The Single Reason for Olympic Success

I know what I would like to see…

Competitors that don’t win Gold, Silver, or Bronze praising God.
Just because you didn’t win the race doesn’t me God is not blessing you.

I think a fouth place finisher praising God would be even a more profound statement, that the Gold medalist just praising

God can be thanked for getting you to the Olympics in the first place,
or letting you finish the race without injury, or keeping a hurlder from crashing into you lane, or nice warm/dry weather conditions (especially for sprinters)

Fuscia, I’m not hostile, I just love God and I’m far from a world class sprinter.
So, my messages are not to be taken as attacking, but explanation.

i don’t consider your position hostile in the least. my problem with the god stuff, aside from the fact his existence remains unproven, is that god is given credit for good without taking responsibility for bad. god either wants people to have cancer, doesn’t care and just let’s it happen, or is powerless to do anything about it. moreover, praising god for such is to praise god for playing favorites. you may argue that everyone has gifts and that many don’t appreciate what god has given them, but what does the person who has been truly screwed over, by god, do? say “thank you, god, for sending me to my reward way ahead of time”?

Can anyone post video of all 3 Americans kneeling and praying after the 200m 1,2,3 sweep? (joking Haha). I thought about Jman and had to laugh out loud when they did that.

No, it shows that my anti-religious sentiment is vulnerable to bible thumpers. Sometimes I can laugh it off, sometimes I have to rage a little.

I would equate it to the reaction one might have if when you are surfing through the channels and you pause to check out some ridiculous talk show. At first the unimaginable stupidity of the guests is hillarious, but then after a minute or two the hillarity turns into disgust and then you change the channel.

Yes, the geture did crush me, however, no one but those three will ever know what was said in that little huddle.

My kids often ask me the question “Why” when I tell them do do something and sometimes my response is " Because I say so" My kids just have to trust that I know what’s better for them. I’m sure I seem unfair to them at times, but its all with love and a purpose. I 'm in no way equal or understand all of God’s plans, but I have to trust (have faith) that inspite of any tradgedy or faith he loves me and has my best interest in mind.

I can’t totally begin to understand why some people have cancer or are born to what seams like a perfect lot in life. But I beleve on thing that does’t get cancer, or is affected by any diseases is our spirit.

Getting Cancer does not exempt a person from haveing a profound purpose on earth. Everyone will die some time or another. There are some children that have died at a young age and have fulfilled a great deal more in life than some people that live to be 100 years old. Now, is the 100 yr old luckier than the kid that only live to 10 years old. Not necesarrily so.

One has to deeply evaluate their purpose on earth to really evaluate whether you were blessed “fairly”. It takes spiritual growth to begun not to feel like like life is unfair for some than others. Now, one thing I feel is true is that if you live your life for yourself, you will most definitly feel like life is unfair, and what was life all for. When you start living to compliment other’s lives you will begin to see more fairness, and when you live to meet God’s satisfaction, which is spelled out in the Bible, you will begin to ultimately understand your purpose and fairness in life, even if means you and everyone in your family has cancer. Cancer only affects your body, not your spirit.

In the end I believe God has created all that exists, and he is fair and just, and he can see fit do what he pleases with our lives even if it means early/painful death, or Olympic Gold. In each case the opportunity presents itself to please God, which will result in heavenly rewards.

Earth is temporary. Heaven is Eternal!!!

well, all that is assuming there is a god. maybe sometimes god is like your parents, or mine, and other times he’s like that bernstein guy who beat his daughter to death.

Now, if they had clowned around, like the 4x100 did in Sydney, they would have surely goten critcized. But was anything positive said by the media that they might have nelt to have a spiritual moment or prayer.

Perhaps the media could have asked what took place when the nelt. The media certainly asked what was all the Sydney 4x100 showboating about.
of which Bernard Williams was a member. And did anyone (media) point out
that Bernard Williams handled himself with class in Athens?

I seriously doubt that God is like the bernstein guy.

What is you belief on how you and this world was created?
Perhaps you can give belief in God a try. How do you think it will hurt you?
Even scientist have to start with a belief (theory) befor they fully understand or prove it.

