rogue trainer...

Best of luck for this weekend Greg! I’m assuming
that your not injured or anything??


nah, I got a better offer and trained at richmond with a mate of mine. only 20mins from work as opposed to 90mins. I tried calling but you didn’t answer.

fingers crossed for sunday. my legs have been a bit weird the last few days but hopefully they’ll get over themselves by the time I have to race. I’ll let you know how I go…

recent results
AV final (meadowglen), feb 14
200m: 25.97s (strong hw)

VAL noble park, march 1
70m (6.75): 7.96s
100m (6.75): 11.76s

australian masters games, march 22/23
100m: 12.03s, silver (moderate tw. 1.5?) - PB!
200m: 26.82s, silver

knox masters, march 11
90m: 11.3h, (slight hw)

thought it was about time I actually updated this thing. I’ve not really been feeling the need to keep a regular detailed journal lately, but I’m sure I’ll probably get back into it at some stage in the future.

the highlight of my recent exploits would have to be the silver medals at the masters games a few weeks ago where I clocked up a pb and nearly snuck under the 12s mark. probably could have but I felt a bit of tightness in my hammy and eased off a bit over the last 10m.

lately I have reduced my training load (mostly injury enforced), but I have found my results have actually been much better since. obviously I have been over-training. anyway, I seem to have found a better balance now.

here are a few happy snaps of my 12.03…

squats and variations 3x10 30kg

warm up
3x80m gradual accels
1x incline flying 50 (5.9)

feeling pretty decent apart from a bit of hamstring/back tightness that is already subsiding. got a couple of VAL races on the weekend, then masters games the week after. those are my last 2 official meets before stawell.

also, analyse these…

don’t know how I missed this, sorry. WELL done on the PB and performances. :cool:

Re the pics, top one looks like from 100m but see your eyes? You appear to be looking about 10m ahead instead of more in a straight outlook which could be pulling chin down.

Next one plenty (too much) shoulder rotation which is putting your L arm accross your centre line, that is 1/2 way up and it is already there and look how far behind you your R arm is but then in next one it isn’t far enough accross (although aware running the bend), I’d work on getting consistency even practicing arm action in front of a mirror. Try and get toe up before contact.

Over all pretty good though and the final judgment is your times which are progressing well. :slight_smile:

not sure what you’re getting at about the eyes and chin. :confused:

regarding the arm across the body, I’ve noticed that I do that a bit on videos ( 0:15-0:26. sorry it’s not a better view, but the cameraman is incompetent! ;)). I’ve worked on it a bit in the mirror, as you suggested, and it’s never actually done that. must be different when I’m moving. about that particular picture, though, I suspect I may have actually been slowing down as I crossed the line. it just looks to me as though I might be pulling up, so the effect might be exaggerated in that picture…

that’s why you need those binoculars :p…right top picture after you put also anlayse these… see your eyeballs? extend a line from then and it appears to be about 5-10m in front of you at approx a 45 deg angle rather than more dead straight ahead. Hope THAT makes sense (and I’m right :slight_smile: )

yeah, I see what you mean, but my head appears to be pretty upright to me. does it look to you as though my chin is too low?? :stuck_out_tongue:

I agree in that pic it looks ok and it may well be, my post said You appear to be looking about 10m ahead instead of more in a straight outlook which could be pulling chin down.

fair enough. I’ll try and keep my eyes up in the future.

I guess I just want to be sure the ground is actually still there, given all the earthquakes we’ve been having here… :wink:

upper body weights
2x flying 30
2x 30m blocks

got my hands on some 12mm spikes the other day. tried them out this evening to get used to them. there was a bit of fiddling around in the blocks to get into a decent position, but generally speaking it’s all good…

victorian masters games
100m: 12.28s, +1.7w, 4th
victorian masters games
60m: 7.80s, NWI, silver
200m: 25.33, -1.1w, bronze

I buggered the start of the 100m, but came home pretty strongly. unfortunately I still missed out on the bronze by .11s, so I was a bit annoyed about that. later I reflected on what went wrong and I concluded that my blocks were set too low. on the second day of competition I had the pads on a steeper angle and it helped my start tremendously.

here are a couple of videos:

I was pretty tight in the right glute on sunday and nearly bailed on the 200. pretty glad that I didn’t, though…

so were you pleased with that?

Re blocks standard is front on lowest and back 1 up.

yeah, that doesn’t work for me. I do much better with the front up one and the back up two.

pretty happy, I guess. my 200 form has been rubbish recently, due to the lack of longer runs at training (shin splints), so the 200m time was pleasing, but I was disappointed not to have gone a bit quicker in the 100. the 60 I was quite happy with. I think it was a good run…

70m (8): 7.89s (adj 7.90s) 5th
100m (7.5): 11.27s (adj 11.42s) 5th

extremely happy with my 100m time where I got a blazing start. really enjoyed the whole weekend and I’m really hoping I can make it back next year when I’m faster…


That would have been fun, what does the adjusted time mean? :confused:

non-winning runners can progress through the rounds if they are in the ‘x’ next fastest times. for this reason, all times are adjusted according to the wind for that heat. so if your time is adjusted upwards it means you had a tailwind, or downwards for a headwind…

2008/09 summer goals (electronic)
100m: <12s - 12.03s
200m: <24.5s - 25.25s

I came very close to achieving my 100m goal, but I’d say that 11.2s for 92.5m on grass would probably translate to sub-12, so I’m calling that a pass. in regards to the 200, shin splints restricted the amount of tempo training that I was able to do, so I didn’t even get close to that one. in fact, I was slower than last season.

overall I’m pretty happy with how things went in my second season. my hamstring problems are fading into the distance and I was getting faster with every race after christmas and managed to win 4 medals in 2 masters games. highlight of the year had to be stawell, though. it’s something I’ve wanted to b part of for a long time and I’ve finally done it.

I’ll be starting up a new journal now, but since my move to sydney I haven’t had as much time to devote to my nerdish pursuits, so I’ll probably only update every week or so and not with much detail.

thanks again to everyone here who has assisted me and given me advice this season. all of it is appreciated. :slight_smile:

bring on 09/10…

don’t you mean sub 12?

Why the move to Sydney? :confused:

yes. edited.

because of this…