Thibadeau's Book

Look forward to having a read.

I too am curious when Christian’s new book will be available. Thanks and I look forward to the read.


Well, both books were sent to Rupert at the same time. I would say that it’s only a matter of setting up the store.

BTW, I’m also coming up with a video/DVD soon (I’m filming it next Sunday).

Hey CT,

Thanks for your help on the T-Mag forum last week. You gave me some great ideas and I started my Pendulum training this week.

What will the DVD cover out of curiousity? Thanks and keep up the great work.


PS-Any seminars in the near future anywhere in the Northeast?

The DVD will be the first of a series of 3. My series will basically show you how to take an athlete from beginner to elite (as far as strength training goes). The first DVD is will about how to train a beginner to high performance training. Don’t worry, it won’t be about how to train a beginner period. But what are the first steps in developing a world class athlete.

The DVD will focus on the first 3 months of training. What exercises to use, what methods to use and why. And most importantly THE PROGRESSION of training methods that a beginner should follow. The methods and exercises presented will be new to most peoples, so they are a good addition to anyone’s toolbox. But I will show you how to teach these methods, why are they used, when are they to be used, what are the exact coaching points and how to facilitate the athlete’s progression while reducing the risk of injury to basically nil. And yes, I will show in great depth how to learn the olympic lifts starting from scratch.

As for seminars I will have over 10-15 in the next year but all are planned in Quebec (half in Quebec city and half in Montreal). Some of them will be with Danik Lafond Ph.D. who is a good friend, and partner of mine. He has a Ph.D. in biomechanics and is a competitive bodybuilder.

Some others will be with Glenn Rodrigue, who just came back from a trip in Arizona where he worked with Poliquin, and Renald Dulac who is a sport nutritionist with more than a few good ideas (he even designed his own line of supplements to better suit the needs of athletes).


DVD series sounds great. I loved the Black Book Of Training and I have implemented many of your techniques into mine and my athletes training.

The DVDs sound like the next to best thing to an internship with you so those will be great. Any idea when they will be available?

Thanks and have fun with the filming!


PS-Where can I get a seminar schedule? Do you have a website? I live in New Hampshire and would not mind a drive to good old Montreal (for other than Bachelor party occasions!).

Charlie, thanks! That’s a great book – I recommend it to everyone I know.

Do you guys on posting the new book? I think you are the only place we can get it, so you should have many orders waiting to be placed.

This will indeed be the ONLY place to get it. Biotest doesn’t yewt have the capabilities to sell ebooks and I have the greatest possible respect for Charlie, so I consider it an honor to sell it on his site.

Hi Chris, Members,

We’ll have Chris’s other book up shortly.

Hope this helps,


Thanks Rupert!

Can you copy me on your seminars scheduled for Montreal?

Dave Kerin

I see CT’s new book is now available.

Which book should I buy first.

I will eventually get both, but after a wedding and chritmas gifts I’m broke.

Depends on what you want!

The Black Book is half strength/athletic training and half bodybuilding/general training. It has some scientific info, but presented really simply. It has more guidelines and more training programs.

Theory and application is a strength/power/athletic book. While the info contained in this book can also be applied by bodybuilders, it focuses on improving performance. It has more info and describe more different training methods. It also gives you more exercises examples. However it has much less programs than the first book.


Concerning your seminars in Montreal and Quebec:

  1. Where can one find the dates, times, registration info etc. ? and …

  2. What language? (Les seminaires, sont-ils en francais ou en anglais?)

Merry Christmas/Joyeux Noel


The dates are not set yet, ideally we would have one seminar every 6 weeks. The Quebec seminars will be in french, those in Montreal will probably be half and half. I’ll let you know as soon as I have more details.

Thanks for the quick reply CT.


Will “Theory and Application…” also be available in a paper edition as well?

I ordered the new book last night and I haven’t received any downloading information yet. How can I do so.