Traning Regimen Needed!!

Yup thanks to everyone, I’ve gotten great ideas from everyone who has posted on this thread. Quick- Thanks for getting the word out pal. I owe ya one. I’m going to an NFL party right now, I’ll be back on later cause I still got more questions to ask.

Cool. Ask away.

400 Stud- The question I was gonna ask was say on a monday, doing acc dev work, whats a good quality workout that you have done while doing the acc dev work?

10x10m, 5x20m is good for me. 2 min b/t each rep. This is a good starting point to teach quickness and reaction. The distances are short enough to imitate the beginning of a 100m. You can get a gun and have him run these reps like a race, but standing or in 3-point.

I’m a long sprinter so Acc. Dev. is less of an emphasis for me, but I like this workout and I progressively get longer in distances while “baby stepping” up in volume. I start out at 200m of Acc. Dev. and get up to about 300m before I start getting away from Acc. Dev. and hitting MaxV and Short Speed work.

Interesting, I think im gonna use the 5x20 for the first day. What about CNS stressing workout for the friday you wrote, I need an idea for that one to.

Since he is a short sprinter, another day of Acc. Dev. may not hurt him depending on his shape and mental attitude.

You can also do hills that day. Maybe some grass wind sprints. Plyos and weights only. Things like that will get the CNS going on that day.

Some like to go strictly for weights 1x a week during the early phases of training. Me, I like to do track workouts because weights are only supplementary, but everyone has what works for them.

Either way, just make it something different. The mental fatigue of being on a track 5-6x a week can take its toll if done like that too early. That’s why I suggest hills or something on the grass to keep him off the track. FYI - Ext. Tempo should be on the track as much as possible as well.

yeah we got a big hill by the school, so hills would be easy to get to. I got some more questios about Int. Tempo, I’ll post them tommorow, cause I got school mad early, and I’m dead tired. Actually give me one of those Int. Tempo days, and I’ll post the rest tommorow. Peace

It’s late, I’m tired and I don’t know what you mean by “post one of those Int. Tempo days”, so I’ll just look forward to reading your post tomorrow.

I mean a example, something you have done in training with Int.Tempo.

Oh (now that I’m awake :wink: )

I started off my GPP this year (prior to the interruption) with 4x150m, then 4x200m, then 3x300m and then the last one was going to be 2x500m or maybe 5x200m depending on if I thought I could run the distance. I wouldn’t recommend doing Int. Tempo reps over 300m (for short sprinters) and I didn’t even make it far enough into my GPP to try the 2x500m…I only got to week 2 b4 the interruption.


400STUDS Int. Tempo examples are good. But just to fill in the blanks remember you want to have 2-5 mins in between reps. And you can always break them up into sets with more rest.
For example i session i always used at the begining for Int. Tempo that worked really well was 2 sets of 3 200’s. Rest 2 minutes between each rep. and rest 5 minutes between the sets. Since he runs 22.6 but he will not yet be in 22.6 shape id aim to have him do them all around 27-28 which is a bit faster than 80% for a 23.0 runner.

This is a good way to change up and add volume to a int. tempo session.

Week 1: 4x200 rest 2-3 min between reps.
Week 2: 2x3x200 rest 2-3 min between reps. and 5 mins between sets.
Week 3: 6x200 rest 2-3 mins. between reps
Week 4: 2x4x200 rest 2-3 mins between sets 5 mins between reps.

Just throwing out an example of how to mess with volumes.

Quick and 400 Stud- Thanks, I’m gonna use those examples with my team, starting to know the cycle more and more. Thanks again. Im starting to plan the workouts alredy for the winter season.

A basic plan is ok. but remember before planning each and every workout you need to see how your athletes are adapting to the training load and how there body feels. For example if they are really sore and stiff after a certain workout make sure the next day is extensive tempo or less. Same goes for 2 days dafter a workout if they still dont feel right. Adjust accordingly. Dont treat you plan like a words written in stone.

That is so true, Quik. I make adjustments all the time. My plan is like my guide or recommendation. This is what I am wanting to do, but if variables come into play, I will change it. 2 comments

  1. Why so many 200’s? Change the distances a bit.

  2. Thanks for writing my name in all caps :smiley: :wink:

Best way would be to plan backwards from the last meet you expect him to compete in. It’ll help you set up the schedule a lot easier. And it helps weed out all the unimportant meets. I just finished the 2nd 4 week cycle so i’ll be able to post it now. I have to get up at the crack of dawn tomorrow, so i’m gonna have to post it tomorrow. I’ll adjust it to make it 100/200 friendly. the girl basketball player I coach is a 200/400 runner, so some stuff would be different.

Quick- Yeah that is very important, I always keep that in mind.
Tremble-Yeah thats what I usually do, plan from the end of the season to the start of the season, easier to plan out that way.

I look at the date of my very last meet and go forwards to there. I see how many weeks before I want to start and the first meet and then I plan accordingly. So, I kind of plan using the forward and backward methods.

I like the distance 200 meters for intensive tempo. i feel 100 is too short but 150-200 is a good distance. Sometimes i also do Intensive tempo which would consist of 100 200 300 400 300 200 100. But since i only do intensive tempo for around 4-6 weeks out of the year i do not feel a need to vary the length of reps. so much.

My name is SO not Tremble!! :mad:

Quik - I see where you are coming from. Point taken. I just like variety.

TREBLE - Chill. It was probably just a typo or he looked over your name too fast.