how important it is, then I think technique should be the same in testing.
Who cares about their lifting what about the hot blond doing the body fat testing!
She’s average. I’m sure there’s better on that campus.
Nice musicin the video, what is it?
The quote from the D-End at the end provided some insight.
“He teaches us to flip the switch. It’s a big jump for us. All year we don’t do that much weight in the weightroom, and then we get in there on testing day and have amazing numbers. We have to buy in that whole offseason, that’s what he teaches us. Buy into the system, and the results will show, you gotta stay locked in then flip the switch.”
Sounds like they train sub max all year. If that’s the case then max testing will be sloppy since they aren’t used to those percentages.
If the players are getting stronger, faster, more powerful and for some bigger yet doing it with safer sub max weights, that’s a good program.
Sub-max or not, still no excuse for shitty tech. If your sprinters are doing sub max sprints would you accept shitty tech in races? James athletes use submax weights and there tech isn’t shitty.
i dont really agree with their technique, but i guess as long as they aren’t getting hurt and still gaining strength-- the technique doesn’t have to be perfect.
Those high squats could lead to knee and hamstring problems though. thats all id be worried about.
haha brilliant redefining some of the OL - power clean sumo catch! Mongo back power clean
So, I guess these brings up a question that I have wondered for some time, and I am sure it has been covered on this forum before (and maybe this is an inappropriate place for this discussion…I’m sure I’ll find out from the responses I receive). Whatever the case, I ask that everyone bear with me as I am not as familiar with this forum’s etiquette and am still learning; I mainly read posts and absorb the valuable information available as opposed to posting replies in threads.
The heart of this discussion in my opinion boils down to how important technique is in the overall development of the athlete. This is very relevant to me in particular being that I train at a local gym in Austin, TX and regularly squat to parallel using 315 lbs (3 sets of 5) and then 1/2 squat using 405 lbs (2 sets of 5) @ 5’10 175 lbs. Nevertheless, in the back of mind, I always tell myself that my inability to perform 405 lbs past the 1/2 squat position is a limiting factor in my sprint times and overall athletic performance. I always believed that athletic performance reaches its height when the weightlifting portion of one’s regimen is done at high intensity (great loads of resistance relative to one’s body mass) and with great technique in practice. The technique being so important in my opinion because it reinforces the overall efficiency of bodily movements and the proper biomechanics (esp in any and all scenarios be it testing or practice). So the questions beckons…is this belief wrong and should I and others who are sprinters focus strictly on lifting heavier weight for low reps (under 5) irregardless of one’s breakdown in form?
Concentrate on form, always play it safe. There are relationships between weights and sprints but not necessarily a cause adn effect relationship. In other words if you were to reach your 405 squat goal it doesn’t mean you will automatically run faster times.
Potentially, But i have also seen athletes perform every exercise to damn near perfection, only to tear a shoulder or break a bone and miss their season.
comparing “percent chance of injury” for an athlete: The poor-ness of their form probably only increase their chance of injury by a little… but who knows.
I see some rounded back power cleans and squats where the spine moves like a whip. Power cleans with hips too high and bech presses with glutes way too high. I believe the form for this guys is similar in practice. The body can be forgiving. Up to a certain point.
HS coach comment to this video was " It’s all about the number under the “W” column at the end of the season that truly matters".
I disagree, it’s always the long term development and safety of the young athlete. Try working with NFL players and letting them have shitty tech, you are asking for a major injury then you be looking for a different career.