The Single Reason for Olympic Success

jman you can say what you want, but some of us are pleased and encouraged to hear others speak about GOD.

That athletes believe in something bigger than themselves.

No God did not win the race for them, but perhaps some wouldn’t be what they are with out having their belief.

Is saying you were Roman Catholic your get out of jail card?

No matter what you say, Jesus has a super natural love for you!

the only correct answer to the question “is there a god?”, is “i don’t know”. wishing doesn’t make it so and there is a reason one can’t prove a negative.

I knew that I would get some hilarious responses.

I mentioned my ‘religious up bringing’ so as to illustrate the point that I know both sides of the fence, hence possess objectivity. Unlike the legions of followers who conveniently place all responsibility and accountability in their faith in the almighty, thereby removing those integral qualities from their own moral sense.

Blind faith and all will be forgiven are so convenient. These two ingenious holes in the fabric of organized religion create a perfect scapegoat for any ‘saved’ person, or otherwise, losing their way out of a debate of whether they are completely naive in their chosen beliefs.

Faith, what a great concept…Let’s come up with a loop hole that defies all that is quantifiable and measurable so as to defend ourselves in the face of adversity from those who rely on their own capabilities and strength and most importantly, original thoughts which are free and void of any defined parameters issued by some pie in the sky.

One of my best friends, and training partner, is ‘saved’, and whenever we get into a great debate he always falls back on quotes from the bible and ultimately his faith. I love it. The grey area creates a situation which is un-argueable.

Religion is a product of fear of the unknown. Nothing more, nothing less.

Fear…is the mind killer

I am a recovered Catholic. LOL

There are many who can say they’ve been on both sides of the fence. Just about everyone who is a Christ follower can say that.

I hope you don’t assume everyone is a blind follower. You obviously have some issues from your ‘religous up bringing’ or those athletes comments wouldn’t have stung you like they did. Which is not suprising with many who have ahd strict religous upbringings. It’s very common.

We actually have the same views on religion. A loose definition of religion can be, a system or rules and regulations one goes through to put them selves right with God. Religion is man made, Jesus came here to tear down religion! It’s about connecting with God through person-hood.

Open your mind for a moment lets look at it from an intellectual point of view.

Jesus is at the very least a historical figure. There is Roman documentaion of a historical Jesus. So you cannot argue that point.

Back during the Roman empire the oppressed people waited on their messiah, to rescue them. In fact there were many ‘Messiah movements’. But they all faded, or ended with the death of the so called messiah. But for some this Jesus movment has lasted.

You may think nothing of that but for me it was worth investigating.

And what do you say to others who were never raised in the church (myself included) yet decide to devote their lives to Jesus & helping others, people who have gone from being drug addicts, lesbians,alcoholics, etc and say that their faith in God helped them overcome there ways?

When you get a client and you’re about to have them lift a load they’ve never lifted before, and they tell you they can’t do it it’s going to be too much, what do you say to them?

Faith, what a great concept…Let’s come up with a loop hole that defies all that is quantifiable and measurable so as to defend ourselves in the face of adversity from those who rely on their own capabilities and strength and most importantly, original thoughts which are free and void of any defined parameters issued by some pie in the sky.

There are many many things science can’t explain.

One of my best friends, and training partner, is ‘saved’, and whenever we get into a great debate he always falls back on quotes from the bible and ultimately his faith. I love it. The grey area creates a situation which is un-argueable.

Religion is a product of fear of the unknown.
Fear…is the mind killer
I am a recovered Catholic. LOL

LOL, thats actually a very good way of putting it! Here’s another, religion is like a very structured cookie cutter training program, where everyone must do this exercise for this many reps with this much rest, no matter what!

Where as Jesus wanted things to be more like the CFTS, where you treat each person as an individual and each situation to it’s own.

Another funny thing jman, in an earlier post you said “save it for chuch”. But despite you’re best efforts you’ve created church! Anytime you get 2 or more people talking like this, it’s church.
In the early days of the Jesus movement there were no churches it was just people gathering at a house and taking!


You’re correct. I realize that not everyone is a blind follower. However, regarding the comments ‘stinging me’, again, I can’t help but interpret the, seemingly correographed, homages as forced and robotic/thoughtless.

Whether or not I have issues rooted in my upbringing definitely makes for a good discussion, however, my steadfast ‘non-belief’, hence, intolerance for religious banter is purely a product of my own spirit.

I say this…Lesbians, specifically lipstick lesbians, may be the only tangible evidence of the existence your divine being. LOL

I can accept the fact that we may agree to disagree on the religious front, however, your frown on lesbianism clearly makes us enemies.

This never happens.
1- I am not a ‘personal trainer’ therefore I do not deal with, nor do I work in an environment with individuals who lack motivation.
2- I am critical of who I work with, hence, do not work with athletes who are not willing to reach for the best that is in them.

You have quite possibly just illustrated the most subjective statement in the history of written word.

I appreciate your articulation of your thoughts, however, let’s just laugh this discussion off as an exercise in futility.

