rogue trainer...

here’s a bit of a personal profile, for those who came in late… :stuck_out_tongue:

age: 30
height: 172cm
weight: 62kg
100m pb: 12.49s, -1.4w
200m pb: 24.7s, +3.9w
400m pb: 69.74s

2008 winter targets (hand timed)
30m: 4.3s
60m: 7.5s
80m: 9.5s
120m: 14.5
150m: 18s
250m: 32.5s

2008/09 summer goals (electronic)
100m: <12s
200m: <24.5s
400m: <65s

tuesday 19/02

shoulder swings 2:10 7kg
bent row 2:10 7kg
lateral raise 2:10 7kg
overhead press 2:5 7kg
bicep curl 2:5 7kg
overhead snatch 10:1 10kg

med ball crunches

  • chest to toe 2:20
  • overhead to to 2:10
    rev hypers 3:10
    lying knee raise 3:10


med ball crunches

  • chest to toe 2:20
  • overhead to to 2:10


shoulder swings 2:10 7kg
bent row 2:10 7kg
lateral raise 2:10 7kg
overhead press 2:5 7kg
bicep curl 2:5 7kg
overhead snatch 10:1 10kg

rev hyper 4:10
lying knee raise 2:10

chinese cupping


10x30m 50%
5x60m 60%
2x100m (18, 18)
2x150m (29, 28)
1x100m (18)

overhead snatch 1:10 10kg, 2:5 20kg
deadlift 3:5 30kg

med ball crunches

  • chest to toe 2:20
  • overhead to to 2:10
    rev hyper 5:10

getting back into weights for the first time in several months. I’m keeping it very light and probably won’t go too heavy at all - just increase the volume. I can get faster without going too heavy, and I find that a lot of my injuries occur when I am lifting, so I’m taking a safety first approach…

specifically which ones? :confused:

hamstring, mainly.

I’ve just got to be smarter about how and when I do it…


10x30m 50-60%
3x100m (18, 18, 18)
2x150m (28, 27)
2x100m (18, 17)

med ball throws

  • underarm x25
  • left x25
  • right x25
  • chest x25
  • oh bounce x10
    RH/RKR 4/3:10

some slight hamstring tightness left over from sunday, but didn’t restrict my running at all. I’m getting pretty good at pacing my tempo sessions. I’m aiming for 18s for the 100m (70% of 12.5s) and 28s for the 150m (70% of 20s). my plan is to gradually build up the volume without increasing the intensity. conversly, in my speed sessions the volume will remain the same and the speed will (hopefully :stuck_out_tongue: ) increase…

what surface are you doing tempo on? CF tempo is based on <75% of best time on that surface so if you are doing it on grass 12.5 is too quick, if you aren’t then why not? :stuck_out_tongue:

You did 30m tempo x 10.

I’m doing it on grass, but I’m doing 70%, not 75%…


warm up (for the benefit of dr. sprint :stuck_out_tongue: )
10x30m 50-60%
5x50m 60%
dynamic stretching

3x100m (18, 19, 17)
2x150m (26, 28)
3x100m (17, 17, 16)

medicine ball throws
underarm x50
left x15
right x15
crunch-throw x10

there was a fairly strong wind today, which probably accounts for the slightly erratic tempo. I always find that when I run into a wind I instinctively push a little harder and go faster than I intended. still, if we can handle this volume at this speed and into a firm headwind then we’re clearly ready to pump up the volume :smiley: .

we’ve both been finding that the plastic/rubber surface of my medicine ball has been wearing the skin off our fingertips, so we didn’t do as many throws as we intended. pete’s going to bring his own leather one next time.

another well balanced session. I feel good… :slight_smile:

speed sunday

warm up
8x30m 50%
2x60m 65%

3x30m (4.90, 4.71, 4.69)
5x stadium stairs (17 steps)

overhead snatch 1:5 10kg, 2:3 20kg
deadlift 3:5 30kg

a solid session today. nice temperature and not too much wind. gradually getting faster, so that’s good. ready to start increasing the number of 30m runs per session.

