This is the routine that I plan to do with my athletes (15yo bball players) in da’ gym. The training would be done 2x/w.
The structure of the workout would be:
- MAMP (mobility, activation, movement prep)
- Posture work (injury prev)
- Plyometrics, medball wall
- Strength training
- sMFR + Corrective work + Stretching
Plyos would include decceleration drills, medball throws against the wall, easyjumps etc.
Olys will be included after some time… till they gain basic strength level and technique
Corective work includes core work, posture, shoulder, ankle work…
Strength training
Training A
Front Squat (technique work, 5 reps per set)
Vertical Push
Hip Dominant
Horizontal Pull
Training B
Dead Lift (technique work, 5 reps per set)
Horizontal Push
Knee Dominant Single leg
Vertical Pull
Front squat and dead lifts are “learned” in this period, thus 5 reps per set (starting with the bar only) are done. Larger number of sets are done too (3-5)
Horizontal Push, starts with Push Ups and body-weight progression over time (3x8, 3x10,3x12 reps) — every two weeks. The next are ALternating DB Bench Press and DB Bench Press for 10 reps. Before it, we may actually push-ups on the ball (bball) etc. Dips can be done too. After this is done, we start to “learn” BB Bench Press with 5 reps, starting with the bar only.
Hip Dominant exercise starts with RDLs for 12 reps (2weeks), then 10 reps, then 8 reps. Then
we progress to good morning, then to single leg RDL with simmilar rep progression. We can finish with couple of set of Bridge exercises, single and double leg variation. Hip extension can be done on bball ball too (single and double leg variations).
Vertical Push start with Alternating DB Press for 12, 10, 8 reps over weeks. Then we will do BD Press, and after this is finished we will start with Military press “learning” procedure (5 reps per set, increasing weight over time).
Horizontal Pull start with supported rowing (on Smith machine), using body weight progression (3x8, 3x10, 3x12). Then we will go to Chest supported DB row, then T-Row, Single arm row etc…
Vertical Pull start with pull-ups, using bodyweight progression (3x8, 3x10, 3x12). The we switch to chin-up, crossed-grip… etc
Single leg knee dominant starts with Split Squats, Lunges, Bulgarians… we will use (12,10,8 rep ranges over time).
Basically, I would love to prepare them for this (the “anatomical” period will last for about 4-5 months):
Training A
Front Squat 3x5 reps (@7RM)
Military (or Push) Press 3x5reps (@7RM)
Hip Dominant (double-single leg) 2x8-10 reps
Horizontal Pull (rowing) 2x8-10 reps
Training B
Dead Lift 3x3-5 reps (@5-7RM)
Bench Press 3x5 reps (@7RM)
Knee Dominant Single leg 2x8-10reps
Vertical Pull 3x5reps (same as Bench)
Italic exercises are core/fundamental. They are not changed over time. Others are major assistance ones and are rotated in 2-4weeks, providing variety and adressing boredom factor. Additiional DB vertical and Horizontal Presses can be done.
Olys start to be included in this period.
What do you guys think? Any recomendations, critiques, curses (:))?
Yes, there is a strong Michael Boyle’s influence in this programm…