I just saw Crawford’s post race interview after the semi’s. No mention of God what-so-ever! I am beside myself with disbelief.LOL

I am currently reading a rather interesting book,which might "enlighten " some points of the topic. :rolleyes:
A worthwhile reading anyway…

Title is “Virus of the mind”,author Richard Brodie.
References for contents are here:

I thought the post was funny. Everyone needs to lighten up.

I’ve often wondered Why does every athlete feel the need to thank god?


Why did god want the patriots to win the superbowl last year. I could’ve sworn he/she/it was a panthers fan.

jman, since your catholic does that mean yourp arents bought the book “thats concenctrated evilcoming out of your behind” when you were getting potty-trained? Sorry, had to insert random Family Guy Chirstian insult!

Here’s another one:
“Look at me, I’m a christian, I’m reading the bible.”-Peter Griffin

Open minded people are very few and scattered in this world. Especiallyi n the middle east.

One of the things with being a Christ follower is that it can be contagious. So what some may see as correographed others may be incouraged by such comments.

I never said I frown on lesbians. I have 3 friends who are lesbians. But one is now straight and says it was through faith in GOD that brought her back.

Well you’re both blessed and smart. But it can be pure joy when you break that barrier.

Well thats we’re we differ again, you laugh this discussion off, while I take passion in it and enjoy it!

But did you see the end of the 200m finals? all 3 americans took to one knee! :wink:

Well if I didn’t have reason to abandon religion before…This sure as hell is good enough. LOL

Well…I’m flattered, however, what you fail to understand is that I am the one who has broken the barrier, and it is those like yourself who are restrained.

Glad you enjoy it, I, on the other hand, can always find the entertainment value in things.

Yes, I saw it (in a defeated tone). I , however,(now in a celibratory tone) would like to think that instead of prayer, they were conspiring on how much ass they are going to slay while they reap the whirlwind of monopolizing the podeum.

But you started this thread which shows there is still a barrier.

If there is a God, maybe in the next life he’ll send you back as a lesbian. Now that would be funny :stuck_out_tongue:

I think the Olympics is a great venue for telling the world
that God is source of your success.
talking about God needs to take place even more outside
of Church, especially with all the negative images we see
in the media (movies, TV, music, etc.

and cancer would be the venue for what, exactly?

I realize the it’s a common question, that if God is so great why do we have so much adversity, tragedies, etc. in our lives, but as a Christian I’m taught that life on earth is not meant to be perfect or fair in human eyes. Perfection is what heaven is for. If life on earth wwas so perfect and without adversity and tragedies, people would have no need to call on God for healp, or give praise to him, and let alone they wouldn’t desire to go to heaven.

Getting back to track. I think the talents that God gives peoaple, shuch as the ability to sprint fast and win gold medals has more responsibilities than just to be entertainment for people. 1st it’s an opportuninty to give credit to the creator, and 2nd given the winners new found popularity and “wealth” he/she has an opportunity to healp others due to their new found exposure.

sounds like you’re saying god is selling protection.

I think it’s more like God is trying to mold and shape us into better people.

If you’re a parent and do a good job raising, protecting, disciplining, providing for, etc. your children; you as a parent welcome their appreciation, and praise for a job well done (i.e. mother’s day and father’s day to say the least)… Well isn’t God, who is the Ultimate Creator, provider, etc. worthy of as much and even more praise than we give parents, coaches, etc.

truth is, most people are far from deserving all of the blessings and accomplishments that God gives, considering the sinful lives that most
people live. He loves us not only because we try to be good and do good things, but because he created us.
My toddler kids, work my last nerve, but I love the so much in spite of how good or bad they may act.

I think most people that give God credit at awards shows, Olympics, etc. were taught that God is the most important one in their life, and when something spectacular happens for you, the most important one (God) is not far from being the reason it happened in the first place. As a Christian we are also taught to do all things for the Glory of God. And it just so happens that some Olympians and entertainers that win awards are Christians also.

… Besides, it’s not like they are putting down someone elses beliefs, they are simply stating who is important to them.

When people give credit to Trevor Graham, John Smith, Dan Pfaff, Clyde Hart, Bobby Kersee, Bev Kearny, and all the other "great track coaches, do people say “why do they have to always thank their coach?”. I don’t think so.
And if they are giving their coach credit, is it taken as a dis to the other great track coaches? No … they simply want to express their apreciation to their coach. Its not a marketing ploy to get more atheletes to train with their coach.

If thanking God is so bothersome to so many people, my question is HOW IS IT HURTING yYOU in having to listen to it? Are you offended in any way?
I think some people hear the thanks and re-evaluate their life and achievments and desire to give credit also tho God.

Or are the complainers, people that just like to complain about anything?

Are people also complaining about flag waving at the Olympics also?
Is the Olympics about “Nationalism” or Competitive sport?

If your answer is “yes flag waving is OK”, then what’s wrong with praising God, especially since so many people from different countries worship God.