The Single Reason for Olympic Success


Have a great day! I’m out

same to you.

Thank God after - but get in shape before!

[QUOTE=jman316]Take it easy Herb,

If we try and quanitfy the variables which contribute to elite athleticism, I am quite certain that God does not factor in.


Without God, nothing is possible. God gave us this world, this life, to do with it the best WE can.

The kingdom of God is WITHIN you jman, haha. That is the universal law. Whether you believe or realise God exists or not does not matter.

I would thank him before, while I am getting in shape and after.
The bible tells us a man reaps what he sows. This principle is true and works for a christian or a non-christian. Therefore, if you put the work in (athletics, education, health, etc. etc.) you should expect results.

word man! god gave us all this healthy life, that we must look after well and thank him for. religion is only a guide, (a good one obviously) cause somettimes a person needs some sort of restriction to doing things and not just do what you like when u like cause it can also hurt others in the process. and having faith in urself and god is definitely something good!