My own opinion is that Tudor Bompa have set excellent “mind box” explaining western periodization (linear periodization) and that a lot of coahces are trapped inside that box — thus they ussually approach to training begginers with this approach: heavy volume - low intensity — including myself! But is this really neccesary??? Is it really neccesary that begginers use 15reps in squat? Is this kind of Loading, provocing “Anatomical adaptation” ---- whatever that be — really smart thing to do?
Another approach is Qualitative approach — Learning approach. Thus you simply use enough weight (progressing) that the athlete is able to do and maintain perfect form. For example instead of doing 2x15, 3x10, 4x8, 5x5 for weeks in squating (linear-western periodization) you just do 5x5 with easiliy progressing weight — low reps allow for great form. Also, it would be great if the number of exercises is greater in the beggining and thus allow athlete to learn them, and when you swithc exercises in later programs , that athlete is “acustomed” to them and thus avoids DOMS…
Another stuff with this approach is to avoid unnecesary mmass increase if it is not your goal!
I would love to propose couple of questions to be answered here in this thread:
— What is Anatomical adaptation phase and is it really neccessary with begginers
— How to progress to serious weight with begginers without mmass increase and without injury
— Should kids (under14) avoid serious weights like 5RM and do only “anatomical adaptation” weights (8-15RM)
I have more question, but I will wait for the discussion to come!
Looking forward to some great insights!
Think outside the box!