analyse this

Burns and Powell caught absolutely flat-footed.

Whats going on here?

Savannah Sanitoa ASA 14.23 (SB) 0.146

From the looks of it they are trying to show the joe public how fast 9.58 seconds is…you race the card board cut out of Usain.

thanks that what i thought but wasnt sure, that guy isnt doing too bad :rolleyes: …except that the first cone was probably the start

That’s a damn good idea. They should put those at the NFL combine :slight_smile:

Ha - except that the general fan base (and probably the athletes) wouldn’t like seeing how slow their superstars are compared to UB. Their ideas of ‘football fast’ would be thrashed, and they’d have to forget it as quickly as possible.

Isn’t this like saying to Bolt: “Yes, but how far can you long jump and how well can you play the Cello?”
Come to think of it, lets get a Bolt cut-out for Carl as well!

How about a for the whities out there, Mr Norman, a white guy who got shi* *n by his federation because he got between two black guys at a medal presentation. He was pretty quick over 200m

I don’t understand what you mean here…

When Ben blew Carl away, Carl first started saying: “Yes, but I do other events, play the Cello, and sing.”
Sounds like the same shit on a different day, as if Bolt needs to long-jump to prove himself.

Or race Bekele over 600m.

I like this.

Did he play it the way he sang? :mad:

Carl’s rendition of the US national anthem sung in 1993

Try this one instead … Beyonce’s version (pretty special finale)

Nope, I prefer Carl! :stuck_out_tongue: