power clean programs

so specific program templates like westside or smolov etc have their intensities and volume. Is there such a thing for power cleans or oly lifts in general. All i know is keep it under 3 reps per set. Also any ideas on working the second pull?

I’d ask Number2 or Mortac or Nap, all are likely to give you good answers on this.


You could use Prilepin’s rep guidelines as it was originally intended for programming of olympic lift programs-do a search for Prilepin. I know there’s a few related articles on elitefts.com and elsewhere.

For working the second pull you can do mid thigh pulls, pulls from the knee or slightly above, or clean grip shoulder shrugs(explosive with a leg kick started from the hang position)-these are both straight arm pulls-shrugs at the top. There are really no low rep limitations to such lifts as there are for the power or full versions of cleans/snatches, etc. You can do higher reps for these lifts for the second pulls-I’ve done up to 10 reps here. Dr. Mike Stone, who prescribes such lifts for olympic lifters, as well as track athletes, will go as high as 10 reps in his programs along with squats, classic olympic lifts for lower reps-as you said.


post 13&14


You could plot the whole thing out yourself, as was suggested, or you could use framework that has been set up already.
If you were to plot it out yourself, I strongly suggest reading R.A. Roman’s “The Training of the Weightlifter”, available through Bud Charniga at dynamic-eleiko.com.
If you don’t own the book already, this book offers an unbelievable breakdown of the old Soviet piece-meal system. It’s NOT an easy read, though, you could map out training in the olympic lifts for life using it. I believe it to be a must have for any strength & conditioning coach.

Another pair of books available there is by A.S. Medvedev, titled " A System of Multi-Year Training in Weightlifting". The first book explains the program, and provides the index of exercises used. The second book is actual workouts, progressing from the beginner through candidates for Master of Sport.
It could take you months to complete even the beginning workouts listed there.

A much more basic program is listed at the Queensland, Australia weightlifting club web site that is fine for beginners…

Good luck!


kelly b has a program that looks just like jud logan power clean program, you may want to give that a try.

Do you have a link to that one?


with a couple minor changes could be a great program for size, power, strength.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong because I’m much more well versed in other areas than olympic lifting, although I do know a fair bit.

If your looking to have better technique on the second pull then the 3 rep rule does not apply to you. That only applies to trainees who have their form settled and are looking to increase strength. IMO the best possible thing you can do is bar work (just the bar) with hang cleans. When your trying to develop basic motor skills, high repetition is best.

whats the 3rep rule? who says u cant go over 3rep in the ol’s? i think u can go 5reps but be smart with your %'s, dont do 5x5 at 80% but maybe 5x50, x60, 65, 70, 70 and this would probably be your first week or two of a cycle.

No, because technique changes as fatigue sets in, which interferes with motor learning. You want to stay as fresh as possible if strength is your goal, thus many sets of low reps. If you are only using O-lifts for conditioning then high reps are another issue.

you never use ol’s for conditioning so your post make no sense.

You’ve hever heard of doing complexes for conditioning (I mean higher than 3-5 reps per exercise)? You need to read more. Look up Javorek complexes or Crossfit protocols. Dan John’s stuff is good.

See this post for why O lifts should be low rep.
CT article excerpt from T Nation

I’ve found that 3-5 reps is best for teaching the lift. Give them 1 cue, have them perform their reps, then give them feedback and repeat. For me this has worked best.

maybe you need to read more bc CF has covered this topic before.


I didn’t say I agreed with Crossfit, I just stated why you shouldn’t do high rep O lifts for strength.

some throws coaches use cleans in the 8 rep bracket

In many o-lifting programs, the lifts are based around sets of 3. I’m not saying you can’t go over 3 reps!

RyanH, fatigue is not an issue with just the bar. If it is, then the client does not have anywhere near enough strength to even begin an olifting program. A typical olympic bar weighs 45lbs…

I had some big gains this past fall/winter off of 4-5 sets of 5 and linear loading. I pc’d 225 for 4 sets of 3 @ 165lb bw after a couple months. Nothing incredible, but decent I think. I didn’t do the programming and I thought it would be crap, but it worked.