turns out my training partner has signed up for stawell in the 100m vets. he was offering to sign me up too, but unfortunately I can’t go this year… :frowning:

why not? :confused:

family reasons… :wink:

ahhhhhhhh…so no bids on EBay for the kids yet huh? :stuck_out_tongue:

haha, good one!
I was going to +rep you for that but computer said ‘no’. :stuck_out_tongue:


warm up

2x100m (18, 19)
2x150m (29, 29)
2x200m (39, 36)
2x100m (17, 16)

rev hyper/lying knee raise 3:15

we were both a little tight for this session today. I think I will leave out the weights after my sunday speed sessions and shift lower body weights to wednesday next week. that will give me three days to be fully recovered prior to my next speed session.

we branched out to 200’s today, and bumped up the volume a little. we didn’t intend to do more than 900m’s at the start of the session but we both loosened up as we went. core wise, I tried sets of 15 today, which gave me an extra little boost.

I need to be mindful of increasing the workload too quickly. we’ve both had hamstring injuries in the last 5 months, and we’ve been increasing consistently for a few weeks now. I think we both get a bit competitive between us on the track, which can be good because we push each other, but to overdo it now would most likely lead to another injury…


chinese cupping

warm up
dynamic stretching

2x100m (17, 16)
2x150m (26, 25)
1x200m (34)
1x100m (16)

warm down
2 lap walk
static stretching

this cupping thing is great! the last two days my quad has been so tight I was sure I wouldn’t be able to train this evening. I booked myself in for a session and by the time I walked out of there I couldn’t feel a thing. not even when I stretched it right out. :cool:

still decided to cut back a little on the volume tonight, although I was a little surprised about the pace we were setting until I realised afterwards that my training partner was wearing spikes! :eek:

our technical theme for the day was to run with a very still upper body. we both found that we ran much more efficiently when we concentrated on that one thing. I myself found that I automatically started to open my hands and bring them up more towards eye height. not a conscious decision, but obviously something I needed to do to achieve that particular cue…


25min fast walk, including hills.

speed sunday

warm up
8x30m 50%
3x60m 65%

2, 2, 1x30m (5.03, 4.84, 4.76, 4.76, 4.90)
stadium steps (17)
*2x technical
*2x technical + med ball
*1x deep jumps + med ball

bit of a disappointment on friday night. we had presentation night, and although I was lucky enough to receive a premiership medal, I got done for ‘best first year male’ by someone who I don’t think has performed as well as I have. points wise, I scored 350 and he got 280, and that doesn’t even account for the higher divisions that I got my points in. having looked closely at all the results, all I can conclude is that he won because he was ranked “higher” in his events than I was. the thing is, he competed in events that were only attempted by a small amount of people, such as the steeplechase, 3000m, 5000m and the walk. only one of his rankings was in the top 50%. a ranking of 9th out of 15 isn’t as impressive as 11th out of 30 (my 100m), in my opinion. or a ranking of 4th out of 11 versus 7th out of 35 (my 200m). also, I don’t recall him running in any relays.

now I’m pretty fired up and motivated to kick seven shades of butt next season. :mad:

anyway, had another fairly solid session today. started a bit slowly, but got a couple of good runs in…

Well done on your achievements anyway - medal or no medal. Perhaps they just think more highly of their distance runners there.
I have that problem a little at Knox Masters as there are only about 3 sprinters and about 40 distance runners.
I might even have a go at AV next year myself as i might be able to swing the free time on Saturdays.


similar situation here.

From what you posted though 350 versus 280, does seem odd. :confused:

I like now I’m pretty fired up and motivated to kick seven shades of butt next season.:wink:

I like now I’m pretty fired up and motivated to kick seven shades of butt next season.:wink:

I like that one too! - go kick some ass!



warm up

light tempo
2x100m (16, 17)
1x150m (26)
1x100m (17)

warm down
25min walk

I was pretty tight in the hammy today, so I didn’t push myself too hard. I’m finding that this warm up is still working for me, and coupled with a simple walk I’m getting better at loosening myself up. calves are a bit tight, though.

think I’ll ease off a bit on the track next week. maybe hit the weights a bit more…