A non-sprinter will find it hard to understand how important their core muscles, and posterior chain improves their sprinting, but with the “right” coaching, and training and belief in their coach and training they will begin
to understand and “feel” the difference a strong core and posterior chain will do for themselves.
When I was a kid and ran youth track, my coach would always emphasize that we should strengthen our abs, and all I wanted to work on was my legs (thighs in particular)… My ignorance; but after years of continuing to listen to my coaches and their reasoning, researching muscle function, etc. I began to eventually understand and feel the effects of smarter training.
Give God and the Bible a try in order to understand his existance for yourself.

How do I descibe how sweet sugar is to a person?
Because I don’t have that intelectual capacity for that explanation, I have to simply give them a taste for themselves.

i believe, i my heart of hearts, that he is. :rolleyes:

What is your belief on how you and this world was created?

just like you, and everyone else, i have no clue.

Perhaps you can give belief in God a try. How do you think it will hurt you?
Even scientist have to start with a belief (theory) befor they fully understand or prove it.

if i’m going to try out believing in fairy tales, i’m gonna go with allah’s 70 virgins offer. no offense.

A non-sprinter will find it hard to understand how important their core muscles, and posterior chain improves their sprinting, but with the “right” coaching, and training and belief in their coach and training they will begin
to understand and “feel” the difference a strong core and posterior chain will do for themselves.
When I was a kid and ran youth track, my coach would always emphasize that we should strengthen our abs, and all I wanted to work on was my legs (thighs in particular)… My ignorance; but after years of continuing to listen to my coaches and their reasoning, researching muscle function, etc. I began to eventually understand and feel the effects of smarter training.
Give God and the Bible a try in order to understand his existance for yourself.

coaches can give bad advise, as well. it behooves both coach and trainee to educate, so that training is approached with conviction and not just whimsy.

How do I descibe how sweet sugar is to a person?
Because I don’t have that intelectual capacity for that explanation, I have to simply give them a taste for themselves.

you might want to find out if they’re diabetic first.

In response, will reading the Bible or listening to teachings about God kill you?

unlike many christians, i’ve actually read the bible. it would make a good movie.

Being a Christian isn’t just reading the Bible, it’s also living accordingly.
and in going back to the original thought of this post, one of a Christians
main duties is the give witness and tell others about God (not just in Church)
even in Olympic venues, street corners, crack houses, country clubs, web site BBS :slight_smile:

i don’t object to the teachings of christ. he was a nice guy. it’s his dad that i have problems with. one does not have to believe the bible is true to derive benefit from it. as for going around trying to shove it down other people’s throat - no thanks.

Telling others about what God means to you is not shoving it down someones throat no more than a thread telling others about training techniqes and theories is “shoving” info down someone’s throat.

besides my comments on this BBS were only driven by the certain posters criticism of people thanking God in victory. Now ask why such harsh criticism came towards athletes thanking God and God himself on this post.

No one was originally “preaching” just defending a persons write to give credit to the one they believe responsible for their successes (God)
My thread comments was not about “though shall believe in God or else”

Why was God even being hated on in this thread??

it’s as annoying as all the other advertising out there. that’s all.

i don’t think anyone was bashing god. i think most were saying that it’s a little premature to be thanking him when his existence has yet to be established. and, if this god does not exist, how rude it is to give credit to a fairy tale, rather than a coach who does.

oh wait…i was bashing god.

What’s so rude about it, and why would you be annoyed? the athlete spent less than 20 seconds thanking God. Annoying is having to sit through hours of beach vollyball, gymnastics, swimming, rowing, to see a sprint event that is televised 11:30 pm
It’s not like each athlete performed a religious ceremony during the games prior or after their event. what’s your real problem?

womens beach vollyball wasn’t too annoying :cool:

i said it was rude to thank a possibly fictitious being, instead of a coach.

and why would you be annoyed? the athlete spent less than 20 seconds thanking God.

advertising annoys me. also, the idea that a god would help one athlete over another (knock on wood) is not what i read as the essence of christian thought. that’s annoying as well.

[QUOTE=fuscia]i said it was rude to thank a possibly fictitious being, instead of a coach.

and why would you be annoyed? the athlete spent less than 20 seconds thanking God.QUOTE]

advertising annoys me. also, the idea that a god would help one athlete over another (knock on wood) is not what i read as the essence of christian thought. that’s annoying as well.

Like I said before, that athlet could be thanking God for more than just the fact they one. their health, being able to compete, etc.