November 14th, 2009
Lower Body Focus
Still kind of sick, I’ve been managing to get some sleep though. I didn’t really feel like training today, but I needed to get back into it.
Warm Up:
Some RW Drills
Some activation drills (mostly non-tripods)
Lots of plyos (altitude landings and CMJs)
Back Squats (close stance, start a new set every 3 minutes, full ROM)
8 sets x (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1, 2) reps @ 315 lbs (24 total reps), <180 sec. rest
Plank Progression
7 sets @ BW
Cool Down:
Some more activation drills
Mild plyos
Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and was diagnosed with hypertension, which at 21 isn’t exactly a good thing. For anyone who knows me, this isn’t exactly a surprise. I’m extremely high strung. I’m going to blame this largely on my diet though. As I see it, the diagnosis is actually a good thing. Now I’ve finally got a legitimate excuse to clean up my diet.
Besides that, the session went well today. Four training sessions ago I did a ladder session like today and topped out at a very hard 5 reps. I managed 6 today, and that’s after being sick and out of commission for a solid week. Things are looking up.
Ugh, no more double bacon cheeseburgers dipped in country gravy…