Top three coaches:

I do not have the Higher/Faster/Stronger video so I cannot comment. However it gets extremely high praise. I believe Ian adds his input to the seminar, so I wouldn’t say it’s entirely the same as Charlie’s DVDs - but I’ll defer to someone who has the H/F/S video.

I would say his best book is probably “How to Write Strength Training Programs.” The three Get Buffed books are also outstanding but are geared more for the end-user setting up their own training, vs. the physical prep coach.

I would recommend “How to Write…” and then if you like his stuff, look around his site and go from there. He coaches other aspects of physical prep, but I’m most familiar with his strength training methods.

Hope that helps.

SVS, Members

The Ian King/ Charlie Francis seminar material is different than our Vancouver “series” products in many ways. Mainly, Derek hosts the a seminar once a year in Vancouver and Charlie gets to the core of the methods at these seminars (of which you attended).

GPP is exactly what it says it is, its a video on GPP. Nothing to do with Vancouver, Derek is heard but not seen in it (olympic lifting).

When you say the “same”, this is incorrect because all the products we create are different, BUT are based on the core principles of the CF training methods.

Ian King’s product was produced by Ian, not us and was done under Ian’s direction.

Here is an overview so we are all on the same page.

Vancouver Series

These conferances are held once a year in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia; and are hosted exclusively by Derek Hansen. Here it is just Charlie. We call them Vancouver 2002,2003 etc. They go by year.

“Project” DVDs

This is a “problem/solution” series of products. Our first installment was with the Jane Project. Here we took a younger athlete, with training issues and addressed those issues using a systematic approach AGAIN built on Charlie’s expertise (aka the training models). Expect a new project featuring a male athlete sometime early in June.

Forum Reviews

These are compilation products of the better discussions the group has online by year. Here the format is Q&A and presented in a easy to read/make use of manner.

We only have 2 books in this category. 1 is an ebook (called 2002 Forum Review), and the other is in print only (the conclusion of 2002, the Final Edition). 2002 was covered in these two manuals. Expect us to catch up soon.


Charlie can be engaged easily by either sending me a message by PM or email stating your intentions/goals. We also offer telephone consulting for those who require instant access to support.

Hope this helps, if you have quesstions we have a pre-sales/support thread in customer service.


Thanks Rupert, you have helped.

ok, I will start a different thread.



Start a separate thread, this is about TOP 3 coaches and why. Try not to derail perfectly good threads with off topic posts. Regular programming has now resumed in this thread.

Thanks you,


Derek Hansen
Charlie Francis

What about Paul Chek, Charles Poliquin, Mike Boyle?

Oh no…here we go again!

My list would go as follows (in no particular order):

  1. Louie Simmons (for obvious reasons)
  2. Martin Rooney (because of his experience with grapplers)
  3. John Frappier (because the man is a genius with sooooo much knowledge to share)

Here is my order;

  1. Jay Schroeder
  2. louie Simmons
    Charlie Francis
  3. Buddy Morris
    4.Martin Rooney
  4. Chip Smith

Rob - you are a fine comedian (I’ll give you Charles, though).

Who the hell is Chip Smith?

Just out of curiousity, Who has Paul Chek ever coached? Rehab patients don’t count!

John Frappier? :confused:

I’m sure he’s kidding…

*actually, I’m sure the guys a millionaire many times over…so for that, good pick.

A coaches abililty to market himself is a good skill to have.

Actually I’m not kidding. I’ve talked to the guy a few times and he is incredibley smart. He went to Russia and studied their training techniques (from which he developed his program) back in the 80’s. He has a wealth of knowledge in many different areas and has done a ton of interesting research.

Mel Siff went to russia as well. read supertraining and his many thousands of posts on the supertraining list and see what those training techniques are all about.

I have read Supertraining, and I am a member of the yahoo group. There is a bunch of great information there too. The only difference is that John Frappier would be able to communicate a bit better than the late Mel C. Siff could.

Maybe, although Mel dumbed down alot on the supertraining list. Supertraining on the other hand was a tough read. I liked facts and fallacies of fitness!!!

I have not read facts and fallacies yet. That is on my list though. Currently, I am reading Martin Rooney’s Training for Warriors (easy read), and then I will start on another book that I cannot mention on this site.

Excellent point. Chek is an unabashed promoter and still drops the Chicago Bulls as his premier client and he has’nt worked with the Bulls in God knows how long.