Why dont you start doing fast squats or no squats?
im not doing any squats all im doing now is power cleans. But i have to take 4 steps back because i aggrivated an injury i thought was taking care of, which is my hip flexor. So now im just gonna use the week to do power cleans. I might take those grey things off my spikes and just leave the pins instead.
To clarify: Is Charlie saying that although the strength levels are constantly rising, the ability to display these strength levels in the weight room may not correspond directly? If so I can definitely see this in my training, with higher volumes of sprint and med ball work, the weights aren’t nearly as heavy they would be otherwise with lower volumes of sprint work. However, even with less weight being lifted, the stimulus remains the most important thing. If I wanted to display these strength levels in the weight room I would have to drop the important work (sprints, plyos, med ball) in order to display max strength. I guess what I have found is that you should always look towards the specific movement for the indicators of the efficacy of your training, rather than the general means by which you achieve those goals. After all, the weights are a means to an end.
Tremendous insight into your training. And yes, expression of your strength is critical only in where your performance requires it. From there, things are “means to an end”.
yea twhite i always thought like that, but my understanding was on the fatigue of the CNS, after intense sprinting and plyos teh priority and stress has been placed mainly on the CNS which to a sprinter is the most important thing, the weights which is used as tool comes secondary so doing it afterwards you are i think using up the amount of CNS energy left in the day so it will be expressed less thus you lift less or the weight you are used to lift will feel heavier. I guess when it comes to weight being used as a tool to express stimulus relative to sprinting or whatever other sport one should always focus primarily on the sport itself only way you gonna be good at it is to do it.